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NGC 5679 Skybox [1.12.x]


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Hello! This is my first "mod" (it's just a texture pack). It's an add-on for TextureReplacer that makes the skybox look like it would if you were in the galaxy NGC 5679C, the smallest member of a triplet of galaxies known as NGC 5679 or Arp 274. You can open the spoilers to see what it looks like (it's really something!!). It contains exactly 6 image files and nothing else. The images are 4096x4096, and the mod is 101MB. The images were created with SpaceEngine.

In-game screenshots taken:



As seen from Map View


NGC 5679A and B reflected through Valentina's visor as seen from behind Minmus


NGC 5679A and B as seen from behind Minmus


As seen from the surface of Minmus

Real image of the NGC 5679 triplet:



The skybox is set up so that we take place in NGC 5679C, the small leftmost irregular galaxy. You can read more about this group on its Wikipedia page.

Unfortunately, it was recently discovered that NGC 5679B, the large central member of the group, is much further than the other two and just so happens to be in the background. The other two may be close enough to eachother to be interacting slightly, but this is not significant, nor is the situation as cinematic as if it were an interacting triplet. Luckily for me and for you, I am completely ignoring this recent discovery because it is not as cool.

NGC 5679A and B are purposefully a bit dim-- this is because they would be difficult to see even at night from the naked eye, and because if I made them any brighter, the purplish-blue clouds of NGC 5679C would be too bright. I like it like this anyways-- a subtle skybox that matches the general feel of the stock one while being a lot more interesting, pretty, and high-quality.

If people request, I may make a brighter version or a version with different camera settings to make the other members of NGC 5679 more visible. I may also release other skyboxes in the future involving other cool galaxies.

It has only been tested on 1.12.5. It may work on versions below it seeing as it is exactly 6 image files, this depends entirely on TextureReplacer.

Interactions with other mods

This mod must be installed with TextureReplacer. It relies on TextureReplacer and whatever dependencies it may have. Without it, this mod will not work.

If you are using Distant Object Enhancement, it is recommended to tweak the dynamic skybox dimming settings, otherwise this skybox may be too dim to appreciate in normal situations. It was designed for use without DOE's dynamic skybox dimming feature enabled.

I have no clue what happens if you use this while another mod is also using TextureReplacer to create a custom skybox.


Github download link here!!!

  • This mod cannot be installed with CKAN because I don't know how to put it on CKAN (though I am interested in trying).
  • It is also not on SpaceDock or CurseForge because I don't know how to put it there either.
  • Currently, the only supported way to install it is a direct download from my Github: https://github.com/LittleBitMoreKSP/NGC-5679-Skybox/releases/tag/release

To install, ensure the NGC 5679 Skybox folder is located in GameData so that the structure is GameData > NGC 5679 Skybox > (TextureReplacer, README file, LICENSE file, etc.)

Final words

The license I chose is CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. SpaceEngine graciously allows me to use its exported images for free for noncommercial uses like this. Therefore, this work and its derivatives must be strictly noncommercial (hence NC and SA).

Here's a short summary of how to make a skybox exactly like this (mostly in case I forget later):

  1. Get SpaceEngine and find a nice location to take a skybox image set, and export the skybox using the built-in skybox exporting tool.
  2. Go to GIMP. Import the images you got from SpaceEngine. Export all images as .dds files with DXT5 compression. You also may need to rotate the bottom panel 180 degrees.
  3. Install TextureReplacer in your KSP install.
  4. Put them in GameData such that it is /GameData/(YOUR MOD NAME)/TextureReplacer/Default/(image files), this is all you should need to do to set up your texture pack.
  5. KSP should now run with your skybox. If the skybox does not show up, check KSP.log and Ctrl-F for your mod name. The most likely issue is that images were exported incorrectly, because .dds files are a pain.
  6. If you want to release it, make a README, make a LICENSE, and upload it somewhere.

This is my first time making a mod (even a rudimentary one like this) and releasing it to the public. If you have any recommendations, or if I uploaded it in an unusable state, or if I have accidentally gone against an addon posting rule, please let me know so I can amend it or improve the mod! Thank you!

Edited by LittleBitMore
Formatting, added link for TextureReplacer
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