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[WIP] Chemical Technologies - A chemically-based resource overhaul


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In the interest of machines having specific uses and not ending up with a do-everything-machine equivalent to the old Convert-O-Trons, I've decided to split the chemical reactors up into a handful of machines which each has a set of closely related recipes.

In stock KSP, the big Convert-O-Tron is 100% efficient at converting mass and the small one is inexplicably 10x worse. This is a pretty weird way to balance them, so some mods give the small one its own benefits in the form of unique recipes. I always found this unsatisfying, if the small machine can do e.g. Ore → Fertilizer, why can't the big one?

In Immersive Conversion, all machines operate at the same chemical efficiency (usually 100%) regardless of size. Smaller machines have a couple of very useful recipes, while larger machines have the same recipes running at a higher energy-efficiency plus one or two extra recipes, and some types of machines have even larger, highly specialised versions. The benefit of small converters is simply that the are small, they are perfectly good for the recipes they offer.

On the smelting side, the trace-metal-from-Ore pipeline will similarly be split into two parts:

  • Sorting Ore to separate out small amounts of metal precursors which are not always directly harvestable, either because you don't have a specialised metal harvester or because you're on a body where these resources are so rare that they can't be harvested directly.
  • Smelting direct precursors into metals.


Chemical splitters

1.25m and 2.5m do electrolysis:

  • Water LqdHydrogen + LqdOxygen
  • LqdAmmonia LqdNitrogen + LqdHydrogen

2.5m additionally does electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide:

  • LqdCO2 LqdCO + LqdOxygen


Carbonaceous chemical reactors

1.25m and 2.5m deal with the easily obtainable CO₂ + H₂ in the Sabatier process and the reverse water-gas shift reaction:

  • LqdCO2 + LqdHydrogen LqdMethane + Water
  • LqdCO2 + LqdHydrogen LqdCO + Water

2.5m additionally handles CO + H₂ in the Bosch reaction and Fischer-Tropsch process:

  • LqdCO + LqdHydrogen Carbon + Water
  • LqdCO + LqdHydrogenLiquidFuel [low yield] + Water

3.75m(?) specialised Organics processor does:

  • OrganicsLiquidFuel [high yield]
  • OrganicsPolymers


Nitrogenous chemical reactors

1.25m and 2.5m do the Haber process:

  • LqdNitrogen + LqdHydrogen LqdAmmonia

2.5m additionally handles NH₃ +  O₂ reactions for propellant synthesis:

  • LqdAmmonia + LqdOxygen Oxidizer + Water
  • LqdAmmonia + LqdOxygen → MonoPropellant + Water


Ore sorters

1.25m and 2.5m can yield the two most readily available and useful metal ores:

  • Ore → Spodumene [low yield]
  • Ore → MetallicOre [low yield]

2.5m additionally yields trace amounts of rarer minerals:

  • Ore → RareMetals [very low yield]
  • Ore → ExoticMinerals [very low yield]



2.5m and 3.75m do Lithium and Metals smelting (note that the implied produced CO₂ is lost):

  • SpodumeneLithium
  • MetallicOre + CarbonMetals

3.75m additionally does direct carbon monoxide reduction (note that since it deals with liquids, the produced CO₂ is captured and condensed, so you could set up a closed-loop carbon cycle):

  • MetallicOre + LqdCOMetals + LqdCO2

5m(!?) plasma arc furnace does hydrogen reduction:

  • MetallicOre + LqdHydrogenMetals + Water


You might notice that many of these reactions produce Water as a byproduct. These will be provided as two recipes, one which just discards the Water, and maybe the electrolysis reactions will also have modes to discard either of the products.

Edited by Charle_Roger
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  • 3 weeks later...

Haven't posted any updates in a while, but I've still been hard at work. The scope of this mod has expanded into a whole suite of several mods which I'm now calling Immersive Chemicals, an overview of which can be seen in the original post. I'm almost ready to share the first pre-release versions of two of the mods:

  • Immersive Chemical Propulsion: Replaces stock LiquidFuel, Oxidizer and MonoPropellant with Hydrazine, NTO, Kerosene, LqdOxygen, and LqdHydrogen in various combinations. A soft alternative to RealFuels which aims to be Nertea-like rather than bloating the game with a thousand new bespoke resources.
  • Immersive Chemical Storage: Highly configurable tanks which store single chemicals, useful for chemical factories, rocket stages and giant spacecraft.
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First pre-releases at last.


