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GeForce Now


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  • 2 weeks later...

So, the thing with running KSP2 on a game service such as GeForce Now is that at the heart of it, you're running the game on someone else's computer. And the company that owns that computer has to enact certain policies that lock down the computer so that all you can do is play that game.  Because otherwise hackers and criminals would hack them and use their compute resources for nefarious purposes.

This means you don't get access to the file system. This means no mods.

I can live without most mods, but I can't imagine playing KSP2 without at least Micro Engineer installed. 

So on the one had, yeah I was originally sad not to see KSP on GeForce Now, as I'm an Ultimate subscriber. But then I also realized I would be playing a more frustrating version of the game, so I'm okay with that.

Also, my day-to-day computer is as beefy as GeForce Now's Ultimate servers. It would still run laggy. The bottleneck is not the video card, it's how the game utilizes the CPU. Until those Unity/CPU optimizations occur, we won't be rid of either the time dilation effects or sluggish response times. 

Edited by rogerawong
wrong name of mod
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