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Kerbin Renewal: JNSQ launch site pack

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A KSC expansion and 25 new spacecenters, harbors, large airports, and small airstrips spread across JNSQ's Kerbin. It includes grounds stations helipads, and roverspawns making use of multiple asset packs to provide a more unique starting points and endings for all your missions.


Terrible MS Paint Map



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Install instructions

To start just drop the mod folder, the dependencies and their dependencies in to the "gamedata" folder, then comes the important part. This mod started as me messing with the included JNSQ KK bases, while nothing is left from those bases, some of the new ones are very near or on top of the JNSQ ones, so it's best to delete the file "JNSQ/JNSQ_Configs/KK" 

Similarly Kerbinside includes its own bases which are not designed for JNSQ so delete "KerbinSideRemastered/Statics/ExampleBases"

Known issues

  • Instead of using the spawns built into Tundra’s pads I had to place invisible ones on top of them. This was the only way I could figure out to around a bug that keeps you from changing the color of the grass on active launch pads. They should work as normal, please report any issues.

  • Theres a group of trees popping out of the KSC taxiway I can’t figure out how to get rid of.

  • Z fighting with scorch marks on Tundra’s pads and the runway numbers on Kerbal Konstructs 4800m runway

  • Not fully compatible with Blackracks Deferred, there are noticeable color differences between otherwise identical textures on Kerbal Konstructs buildings.

  • A lot of the default camera angles suck and the setting I think should change them doesn’t do anything when the heading is altered.


  • Find a better fix for launch pad color issue

  • Add a airbase to the far north-west peninsula

  • Make a part pruning guide

  • Make icons for launch sites

  • Fine tune ground stations where needed

  • Add useable fuel tanks (Defiantly LF & OX, maybe Mono, LH2, & LCH4)

  • Add CollectingSP's Delta IV pad to Vandenkerb if/when it’s released

  • Figure out KK’s ILS and add it to runways

  • Make GAP style contracts

Might Do

  • Figure out how to add a dry lake bed texture to Jebwards (can KK even do that?)

  • Adjust terrain around Kermilab to allow landing from the north

  • Add NavUtilities support

  • Add Parallax compatibility (how does that even work)

  • Redo K.S. Outpost 31 as a smaller airstrip


Edited by zakkpaz
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1 hour ago, badgekat said:

This seems to conflict with the observatory from  Research Bodies. Is there a good way to correct this?

I’ve never used that mod before, can you describe the issue in detail?

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S3ooiuQ.jpegUpdated to  v1.2

- Increased Titan IV pad size limit to fit MLP Modular Launch Pads tower
- Added new airfield, Kerbminsky NAS
- Began reducing the number of names beginning with K(Renamed Kermilab to Xenonne National Laboratory)
- Made a Readme

I still have one airbase i want to add, but i've run out of chicago adjacent references, I was hesitant to use Comiskey it seems to obvious. Anyone want to contribute a name? there's pun no to cringeworthy but I am trying to avoid any more with "Kerb" as a prefix.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I've noticed that the Saturn V pad at the KSC interferes with MLP's rotating service structure for the space shuttle. It looks like the hinge section collides with the launch pad, which I assume might be caused by your invisible spawn workaround? It's such a shame, considering how well the two play together otherwise!

Edit: On further experimentation, this seems to be an issue with the launchpad itself interacting with the part (not anything to do with your setup), I'll mention it to the Tundra Space Center folk.. Sorry for the scare lol

Edited by MehNamesKing
Inaccurate information regarding issue with launchpad
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On 8/5/2024 at 5:29 PM, zakkpaz said:

I’ve never used that mod before, can you describe the issue in detail?

Considering that Badgekat has not responded to this yet, I figured I'd pitch in. ReasearchBodies adds an observatory building next to the tracking station, which I expect would conflict with some buildings at the KSC atm..

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