Immersive Chemical Core 0.1.0

Configuration definitions used throughout the Immersive Chemicals suite of mods, required for Immersive Chemical Propulsion.

  • Pre-release
  • Added B9 tank types for stock propellants and a variety of Community Resource Pack resources intended to be used throughout the Immersive Chemicals mod suite:
    • Stock resources:
      • LiquidFuel
      • Oxidizer
      • MonoPropellant
      • XenonGas
    • Storable chemicals:
      • LqdAmmonia
      • LqdCO2
      • NTO
      • Hydrazine
      • Kerosene
      • Pentaborane
      • Water
    • Cryogenic chemicals:
      • LqdCO
      • Diborane
      • LqdFluorine
      • LqdHydrogen
      • LqdMethane
      • LqdNitrogen
      • LqdOxygen
  • Added CryoTanks boiloff configs for applicable B9 tank types:


Immersive Chemical Propulsion 0.1.0

An overhaul to the stock propellant system, replacing generic LiquidFuel, Oxidizer and MonoPropellant with a handful of real chemicals.
It should go without saying, but this should not be expected to work very well on existing saves, and since it's the first pre-release version it might not work very well on brand new saves either. Use at your own risk.

  • Pre-release
  • Add B9 tank types for new propellant combinations with mixture ratios designed to fit nicely in tanks while keeping in line with reality:
    • Bipropellants:
      • 2 Hydrazine / 3 NTO
      • 3 Kerosene / 5 LqdOxygen
      • 3 LqdHydrogen / 1 LqdOxygen
      • 7 LqdMethane / 9 LqdOxygen
      • 3 Pentaborane / 7 LqdFluorine
      • 3 LqdHydrogen / 1 LqdFluorine
    • Tripropellants:
      • 1 Kerosene / 4 LqdHydrogen / 3 LqdOxygen (equivalent to 1/3 kerolox + 2/3 hydrolox)
  • Changed LiquidFuel-only fuel tanks to Kerosene.
  • Changed MonoPropellant fuel tanks to Hydrazine.
  • Changed engines to use new fuel types:
    • All jet LiquidFuel/IntakeAir → Kerosene/IntakeAir
    • All nuclear LiquidFuel → LqdHydrogen
    • All MonoPropellant → Hydrazine
    • All LqdHydrogen/Oxidizer → LqdHydrogen/LqdOxygen
    • All LqdMethane/Oxidizer → LqdMethane/LqdOxygen
    • LiquidFuel/Oxidizer depends on the engine and mostly follows the real-life inspirations where applicable, some of which have corresponding changes to Isp for realism and balance:
      • Stock:
        • Hydrazine/NTO
          • LV-1R "Spider" Liquid Fuel Engine
          • 24-77 "Twitch" Liquid Fuel Engine
          • Mk-55 "Thud" Liquid Fuel Engine
          • LV-1 "Ant" Liquid Fuel Engine
          • 48-7S "Spark" Liquid Fuel Engine
          • LV-T30 "Reliant" Liquid Fuel Engine
          • LV-T45 "Swivel" Liquid Fuel Engine
        • Kerosene/LqdOxygen
          • LV-909 "Terrier" Liquid Fuel Engine
          • RE-I5 "Skipper" Liquid Fuel Engine
          • RE-M3 "Mainsail" Liquid Fuel Engine
          • LFB KR-1x2 "Twin-Boar" Liquid Fuel Engine
          • Kerbodyne KR-2L+ "Rhino" Liquid Fuel Engine
        • LqdHydrogen/LqdOxygen
          • S3 KS-25 "Vector" Liquid Fuel Engine [295-315s → 365-450s]
          • T-1 Toroidal Aerospike "Dart" Liquid Fuel Engine [290-340s → 380-430s]
          • RE-L10 "Poodle" Liquid Fuel Engine [90-350s → 180-460s]
