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Is Kerbin's physical characteristics wrong?


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I found Circumference and Rotation Velocity data of Kerbin in Tracking Station. It says that Kerbin has 7.56 AU circumference (so 1.134 e+12 meters), and 21549 m/s rotation velocity.

If I didn't get it wrong, this means that one Kerbin day is 14000+ hours. This can't be right. Was the data wrong? Or maybe I got something wrong? 

I'm enjoying on calculating GEO and so on now. So if anyone knows the real data, please correct me. Thank you~

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9 hours ago, MechBFP said:

Lowest bidder contractor

"Green-field programmers" always think they can do a better job just rewriting other people's code, pronto too!, saving themselves the pain of understanding the original.

On top of that, they think their code will be oh-so-much-more-maintainable by others, after they move on -- to greener pastures.

The above is pretty much the psychological basis for "the Six Phases of a Project":

  1.     Enthusiasm
  2.     Disillusionment
  3.     Panic
  4.     Search for the guilty
  5.     Punishment of the innocent
  6.     Praise and honors for the non-participant

Not pointing at any particular people in this instance, but I never could understand the motivation to "rewrite" KSP to, what?, "make it snazzier", or more "bug-free"...  come on.

The only justifiable reason I can see for a full rewrite would have been to get the heck off Unity and into some potentially multi-threaded environment.

"Just my ugly opinion", as usual, and first to advertize it.

Edited by Hotel26
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