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How to make kerbal space program run faster?

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Okay. I have a problem.

Kerbal space program always lags. Unless i look at the sky. Which sucks to do. Because i don't know where im flying. Here are my specs.

CPU: Amd Athlon 64 x2 3800+ 2.00 ghz.

Ram: 3 gb ddr1 ram

Graphics card : amd radeon express 200

I really just want to play the game.

Im upgrading my amd radeon express 200 to a

( Geforce 8500 gt that has a 600 mhz core and 1000 memory clock. But i have to find out how to put it in because the metal piece in the front won't get in. And my thing where i put where the vga is. The cover for that output. is missing but the piece at the top of the plate that is bended won't go in and is blocking the gpu from sliding in its slot...)

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Well you can go into grapics setting and turn down the shadow cascades and pixel count or whatever its called you can also turn off SM3 shaders and terrain scatters

and you dont HAVE to make a huger spaceship a huge spaceship will lag almost any computer up. Lastly dont play in fullscreen mode i have found just from experiance that if your not in full screen you will get less lag.

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You and I are in a similar situation. I have a slightly better CPU and a little more RAM, but not much, and I lag pretty badly around 100 parts. I've found that pausing frequently gives the game time to catch up, giving you 15-20 seconds of lag-free play. I've also found that exiting all other programs helps as well. Also, go back to the space center whenever you change SoI. Something about SoI changes has a nasty effect on framerate, I'm guessing its a memory leak.

You could get Cheat Engine and use it to slow down KSP. It will play slower, but it will be a stable speed, so you'll get much better framerate. I haven't done that yet, as I'm working on upgrading my PC

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The radeon xpress 200 Is almost as low end as it gets as far as video hardware. (it's better than old integrated intel graphics chipsets, but only barely) You can't really blame the devs for KSP performing badly using it.

KSP actually doesn't really have that high of GPU requirements. if cards meet the shader requirements, they'll usually run the game adequately. Most of KSP's gruntwork is done the CPU instead with the physics calculations.

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I've done some more poking around under the hood' lately. I'm no longer completely sure the lag they gave us in 0.15 is directly a gfx issue. Using plugins to have a little tête-à-tête with PQS(The part of KSP that creates square terrain from a spherical planet), I'm starting to think it's either a setting that's never properly "set" in the code, or it's the "beaches" that are created presumably by land/water contact.

It may/may not be "something in the water" exactly, but the new terrain system we got in 0.15 definitely kills FPS for a lot of us. 0.14 cleared up ALL lag, but 0.15 made it worse than it was in 0.13.

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  • 9 months later...

I know a pretty good solution. I have a very very VERY s#!%%y laptop when it come to gaming. i have about 8 gigs of ram, and the game works fine. all i did was turn all the options to low the game still runs at about 40 fps. the lowest being 14 and the highest being 60. the game still looks good and nothing much has changed.

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