          • S3 KS-25x4 "Mammoth" Liquid Fuel Engine [295-315s → 365-450s]
      • Making History:
        • Hydrazine/NTO
          • LV-T91 "Cheetah" Liquid Fuel Engine [150-355s → 150-315s]
          • RE-J10 "Wolfhound" Liquid Fuel Engine [70-380s → 70-330s]
        • Kerosene/LqdOxygen
          • RV-1 "Cub" Vernier Engine
          • RK-7 "Kodiak" Liquid Fueled Engine [285-300s → 285-320s]
          • LV-TX87 "Bobcat" Liquid Fuel Engine
          • Kerbodyne KE-1 "Mastodon" Liquid Fuel Engine
        • LqdHydrogen/LqdOxygen
          • RE-I2 "Skiff" Liquid Fuel Engine [265-330s → 200-420s]
      • Restock+:
        • Hydrazine/NTO
          • LV-303 'Pug' Liquid Fuel Engine
          • LV-T15 'Valiant' Liquid Fuel Engine
          • RK-1 'Trash Panda' Vernier Engine
          • RE-137 'Schnauzer' Liquid Fuel Engine [70-350s → 70-330s]
        • Kerosene/LqdOxygen
          • KR-1 'Boar' Liquid Fuel Engine
          • Mk-1H 'Torch' Liquid Fuel Engine
          • RK-107 'Ursa' Liquid Fueled Engine [285-300s → 285-320s]
          • Kerbodyne UR-1 "Galleon"" Liquid Fuel Engine
        • LqdHydrogen/LqdOxygen
          • RE-I2 'Caravel' Liquid Fuel Engine [265-320s → 200-420s]
          • KR-10A 'Corgi' Liquid Fuel Engine Cluster [95-355s → 110-465s]
      • Near Future Launch Vehicles:
        • Kerosene/LqdOxygen
          • KS-10AJ 'Walrus' Liquid Fuel Engine
          • KS-600AJ 'Manatee' Liquid Fuel Engine
          • KS-1M 'Otter' Liquid Fuel Engine [280-295s → 280-310s]
          • KR-1M-V 'Sphinx' Liquid Fuel Engine [260-330s → 230-350s]
          • KR-84 'Ocelot' Liquid Fuel Engine
          • KS-1E 'Goldfish' Liquid Fuel Engine [270-280s → 310-320s]
          • KR-1E-V 'Angora' Liquid Fuel Engine [250-320 → 220-340s]
          • KS-160 'Orca' Liquid Fuel Engine
          • KS-107 'Porpoise' Liquid Fuel Engine
        • Kerosene/LqdHydrogen/LqdOxygen
          • KR-701 'Cougar' Liquid Fuel Engine [295-345s → 330-415s (mode 1); 220-460s (mode 2)]
          • KR-74 'Lynx' Liquid Fuel Engine [298-345s → 355-405s (mode 1); 245-450s (mode 2)]
  • Changed MonoPropellant RCS to use Hydrazine
  • Changed LiquidFuel/Oxidizer RCS to use Hydrazine/NTO
  • Changed Near Future Launch Vehicles multimode bipropellant RCS to use Hydrazine/NTO, Kerosene/LqdOxygen, LqdHydrogen/LqdOxygen and LqdMethane/LqdOxygen
  • Replaced all Ore → MonoPropellant ModuleResourceConverter recipes to Ore → Hydrazine:
  • Replaced all Ore → LiquidFuel/LqdHydrogen/LqdMethane + Oxidizer ModuleResourceConverter recipes to the following:
    • Ore → Hydrazine
    • Ore → NTO
    • Ore → Hydrazine + NTO
    • Ore → Kerosene
    • Ore → LqdOxygen
    • Ore → Kerosene + LqdOxygen
    • Ore → LqdHydrogen
    • Ore → LqdHydrogen + LqdOxygen
    • Ore → LqdMethane
    • Ore → LqdMethane + LqdOxygen


Edited by Charle_Roger
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Immersive Chemical Storage 0.1.0

A set of highly configurable tanks for storing single chemicals. This mod can be thought of as an extension of CryoTanks and is intended to be paired with other mods which make use of the supported chemicals.

