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A Formal Greeting, Finally.

Kimera Industries

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Ok, so I was looking through the Welcome Aboard section and saw that @iamn00b and @TwoCalories made one of these despite having used the forums for a while, and was inspired to make my own.

Hi! I'm Kimera Industries, and I have been playing KSP for at least... um... a year, I think? Steam has done a horrible job of keeping track of how many hours I've logged, but if I had to guess, it'd be around a thousand. Maybe more. My computer is far from the best, but I make do. To make the game playable, I made a lot of sacrifices in my graphics, which is why all my screenshots look like they are from pre-alpha KSP. :D My most impressive mission is my Jool 5, and I'll finish my mission report for it in a bit. I'd like to thank @Kekkie for posting a thread that led to my very first interaction on this forum and boosted my confidence here a lot! 

I haven't touched my career save ever since it crashed. In theory, I could load it up again just fine, but career mode has fallen out of favor for me a lot. I just don't like the way it handles... everything. I like science mode a lot more. I enjoy seaplanes, *a lot,* but KSP's water physics makes for some sad ends to potentially awesome projects. My best seaplane was my recreation of the Mayo Composite. Don't know why I ever gave up on that...

Like many players, I went into KSP not knowing anything about anything and immediately killed Jeb and Val. After learning how to use dark magic to revive them, I took the time to play through the tutorials and actually began playing the game. It's all been uphill from there, I guess. My mission report Wrong Red Moon is probably my greatest motivator to play KSP 50% of the time. I like learning about Soviet space history, and alternate histories.

Ask me anything you want to know!

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30 minutes ago, iamn00b said:

Heyo! Thanks for the mention. Welcome aboard!

What is the most effort-intensive mission you've done in KSP?

Definitely my Jool 5. It was very stressful, and the most nerve-racking part was when I somehow had to rendezvous with the mothership around Laythe and ended up doing a terrifying aerobrake. Not to mention the hours I spent trying to set up gravity assists.

Second would be my Duna mission, but that's nothing in comparison.

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