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The Challenge in this challenge is simple - build something that can classify as a space carrier.

For a craft to classify as a carrier it must fit the following criteria:

1 - It must be in space. To fill this criteria the craft must just be able to reach orbit in any way possible

2 - It must be a carrier. The craft must carry smaller craft that can be launched AND retrieved.

Now, for competitions sake I have deduced the following scoring system:

- You will gain points for the versatility of the craft. 10 points for Kerbin orbit, 20 for Mun orbit, 30 for Minimus orbit and 60 for each planet you can reach from there on (say you go from Kerbin to Duna to Eve, that would be 120 points)

- You will gain 10 points for every craft the carrier can carry.

- You will gain points if you can prove stock ascent into orbit. This means that if you can prove that your carrier lifted of from the KSC and achieved orbit using stock propulsion and fuel you will have +50 points. Not doing this will mean a -50 point deduction.

Please note that mods are not only allowed, but necessary and I would like to encourage them. If you can build a carrier that can carry 10 craft with Ion engines, orbital construction, etc. go ahead!


1 -

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4 -

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I've been working on just such a ship. The mission involves an interplanetary carrier vessel taking a docked heavy lander to Duna and conduct double Duna/Ike landing. The two ships will then dock together again in Duna orbit and the interplanetary vessel will carry the lander back to Kerbin. Currently the mission is 1/3 done. I've performed aerobreaking and the combined spacecraft have successfully settle down into a Duna orbit. Once the landings and transfer back to Kerbin are complete I'll do a full write up of the mission. But here are some shots of my Interplanetary Vessel Thunderchild in action:

(Only mods involved are ORDA, Erkle docking claw and protractor. I'll be happy to post the craft file if you want to varify)


IPV Thunderchild at liftoff.


Thunderchild burning for orbit with its main engines and the last two asparagus boosters, shortly after stage 3 separation.


IPV Thunderchild waiting in orbit after launch. It uses slightly over 1000L of onboard fuel to reach 100KM LKO after separation from booster.


Heavy Planetary Lander Tiger Moth burning for orbit to meet up with Thunderchild


Tiger Moth and Thunderchild docked in LKO, waiting for refueling from tanker rocket


Exotanker-E class tanker rocket coming into dock with Thunderchild.


Together Thunderchild and Tiger Moth proceed to take on about 2000L of fuel and 130L of RCS fuel from the tanker rocket while perform inspection of Tiger Moth's landing gears. Refueling complete, Exotanker-E proceeds to undock from Thunderchild and successfully deorbits.


Fully fuelled, Thunderchild and Tiger Moth waits in LKO for 3 days for the Duna transfer window. Once Duna phase angle and Kerbin ejection angle aligned, Thunderchild's engines roar into life, sending both spacecrafts into a solar orbit.


17 days and two course correction burns later, Thunderchild report Duna intercept confirmed


"Thunderchild to KSC, we have visual on the target!"


Thunderchild and Tiger Moth enters Duna's SOI and prepairs for inclination correction and aerocapture burn. Secondary target Ike is visible in front of Duna.


Prograde equatorial orbit is confirmed and aerocapture set with 12,500m periapsis set. Sir Isaac Newton is now in the driving seat.


Thunderchild and Tiger Moth blazes through Duna's atmosphere during the aerocapture. Aerocapture was successful and we've achieved a 320,000km apoapsis.

That's where I was upto last night. Tonight I'll be working on circularising the orbit at 100km and perform final inclination adjustment. Then after that it's Duna landing.

Edited by Temstar
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working on it, i plan on visitning every planet in teh system, meeting up with a refuelling vessel of same type as the forward section, ive previously placed in orbit and docking to refuel, before travelling outward to the next planet.


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  • 6 months later...

Well, two weeks ago I built the Endeavour. I'd call her a science vessel, but she's a Space Carrier aswell. Her three Probes Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria were never retrieved although it would have been possible.


This is Endeavour docking at 'Saft Base' - a unmanned fuel-station in LKO, especialy build for the mission.


She is still missing her probes...


This is Endeavour in fight configuration, ready for TJI (trans Jool injection), now with her three Probes clearly visible.


Aerobreaking in Jool atmosphere.


Endeavour will explore Jool, while her probes will land on Laythe.


This is Nina, shortly before re.....before entry in Laythe athmosphere.


And...well, she was only slightly off target - but all her instruments still work.


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Here is my Mothership WIP...

Currently burning to Jool. Mechjeb is almost necessary simply because when the mothership is active, my FPS drops to 1-2 frames every 5 seconds.

Everything is completely stock except for quantum struts, which I needed for the orbital assembly.

It currently carries 2 landers, each carrying a rover, capable of landing in either atmosphere or vacuum, and enough DeltaV to get back into orbit from most bodies.

Currently carrying 4 GPS / Science / MapSat satellites, destined to map the entire Jool system.

Carries 10 Kerbals.

Here are some teaser shots, as well and the album link.




ALBUM: http://imgur.com/a/As2FO

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I am currently running a Grand Tour of the Kerbol system. The carrier has one lander and one rover. The rover can land and take up from all but Tylo, Eve, Kerbin, and i think Laythe. The large lander can take off from all bodies other than Eve.


Please check it out! :)

Edited by erendrake
adding picture
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Although Moriarty Industries is relatively new among the Kerbal space agencies we managed yesterday to launch our own space carrier. Neither the biggest, nor the most beautiful but it's a start. It will basically serve as a transport for equipment and personal between moons and planets. Currently parked in a circular LKO.

It features 5 docking ports, long range communications equipment and 5 cans of finest fuel for the 8 engines. 4 nuclear jets for long range travel and 4 normal jets for quick maneuvers and for takeoff. Might jettison the normal ones, they were needed for the final shot into the LKO and might just be dead weight. Also provides energie for docked modules. The middle two docking ports are connected via a tube so that 2 manned modules can be docked that can exchange kerbalnauts without EVA. The upper ports are best used for unmanned probes, rovers and the like.

The carrier itself is unmanned and operated remotely from our control room at KSC.


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I intend to build a space carrier and I am going to take inspiration from eve and build the nidhoggur

external view:


View From front showing hanger area


this is a very large project and ive only been playing for a couple days now (just about to start building my first space station based on the minmitar control tower)

started planning out the different sections needed to get this into space and look as close to this as possible

Intend to have docking for 4-10 small spaceplanes(depending on final size of the carrier) to fit within the hanger area and along the side panels space for 2-4 large crafts

Will keep you updated :D

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