  • Pre-release
  • Added 2.5m configurable cylindrical chemical tanks:
    • "CT-2B 2.5m Basic Chemical Tank"
    • "CT-2H 2.5m Heavy-duty Cryogenic Chemical Tank"
    • "CT-2L 2.5m Lightweight Cryogenic Chemical Tank"
  • Added 3.75m configurable cylindrical chemical tanks:
    • "CT-3B 3.75m Basic Chemical Tank"
    • "CT-3H 3.75m Heavy-duty Cryogenic Chemical Tank"
    • "CT-3L 3.75m Lightweight Cryogenic Chemical Tank"
  • Added length switch to tanks.
  • Added model switch to tanks.
  • Added surface switch to tanks.
  • Added stock and storable tank types to basic chemical tank fuel switch:
    • LiquidFuel (requires absence of Immersive Chemical Propulsion)
    • Oxidizer (requires absence of Immersive Chemical Propulsion)
    • MonoPropellant (requires absence of Immersive Chemical Propulsion)
    • LqdAmmonia
    • LqdCO
    • Kerosene
    • Hydrazine
    • NTO
    • Pentaborane
    • Water
  • Added cryogenic tank types to heavy-duty and lightweight cryogenic tank fuel switch:
    • LqdCO2
    • Diborane (requires presence of Immersive Chemical Exotics)
    • LqdFluorine (requires presence of Immersive Chemical Exotics)
    • LqdHydrogen
    • LqdMethane
    • LqdNitrogen
    • LqdOxygen
  • Assigned tank types to native parts and CryoTanks parts.
  • Patched CryoTanks spherical tank volumes to their realistic values.


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The first pre-release of Immersive Chemical Conversion will contain only two parts, the two sizes of "Electr-O-Tron" which handle electrolysis and electrochemical reduction. Here's the first sketch model for the smaller 1.25m one, which just does electrolysis of water and ammonia:




Edited by Charle_Roger
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Immersive Chemical Propulsion 0.1.1

  • Fixed patches targeting presence of MakingHistory with ModuleManager NEEDS
  • Changed Kerbodyne KR-2L+ "Rhino" to use LqdHydrogen/LqdOxygen since it makes a good Aerojet M-1 analogue, which is seemingly how Restock treats it, with performance balanced accordingly:
    • 1750kN, 310-430s
  • Balanced hydrolox engines:
    • Making History RE-I2 "Skiff" / Restock+ RE-I2 'Caravel': 300/510kN → 31kN, 1.6/2t → 1.4t (30% thrust scaled J-2 analogue)
    • S3 KS-25 "Vector": 1000kN → 675kN, 4t → 3t (30% thrust scaled RS-25 analogue)
    • S3 KS-25x4 "Mammoth": 4000kN → 2700kN, 15t → 12t (4x S3 KS-25 "Vector")
    • CryoEngines CE-60 'Tharsis': 360kN → 320kN, 3t → 2.4t (2x CE-60 'Pavonis')
    • Restock+ KR-10A 'Corgi': 750kN → 220kN, 5.25t → 2.2t (4x CryoEngines CE-10 'Hecate')
  • Balanced hypergolic engines:
    • LV-T30 "Reliant": Vacuum 310s → 300s (Minor adjustment to balance against other hypergolic engines)
    • LV-T45 "Swivel": Vacuum 320s → 310s (Minor adjustment to balance against other hypergolic engines)
    • RE-J10 "Wolfhound": 375kN → 110kN, 3.3t → 0.8t (Restock+ RE-137 'Schnauzer' stats, which are much more sensible)


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I'm pretty locked in on the propulsion side of things for the time being, will get back to the converters and such soon.

