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[1.12.x] [Planet Pack] Outer Planets Expansion (OPX)

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Having returned from my vacation, I can continue work on the updates for OPX as well as the unreleased installments. JoolPlus will remain untouched for the moment until I figure out how to work with atmospheres, EVE and Scatterer compatibility, as that is the singular feature that needs to be added. SarnusPlus has no further specific objects planned, but I am working on its size increase to line up with the kerbalized Jovian world that I intend it to be. UrlumPlus needs to fix Pab's weird Kopernicus Expansion requirement that shouldn't be there, and add the three ring moons, but beyond that its just quality of life work. Finally NeidonPlus will be receiving updated scatterer compatibility for Neidon and Thatmo. DwarfPlanetsPlus currently contains one dwarf planet and its moon, and more will be added before release, as well.

10 hours ago, theogameren said:

Congratulations on the release of OPX-JoolPlus and OPX-SarnusPlus on CKAN!

Thank you!

On 7/30/2024 at 1:50 AM, Great Liao said:

Isn't pol an io analog, just a small one?

It, along with Bop, seem to be analogs for the far outer moons of Jupiter, although in stock they aren't nearly far enough away from Jool to achieve this. As such I chose to make it a stand-in for Themisto.

On 7/29/2024 at 10:59 PM, EngineeringEnjoyer said:

@The Minmus Derp Will you add a Lapetus analog to Sarnus, if possible? An Io analog for Jool would be cool too. 

Hewing too close to the real solar system stifles creativity in my opinion, so I'm keeping to OPX tradition of not making analogued objects identical to the things they are standing in for – Masmar is substantially more blue than Mimas, Slate is approximately ten times larger than a Rhea analog should be, Dathil is a mix of the features of three Uranian moons, Chymere is definitely not identical to Proteus, Nyla and Psei are a fair bit larger than Neso and also are a binary outer moon. So Laythe is alright for an Io analog already, especially given that in KSP the only interesting feature of Io are the miniscule lava pools and beyond that the challenge would be identical to places like Vall, Klip, and Thatmo. 

Edited by The Minmus Derp
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8 minutes ago, Mr. Kerbin said:

@The Minmus Derp , just thought of now. For OPX-SSM, why not more bodies in the Dres area? To make Dres a real  dwarf planet?  Or maybe add Harvest ?

I do include the option to relocate Minmus to one of a variety of locations after moving the Mun outwards to keep its eclipse capability after shrinking Kerbol, including as a Hilda asteroid. More bodies in the Dres area are provided by MPE and JMP, mods which the OPX suite is designed to work alongside, but I do have concepts of my own for a couple things. OPX-SSM is also not that close to completion I must confess so there is plenty of time to add things. 

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UPDATE PLANS for the near future! The Pab issue everyone's been complaining about will be fixed very soon! Hooray for our side. After that, I shall continue work on the Beast Sarnus and all that that entails, as well as the four asteroidal bodies planned for Urlum. SSM is closer to release than I thought, all I need to do is redo Loushine and Selbig because they were the first bodies I ever created and make sure everything works in PQS space.

The below outlines are ordered in the approximate order in which they will come out. They are not set in stone and should not be treated as such, particularly as you go down the list.

OPX-UrlumPlus v0.2.3

  • Pab should no longer be broken for some users with this update
  • Dathil biomes! This'll be fun and not at all frustrating to make!

OPX-SarnusPlus v0.3.0 "Beast"

  • Eightfold increase in Sarnus' gravity
  • Radius increase to 6991 km
  • New normal map that isnt just Jool's for some reason
  • Orbit modifications for all moons except Phabus which is perfect in every way
  • (Ideally) Replacement ring texture, hopefully including backlit, allowing multiple gaps for Vizak and Ryla to occupy
  • Hale orbits outside the ring system now because its shape doesnt make any sense for a ring moon

OPX-UrlumPlus v0.3.0 "Aster"

  • At least one of the planned four asteroidal bodies in the outline shall be added
  • OPM will be removed as an absolute requirement for mod functionality (although if its missing you won't have the original four moons, just Dathil, Lyxis, and the asteroids, until such time as I complete their remasters)

OPX-NeidonPlus v0.6.0 "Skies"

  • Janet has produced new scatterer compatibility for Neidon and Thatmo
  • OPM will be removed as an absolute requirement for mod functionality
  • Thatmo finally gets biome'd
  • Nissee receives a significant remaster

OPX-SSM v0.1.0 "Familiar Ground"

  • Kerbol gets a realistic remaster (dont get too close, I can't fix the blue on the surface)
  • Eve's inclination is reduced to 0.8 for gameplay reasons
  • Kerbin gets a touch of eccentricity
  • Mun receives a settings option to move it out to roughly Minmus' orbit, to maintain eclipses if the Kerbol realism patch is enabled
  • Minmus has three options for its position in settings: unchanged (only possible if Mun does not move), Kerbin Trojan, and Hilda
  • Loushine, a main belt asteroid in the vicinity of Dres, is added
  • Selbig, a gray-brown dwarf planet standing in for Hygiea, is added
  • probably more I'm forgetting lol

OPX-DwarfPlanetsPlus v0.1.0 "Uncharted Lands"

  • Garrath, a combined analog of Gonggong and 2003 AZ84, is added (VertexHeightOblateAdvanced will be needed)
  • Kerla, Garrath's high-inclination moon, is also added
  • @JoshTheKerbal's EelooMoons will support an alternate compatibility patch, placing Sar and Telsa in a position akin to Salacia and Acatea in the deep Kuiper Belt.
    • Given that this release would be fairly far in the future, I don't know how I'm going to make that work with the patch SarnusPlus comes with. I might just give them both to him and remove it from SarnusPlus' code so the settings would be in EelooMoons instead of a cursed link between two mods that may or may not be installed together.
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13 minutes ago, theogameren said:

I wonder when OPX-UrlumPlus screenshots will come.

Also, can you set up a poll for what planet WH-1341-A should orbit, cause it doesn't have to orbit only Jool or Sarnus. it can also orbit Urlum, Neidon, A rocky planet, or Kerbol.

I'm leaving that up to @Jason Kerman. He wants it to orbit Jool or Sarnus, so it orbits Jool or Sarnus. I'm not messing with that, this is just a patch to ensure that the game doesn't break when both mods are coexisting.

1 minute ago, theogameren said:

Also, again, Congratulations of keeping this thread stable in a month!

i did not know how to say that

Nah I get what you mean, thanks! I wasn't expecting this project to be this popular or successful!

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2 minutes ago, theogameren said:

I have to make a hard decision. if i'm gonna play better stock or allout modded. i haven't even gone to Duna yet!:P

Given that SSM doesn't currently exist yet I wouldn't bother grabbing OPX until you start to plan Jool missions, if thats what you're referring to.

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3 minutes ago, EngineeringEnjoyer said:

Can you create a wiki/database for this mod, so that planning missions becomes easier? 

I could see how OPM does its KSPedia stuff, sure! Fandom wikis shouldn't be too difficult either, but that will likely come in the future when things are less likely to drastically change between updates.

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