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Having many save files makes Esc menu laggy

Anonymous Bug Reporter

Bug Report

Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Win 10 | CPU: i7-6700K | GPU: GTX 1070 | RAM32 GB


Esc menu is laggy and every day it become worse. I had 720(240*3) files in saves directory. I removed old saves, it helped. Even loads on splash screen became 2-3 times faster, like it was when i started to play. I think it might be an issue with many save files.

Edited by The Space Peacock
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yes, I have the same issue. I have the feeling that maybe the game should clean up old saves, a bit like BG3 does it, where you set the total number of quicksaves and the total number of autosaves. If the player wants to keep a moment, they can always do a manual save.

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Can confirm. Having many files in the Saves folder on Load or Save has the game going "Wait, wait! I need to count all of these files, grab info and thumbnails from all of them, and then display them! Okay, now you can have your game back." Is this really necessary?

To correct this I had to select all of my quicksaves and throw them into a backup sub-folder to get them out of the root, but honestly deleting them is a better step.

I really despise it when developers decide for you that "quicksaves don't fit our vision of how you should play our game." It's obtuse, non-customer-focused, and frustrating, and can lead to a corrupted save destroying your hours of effort. (See Oxhorn's live, randomly destroyed play-through of Jedi: Survivor).

So I really appreciate that KSP2 allows for manual, auto, and quicksaves -- especially with the current state of the game. But maybe quicksaves should be limited in some way. Ten, or a bit more? Or let us configure that? And then rotate back around and re-use them once the limit is reached.


Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: Yes | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Ryzen 9 5900x | GPU: EVGA 3090Ti | RAM32Gb at 3600

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I think I've narrowed down a VAB lagging problem I have had to the Color Presets mod. Its settings file "ColorPresets.json" seems to run amuck, with hundreds of copies of the same presets. I'm not sure what sets it off. But if I delete the file, or prune it back to the three presets I saved, and then start KSP2, the lagging is gone. That settings file had over 8,000 lines the last time I wiped it out.

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