Some hypergolic thoughts:

  • I'd like to find a satisfying gameplay mechanic to express the hypergolicity of hypergolics, or really the non-hypergolicity of everything else, but I find hard limits on reignitions pretty not-fun. Instead, maybe non-hypergolic engines could have a choice of ignitor:
    • Pyrotechnic: Single-use, dirt cheap. Pretty much just for first stages.
    • Starter fluid: Uses a little bit of some liquid resource (e.g. TEATEB), can be restarted until you run out. Plays similarly to monopropellant for RCS.
    • Spark plug: Uses a little bit of electric charge on ignition, infinite restarts, slightly higher cost and mass.
  • High-test peroxide might play a role:
    • Easy to produce in-situ.
    • Monopropellant alternative to Hydrazine with a higher density but lower Isp.
    • Kerosene oxidiser alternative to LqdOxygen with a higher density but lower Isp, not cryogenic and hypergolic. Could be used in early game engines as a low-tech hypergolic combination before Hydrazine/NTO engines are unlocked.
    • Might ultimately be an unnecessary complication.
  • Hypergolic engines are a minority across stock and supported mods at the moment and none are particularly big, so at some point I'll make a separate mod with ~10 new hypergolic engines based on:
    • RD-253/RD-275
    • RD-263/RD-264
    • RD-270
    • YF-40
    • YF-20/YF-21/YF-24


In the meantime, some minor changes:

Immersive Chemical Propulsion 0.1.2

  • Fixed catch-all engine type patch which converts all not-directly-supported engines into Hydrazine/NTO
  • Added simple regex which replaces "Liquid Fuel" in engine titles with "Hypergolic", "Kerosene", "Liquid Hydrogen", "Liquid Methane" or "Kero-Hydro-Lox" (ideally this would hook into localisation, but only supports English for now)
  • Replaced MonoPropellant with Hydrazine in tanks contained in B9 part switches, e.g. the integrated tanks on the orbital maneuvering engines from Near Future Spacecraft
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Immersive Chemical Propulsion 0.1.3

  • Improved propellant type assignment targeting, should fix some odd cases where copies of parts inherit the wrong propellant type
  • Changed engine name replacement to use terms which characterise the propellant combination: "Kerolox", "Methalox" and "Hydrolox"
  • Moved hydrolox options behind methalox in tanks and other places, so that they're broadly ordered by specific impulse (Hypergolic < Kerolox < Methalox < Hydrolox)
  • Add descriptions to propellant combinations, only used in RCS switches at the moment
  • Added MissingHistory support:
    • LV-303 "Pug": Hypergolic, stats unchanged
    • LV-T15 "Valiant": Hypergolic, stats unchanged
    • Other engines handled automatically
  • Added Labradoodle support:
    • RE-L20 "Labrador": Kerolox, stats unchanged


Labradoodle is a quick little mod I made last night which adds a new engine, the RE-L20 "Labrador", taken from the Poodle engine's multi-nozzle model variant, leaving it with only the single-nozzle. The Labrador sits between the Poodle and Skipper on the hierarchy of increasing thrust, decreasing Isp, 2.5m stock launch vehicle engines which ends at the Mainsail.

In Immersive Chemical Propulsion, the Labrador is a Kerolox engine like the Skipper and Mainsail, while the Poodle is a very high specific impulse hydrolox engine based on the Vinci.

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Immersive Chemical Propulsion 0.2.0

  • Added generic targeting of integrated fuel tanks on boosters using the engine propellant type
  • Added native fuel tank switch for more control. Replaces existing switches, so removes the dependency on CryoTanks
  • Added native RCS bipropellant switch for more control. Replaces existing switches, e.g. the one provided by Near Future Launch Vehicles
  • Added support for Near Future Aeronautics aviation fuel tanks
  • Added support for VABOrganizer, with new categories for different types of engine and RCS. This adds subcategorisation to many parts which didn't already have any, including tanks
  • Added flags for Immersive Chemical Core 0.2.0 CryoTanks boiloff system, which should ensure all cryogenic fuels are given boiloff configs no matter where the are stored
  • Fixed tank type patch ordering
  • Fixed Pentaborane/LqdFluorine B9 tank type mass and cost (exotics coming soon)


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Decided that "Immersive Chemical Exotics" shouldn't be a separate mod, rather all that stuff should show up in its respective domains in the other mods, starting with the use of exotic propellants in Immersive Chemical Propulsion.


