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Kethane Pack 0.9.2 - New cinematic trailer! - 1.0 compatibility update


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Cant wait for the new update!!

just want to show off my Minmus refueling depot. All my interplanetary ships will be stopping by here on their way out to get refueled either on the ground or in orbit


heres the monster satellite ive adopted after seeing Khaos's success with this method


I have two of these on route to Jool to replace my 0.7 tonne satellites orbiting Laythe and Vall, plus they are refuelable so can move to other bodies after they finish

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Cant wait for the new update!!

just want to show off my Minmus refueling depot. All my interplanetary ships will be stopping by here on their way out to get refueled either on the ground or in orbit

I also thought about that, but isn't it better to do so at the Mun? Gravity is higher, but Minmus' orbit is quite inclined so You use more delta-V to align orbit, and injection burn takes actually more due to low orbital speeds that far out.
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it costs me 1200 total dV to get landed on minmus from LKO, it costs more than that to land on the mun including the 30-60m/s refine closest approach burn to minmus. the low gravity makes up for any and all inclination change plus its so far from kerbin that your saving the extra fuel for the next burn to interplanetary space!

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The kethane deposits are the same here as every other planetary body :) I actually edited the kethane.cfg to add 20x more in each deposit so I can keep using the ones on the equator instead of having to move from deposit to deposit as I drain them.

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Will we still be able to edit deposit size without having to use the debug tool to respawn a new one under us? I know part of the challenge and balance is having to move to different deposits when they run dry, but for convience sake I much prefer my minmus deposits not move or run dry lol

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Below is a shot from the current dev build. The 2D scanning code has been ripped out to make way for the new.

snip image

That looks like deposits will be larger, making landing on them easier. Which I'd like certainly. As it's now lesser pilots are pretty much forced or encouraged to use mechjeb, but that's not the Kerbal way.

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The biggest improvement is that you can actually see where the deposit is on the surface. I think the deposits were roughly the same and they were fairly easy to land on the bigger the body is. It was just that there was no way to directly see their location and pick a site that has enough margin for error, especially if you had just a "rough" mostly incompletely scanned map.

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Had an idea - you could show multiple resources per hex on this map by dividing the hex up into wedges of different colours.

The only issue with wedges is that it would be limited to a certain number of resources it could show then. I agree being able to see overlapping deposits would be really useful though, just not sure how :P

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Below is a shot from the current dev build. The 2D scanning code has been ripped out to make way for the new.


Nice! How are you handling displaying overlapping resources? We'll be able to hover over a deposit and see location, size, depth, etc?

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How are the deposit densities showing? As in the earlier build, with varying from green to white in each hex? Are the Hexes roughly corresponding to a pixel in the current minimap? My guess is it's fairly close as with the rounding at the poles that would give quite a lot of hexes in one map. It looks like the hexes are bigger than the old pixels, but I'm betting they aren't.

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Will we still be able to edit deposit size without having to use the debug tool to respawn a new one under us?

The deposit save format will remain the same. 0.7 will only change how scan maps are saved.

How are you handling displaying overlapping resources? We'll be able to hover over a deposit and see location, size, depth, etc?

Yes, all known information about resources will be displayed on mouseover. I'm not sure yet what other information (size, center, etc) will be available, but at the very least, the quantity of scanned resources will be there. (Computing the area under a cell is actually quite a bit harder than you'd think!)

Had an idea - you could show multiple resources per hex on this map by dividing the hex up into wedges of different colours.

I had this concept as well, but it would require modifying the mesh and the whole thing isn't flexible enough for that right now.

How are the deposit densities showing? As in the earlier build, with varying from green to white in each hex? Are the Hexes roughly corresponding to a pixel in the current minimap? My guess is it's fairly close as with the rounding at the poles that would give quite a lot of hexes in one map. It looks like the hexes are bigger than the old pixels, but I'm betting they aren't.

Brighter green indicates higher quantity.

The old map was 256x128 pixels, or 32,768 "cells" in total. The geodesic grid has 10,242 cells.

An average geodesic cell is 441.7 km^2. This holds true everywhere; cells do vary a little, but there's no trend along latitudes or longitudes that makes cells larger or smaller. At the equator, a 2D map cell is about 430 km^2. At the poles, cells are clustered and are closer to 15km^2 each (very rough estimate).

So, at the poles, the cells are much larger than before, but that's okay. There was way too much resolution at the poles before anyway. This new map also makes it very obvious why you shouldn't just go for a straight 90-degree polar orbit; you'll find yourself rescanning the same handful of polar cells over and over again.

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That reminds me of the ME 2 resource scanner with less probing the surface.


Well done old bean.


one issue with the old 0.6.6(?) version for me was that it lagged the game half to death just being there.

If it is not already, could you work at resolving this issue?

Edited by Galacticruler
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one issue with the old 0.6.6(?) version for me was that it lagged the game half to death just being there.

You'll have to be a bit more specific! What situations cause lag? Any errors showing in the debug log? What hardware are you running? What other mods? What sorts of rockets are you flying and where?

Any other features coming in 0.7, Majiir? Or is the scan map the big thing? :)

The scan map is a challenging feature, so it's the primary attraction. There are also some particle performance fixes and other minor improvements that will make it in, but I'm only working on those when I get bored/frustrated with the map. My plan is to release as soon as the new map is ready, regardless of whatever other items remain.

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How well does the Kethane Particle system work for custom engine fx? I guess it would be easy to get it to turn on and off, but what about throttle response?

Quite well. You can change any of the particle parameters on the fly, so for an engine you could change its emission rate. This is how the electrical generator exhaust effect works.

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I know loads of other people are telling you how awesome it is that you're pushing this map overlay system... but I figure one more voice can't harm!

Stuff like this really enhances the stock game, and shows us how the game can grow. Well done man. Wish I had your skill in these matters.

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Hey Majiir! I've already asked this question here, but it looks like you didn't notice it. Are you planning to add an option to allow explicit set up of resource deposits?

If you mean manual placement, this isn't possible with the current deposit system. If/when I revamp that system to support multiple generators and storage formats, this will become possible.

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