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All my mods wont show up

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Do you use CKAN or Manually install?

Were these mods you played with before and they Vanished from once play to the next? 

Was this the first time you ever tried playing with them?

Did you try to reinstall them?

Usually a baseline of information will help people help you. I am not very good at this kind of stuff.

Generally the really smart people one here are not going to hop on here and ask you a ton of questions to get to the bottom of it.

This is an example of

Hey folks I need some help with my modded install. I recently Downloaded some Mods onto a fresh install of KSP

I use Ckan and it is showing several mods as "installed" but the do not appear in the folder "C:[filepath]/GameData

Since it is showing up as already being installed  in a predicament


This was of course an example and not your situation.. a baseline of info is required so insert your scenario

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3 hours ago, Fizzlebop Smith said:

Do you use CKAN or Manually install?

Those look like incorrect manual installs. None of those mods include their version numbers in their GameData folders.

OP, check out this tutorial to learn how to install mods:

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7 hours ago, stupid dumb idiot said:

Manual installs, ill check thanks for trying even if it didnt work

From the format of the folder names, I'm guessing you downloaded the source archives instead of the properly built release files. That would generally not contain the DLLs, which would make those mods not work. Here's the relevant screenshot from the tutorial:


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Posted (edited)

Thank you @HebaruSan for helping the poor lost souls seeking to experience KSP as it was truly intended.. w/ mods!


@stupid dumb idiot I recommend using Ckan as the definitive mod installer for all things Kerbal.

The "Comprehensive Kerbal Archive Network"  removes the user error from installing mods & vast majority of mods are available.

It makes sure proper dependencies are present and accounted for and most importantly.. the modloader ensure are file path / folder structures are prim and proper.

It has a version checker to not when mods are updated & if I am not mistaken... even does priority loading..because some mods benefit from being installed in a certain order.

The Link Herbaru Shared will provide instructions. I strongly recommend you choose the Ckan method.


Edited by Fizzlebop Smith
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