Immersive Chemical Propulsion 0.3.0

  • Introduced HTP as a basic monopropellant and Kerosene/HTP as a basic hypergolic bipropellant
  • Added switches to engines, tanks, RCS for a pair of "basic" and "advanced" (higher Isp, more expensive) propellants for the five liquid engine types:
    • Monopropellant: HTP — Hydrazine
    • Hypergolic: Kerosene/HTP — Hydrazine/NTO
    • Kerolox: Kerosene/LqdOxygen — Pentaborane/LqdFluorine
    • Methalox: LqdMethane/LqdOxygen — Diborane/LqdFluorine
    • Hydrolox: LqdHydrogen/LqdOxygen — LqdHydrogen/LqdFluorine
  • Removed Hydrazine and NTO recipes from ISRU in favour of a consistency (only basic propellants allowed)
  • Changed everything to use Immersive Chemical Core 0.3.0 common resource colours
  • Added common propellant ratios used throughout all patches
  • Restored original stats for the LV-T30 "Reliant" and the LV-T45 "Swivel", since the lower-Isp constraint on low tech engines is now handled by the use of Kerosene/HTP (note that no tech restrictions actually exist yet)
  • Balanced Restock+'s Pug against other hypergolic engines:
    • LV-303 'Pug' Liquid Fuel Engine [250-330 → 220-310s]
  • Fixed stats of Near Future Launch Vehicles's Rutherford analogues to reflect their real performance and balanced them with the other kerolox engines:
    • KS-1E 'Goldfish' Liquid Fuel Engine [270-280s → 270-310s]
    • KR-1E-V 'Angora' Liquid Fuel Engine [250-320 → 220-340s]


With this update, all the planned propellants are functioning and implemented at the basic playable level. Still wouldn't recommend starting any career saves with it, but I think it's at a point now where you should be able to play with it and really get a feel for what this mod will be like. Most of what's left to do are auxiliary gameplay elements:

  • Tech restrictions on advanced propellants (shouldn't take too long, targeting the next release)
  • A plugin for simulating chemical hazards involved with the advanced fuels (will take a while, presumably)
  • A plugin for simulating engine ignition (ditto)
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this seems like a really cool alternative to real fuels. My question is since this is targeted at heavily modded games will there be a way to dynamically add support to tanks and engines using something like below? You could change the Resource to different modded ones that are use. Additionally you could change the math below to be in line to fit with your mod.


    name = ImmersiveChemicalsTanks
    volume = 0
    @volume = #$/RESOURCE[LqdHydrogen]/maxAmount$
    @volume += #$/RESOURCE[Oxidizer]/maxAmount$
    @volume *= 5
    type = Default

  !RESOURCE[LqdHydrogen] {}
  !RESOURCE[Oxidizer] {}

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6 hours ago, SheepDog2142 said:

this seems like a really cool alternative to real fuels. My question is since this is targeted at heavily modded games will there be a way to dynamically add support to tanks and engines using something like below? You could change the Resource to different modded ones that are use. Additionally you could change the math below to be in line to fit with your mod.


    name = ImmersiveChemicalsTanks
    volume = 0
    @volume = #$/RESOURCE[LqdHydrogen]/maxAmount$
    @volume += #$/RESOURCE[Oxidizer]/maxAmount$
    @volume *= 5
    type = Default

  !RESOURCE[LqdHydrogen] {}
  !RESOURCE[Oxidizer] {}

If I understand you correctly, Immersive Chemical Propulsion already does this. The only mod-specific patches are to adjust the stats of engines to fit with their newly assigned propellant types. All changes to tanks are performed automatically based on the original contents. 

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3 hours ago, Charle_Roger said:

If I understand you correctly, Immersive Chemical Propulsion already does this. The only mod-specific patches are to adjust the stats of engines to fit with their newly assigned propellant types. All changes to tanks are performed automatically based on the original contents. 

Well thats good news. Hopefully theres a way to have it auto converted becuase otherwise like many other mods it will be limited by mod support configs for the engines. 

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5 hours ago, SheepDog2142 said:

Well thats good news. Hopefully theres a way to have it auto converted becuase otherwise like many other mods it will be limited by mod support configs for the engines. 

