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Center of pressure is not centered left-to-right on planes when placing wings with it enabled (Visual bug, corrected upon retoggling)

Anonymous Bug Reporter

Bug Report

Reported Version: v0.2.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Win11 | CPU: i7-12700K | GPU: RTX 3060 12GB | RAM64GB


Center of pressure is not centered left-to-right on planes.  It will favor whichever wing I place first in symmetry mode.  For example, if I place the right wing first, the center of pressure will be off-center to the right.  Vice versa for the left wing.   It appears to be causing my plane to wobble left-right when my plane gets up to speed on the runway.  CAS is turned off.



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Edited by DibzNr
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This seems to be strictly a visual bug caused by placing the wings with the COP visualiser already enabled, toggling the COP visualiser off and then on again causes it to correctly recenter, OP's mention of the plane wobbling left/right on the runway is most likely an issue with their landing gear placement rather than an aerodynamic issue.

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