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Cable Modems


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Ok so i have a problem. My cable modem keeps losing contact with my provider. Its been unstable since New Years. Ive no idea how old it is. I first thought this to be internet outages on provider side. Now im not sure. My neighbor uses the same provider i do and his internet he says is currently up. Mine as i sit here is still indicating offline. Power light is solid, DS/US light is blinking at 1 pulse per second, Online light is off. 2.4G and 5G lights are solid. Tel1 and Tel2, MoCA and Battery lights are off. 

anyone have any idea what might be going on? Also when it DOES connect it tends to be stable and when i check data rates via my phone they are 95% of the time what im expecting to see. Sometimes they are slower but that is not frequent.

again my cable modems lights are in the state described at the time of posting. I fully expect at some point be it 10 minutes or an hour or 96 hours to see my modem reestablish contact. But is this thing going bad?


btw it started this episode at 1841

update: 2 hours 6 minutes no improvement. Please help me understand whats going on here. I really dont want to go to my provider to swap modems because then ive got to rebuild my wifi network.

204901162024 2h8m and no improvement

9h7m and 1 reboot of my cable modem no return of internet. The cable modem rebooted normally as expected/hoped but no return of service. I really need advice guys. Is this my cable modem or a provider issue?


9h16m and it deigned to return… advice still sought. Please help me to understand whats going on.


Edited by AlamoVampire
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weather likes to play havoc on external runs, moisture gets in, you get freezing, contraction of the metal, corrosion, etc, all of which change the conductive properties of the cable. last time i had a problem like this i called the cable company and they increased the signal, they didn't even have to send a guy out. 

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@Nuke interesting. The last 2-3 days we have been under a hard freeze warning. In my area we dont normally drop into the 20s let alone the teens and at 0600 when my neighbor went to work he was showing 17°f and me i was showing 19°f. Im going to keep an eye on this as the week goes on but i have my cable account data ready should i need it. Im hoping its like your situation. The moment im forced to change modems i lose one part of my life my deceased friend and brother from another had setup way back when and frankly as stupid as it sounds i dont want to lose what he set up for me. I hope this stabilizes.


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infrastructure is a weird thing to be sentimental about. especially when the cable company wants to upgrade and wants their gear back in exchange for something newer. they will usually want to keep the existing coax runs though and will opt to boost the signal because apparently that's something they can do from the office. in the olden days they would have to send a guy to physically change the attenuator, which is used to limit the signal. they would send a really strong signal and have to reduce it based on the length of the runs, number of boxes on the line, etc.  but now that's all software controlled.

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@Nuke i know its weird to be sentimental about, but as long as its functional to me its as if some part of my best friend is still at my side gaming with me. He was my best friend for nearly 30 years before he passed suddenly in august 2020. As of now its still working…for now


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