Engines running LqdHydrogen/Oxidizer and LqdMethane/Oxidizer, like those in CryoEngines, are automatically converted. Likewise MonoPropellant is easy to spot and convert. Regular old LFO engines are pretty much impossible to do automatically since some of them are more appropriate as kerolox and others are best converted into hydrolox with a big Isp boost etc. Right now I just convert all not-directly-supported LFO engines into the hypergolic class (Kerosene/HTP or Hydrazine/NTO), so at least they will function pretty much as originally intended.

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5 hours ago, Charle_Roger said:

Engines running LqdHydrogen/Oxidizer and LqdMethane/Oxidizer, like those in CryoEngines, are automatically converted. Likewise MonoPropellant is easy to spot and convert. Regular old LFO engines are pretty much impossible to do automatically since some of them are more appropriate as kerolox and others are best converted into hydrolox with a big Isp boost etc. Right now I just convert all not-directly-supported LFO engines into the hypergolic class (Kerosene/HTP or Hydrazine/NTO), so at least they will function pretty much as originally intended.

How easy or hard does that make it for you to add support for large mods like BDB or Tanteras? Im trying to figure out if there is a way to at the very least develop a conversion formula or at most run them through an ai to get support done quickly. 

Mods like this live and die on how they support other mods and with all this work and how awesome it is i would hate for it to be so limited to take to much time to support enough mods for it to be relevant. 

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On 9/5/2024 at 10:15 AM, SheepDog2142 said:

How easy or hard does that make it for you to add support for large mods like BDB or Tanteras? Im trying to figure out if there is a way to at the very least develop a conversion formula or at most run them through an ai to get support done quickly. 

Rational Resources Jet (or Nuclear) Family are pioneer modlets for this specific kind of compatibility/conversion work. What you're hoping for can be done and has been done but there's an obvious steep climb or un-climbable wall when coming across engines that already have a B9 switch which affects engine stats (secondarily to switching meshes) such as BDB's NTR which can be a short bell, long bell or very short spike.

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On 9/5/2024 at 3:15 PM, SheepDog2142 said:

How easy or hard does that make it for you to add support for large mods like BDB or Tanteras?

Right now it's doable, but will be a decent amount of effort for something with as much scope as BDB. I'm not prioritising it, but I won't release v1.0 without support for mods like this.

I'm currently working on a new plugin to handle arbitrary bipropellant combinations, complete with some fairly forgiving ignition mechanics. It's almost fully functional, will share some more about it soon. In the long run, it should make extending support to engines from mods simpler and much more robust.

On 9/11/2024 at 9:21 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

engines that already have a B9 switch which affects engine stats (secondarily to switching meshes) such as BDB's NTR which can be a short bell, long bell or very short spike.

This sort of thing is a bit of an unavoidable obstacle which requires bespoke patching in any case.

Edited by Charle_Roger
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Hey, I really like what you are doing with this mod, so I decided to try it out with some other mods I play with. I used the following patch to change the Linear Aerospike Engine from the Mk-33 mod to use hydrolox:

    @mass = 3
        %icEngineType = hydrolox
        @maxThrust = 1400
        -atmosphereCurve {}
            key = 0 450
            key = 1 365
            key = 12 0.001

It works as far as I can tell, but it drains way more LqdOxygen than LqdHydrogen. Based on the ratios you mentioned on the mod page I would have expected the opposite to be true. Any thoughts?

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  • 1 month later...

This looks super cool. Been playing around with just Immersive Core, Propulsion and Storage (though I can't actually find any parts from storage?) and it's already super nice having the real fuels, different engine configurations, and propellant choice in tanks.

Keep it up, I really want this to succeed!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally got the time to read the first post, and damn, the mod I was dreaming of is coming true ! Also the end of me doing tons of wacky MM patches to mod my career to what-ish your mod will propose haha :D 

Gl in dev !


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  • 1 month later...

Hello again. My time has been occupied by other things for the last few months, but I'm still here and working on these mods, from which I have now so boldly removed the qualifier "Immersive" in favour of brevity.

Today, at last, I have some new versions to pre-release, do let me know if old issues persist or of any new issues.

Chemical Core 0.4.0

  • Renamed from "Immersive Chemical Core" to "Chemical Core"

(really, that's it)

Chemical Storage 0.2.0

  • Renamed from "Immersive Chemical Storage" to "Chemical Storage"
  • Consolidated texture variants into two B9 part switches, one controlling the "material" (normal texture) and another controlling the "paint" (colour texture), with unique material properties when unpainted

It's a little thing, but I was quite pleased to finally find a satisfying way to do this paint-over effect, where the normal map ("material") and colour/specularity ("paint") can be changed independently with different switches, preserving the default unpainted look of the material when switching back to it. This example shows the effect of painting over foil insulation, which is a silly thing to do, and in future I plan on having the normals switch to something akin to CryoTanks' isohedral variants.




Chemical Propulsion 0.4.0

  • Renamed from "Immersive Chemical Propulsion" to "Chemical Propulsion"
  • Rewrote a good chunk of the patches using new FuelMixer plugin (0.1.0) to handle monopropellant and bipropellant fuel tanks, engines and RCS
  • Changed fuel mixtures available on bipropellant engine types:
    • Monopropellant: HTP—Hydrazine
    • Hypergolic: LqdAmmonia—Hydrazine—Pentaborane / NTO
    • Kerolox: Kerosene / HTP—LqdOxygen—LqdFluorine
    • Methalox: LqdMethane—Diborane / LqdOxygen—LqdFluorine
    • Hydrolox: LqdHydrogen / LqdOxygen—LqdFluorine
  • Changed fuel cells to only use LqdHydrogen+LqdOxygen and ISRU to only deal with LqdHydrogen, LqdOxygen, LqdMethane and HTP in order to balance the more effective propellants by the lack of ISRU, and in preparation for Chemical Conversion which will handle all of this more comprehensively
  • Various tidying of code and small fixes

I am very excited to finally get this stuff out. Most of the work since I last posted was in overhauling Chemical Propulsion to use a new system which allows arbitrary bipropellant combinations with automatically computed mixture ratios and changes to the performance of engines. For now, I have stuck with the current design of assigning most engines to one of a small set of categories (monopropellant, hypergolic, kerolox, methalox, hydrolox), with a couple of odd extra kinds (multimode hydrolox/kerohydrolox), but within these types there is now great flexibility in the combination of fuel and oxidizer.



At some point later I may decide to abandon these fixed categories and opt for a more open system where any given engine has a particular set of propellants it can use, so there would be much more variation and unique characters to each engine, including such oddities as Hydrazine/LqdOxygen and Kerosene/NTO and limiting things like Pentaborane to particular engines. My new system allows for this very readily without designing the propellant combination bespoke for each engine and getting bogged down with a massive number of propellants, a path down which Real Fuels has already walked.

This is achieved with a new (highly experimental) plugin I wrote:

FuelMixer 0.1.0




On 9/16/2024 at 9:37 PM, Redleg1 said:

Hey, I really like what you are doing with this mod, so I decided to try it out with some other mods I play with.

On 9/18/2024 at 4:04 PM, SheepDog2142 said:

No its still in early development. Very promising but will need some time to make progress to a release im guessing.

On 9/20/2024 at 1:25 PM, oleg kerman said:

I will keep an eye on this mod :) 

On 11/10/2024 at 1:56 PM, Vermoot said:

This looks super cool. Been playing around with just Immersive Core, Propulsion and Storage (though I can't actually find any parts from storage?) and it's already super nice having the real fuels, different engine configurations, and propellant choice in tanks.

Keep it up, I really want this to succeed!

On 11/25/2024 at 9:33 AM, kurgut said:

Finally got the time to read the first post, and damn, the mod I was dreaming of is coming true ! Also the end of me doing tons of wacky MM patches to mod my career to what-ish your mod will propose haha :D 

Gl in dev !


Thanks everyone for your continued interest, and to those of you who submitted github issues (which I also have not really looked at until now). It really does motivate me to build these mods up to an actual playable state.

Edited by Charle_Roger
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