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The Linux compatibility thread!

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As promised a bit earlier up the thread, a list of mods that work with KSP.x86_64 (ver 0.20.2):

Working mods:

Mechjeb 2.0.8

SubAssembly (with fix found on the forums)

KSP Stock Part Expansion (KSPx)

H.O.M.E. 1.0.3


Crew Manifest





Quantum Struts

Common Berthing Mechanism

Thanks for the list. All of the parts images associated with the above do work on my Fedora. A couple of them are not "selectable" in the VAB editor, but this probably not the place for that conversation.

What I actually need is a better understanding of how the plugin .dll files are supposed to work with KSP for linux (I don't need any flak for using the "worst" distro, I've got it all tuned up and I don't feel like starting over right now). It didn't surprise me that just moving the .dll into the plugins directory didn't give me any game functionality, but it did interest me that there was not a good guide to installing plugins on linux.

My Crew Manifest, for example, doesn't work with the plugin files in the plugins directory. I noticed they included the source files. I am using the Steam KSP install, 64-bit, nVidia drivers.

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There's no guide to installing plugins on Linux because there simply isn't anything that you need to do differently. Plugin installation is identical to making them work on other platforms.

Under the hood, those DLLs are C# assemblies. On Linux, the Mono runtime environment can be used to run / link to these assemblies. KSP ships with Mono bundled, and uses it internally to access plugin DLLs. A lot of core functionality is in DLLs too, check in KSP_Data/Managed.

Which leaves the problem of why plugins aren't working for you. :(

My Crew Manifest, for example, doesn't work with the plugin files in the plugins directory.

it's not clear, but sounds like you're copying the DLL files in to .local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program/Plugins/ ? That was how plugins were installed in previous versions, but 0.20 moved a lot of things around.

Now, all of a plugin's files live in a plugin-specific directory under .local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program/GameData . Everybody seems to package their plugins slightly differently, but to take your Crew Manifest example, extracting the creates a CrewManifest_v0_5_4_0/GameData directory. Just move the contents of that GameData directory to KSP's GameData directory, and you should be in business.

EDIT: Oh, and fun aside concerning Mono. When the ISA MapSat plugin was working, it included a .exe file for generating PNG maps. On my Debian box, I installed the mono-runtime and binfmt-support packages, then was able to just run that exe from the command line.

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As promised a bit earlier up the thread, a list of mods that work with KSP.x86_64 (ver 0.20.2):

ISA Map (dev build)

This is incorrect, I am using ISA MapSat quite happily on Linux 64bit.

However, there is one issue, there is a case sensitivity issue with the hilo.dat file that can cause really bad pauses/hangs on the launchpad, to fix it just go into the plugin's data directory and rename hilo.dat to Hilo.dat and no issues whatsoever.

I can also add to the working list:

all DEMV landers [run from the legacy directories, must remove the legacy .dll and use the new CleverBobcat plugin]

CleverBobcat 1.2.0

Damned Robotics (the Infernal Robotics patched version for 20.2)

Firespitter 5.2

all Hooligan Labs mods



KW Rocketry

Lack Luster Labs

Sperical Fuel Tanks

Procedural Wings


RLA Electric Engines

Romfarer Robotic Arms

Romfarer Camera

Romfarer Lazor

Simple Part Organizer

EditorTools [Konryou's update]

RLA Stock Alike

G_LockFLight [again from the legacy directories]

TAC Fuel Balancer [again from the legacy directories]

Actions on the Fly [again from the legacy directories]

FusTek Station Parts

FusTek Munix 2.0

FusTek Kappa Pod


AmpYear Power Management

Circular Solar Panel

Deep Space Missions Parts Pack

Extraplanetary Launchpads

Modular Fuel Tanks




ION+Hybrid Engine Pack

Pulse Detonation Engines

Fision Fragment Rocket

Bustard Ramjet

Kerbal Alarm Clock

Orion Engine

Icarus Project

AEIS Aerospace

Hex Cans

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I am running Ubuntu Studio (XFCE4) on Inspiron 660 and I have a problem with text fields.

Key-presses are passed on when entering text into a text field, thereby activating action groups.

So, entering backspace to delete a character would activate 'abort' etc. this is very annoying.

It would be nice if this could be solved, otherwise it is running fine on Ubuntu Studio.

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I am running Ubuntu Studio (XFCE4) on Inspiron 660 and I have a problem with text fields.

Key-presses are passed on when entering text into a text field, thereby activating action groups.

So, entering backspace to delete a character would activate 'abort' etc. this is very annoying.

It would be nice if this could be solved, otherwise it is running fine on Ubuntu Studio.

Ah so that is a linux vs windows thing... ug I thought that was a unique thing with the plugin I was using (MechJeb) this makes it harder to solve I think... One thing that worked for me was to assign action keys to one of the numeric keys above the alpha keys or the keypad and use the other to enter numbers... the two are seen differently by the game so using the numeric keypad by default to enter numbers works without triggering action groups.

Edited by elfindreams
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it's not clear, but sounds like you're copying the DLL files in to .local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program/Plugins/ ? That was how plugins were installed in previous versions, but 0.20 moved a lot of things around.

Now, all of a plugin's files live in a plugin-specific directory under .local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program/GameData .

That was exactly it, thanks stibbons for being so perceptive.

The threaded optimizations for my Nvidia seems to help as well, although it's not dramatic.

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This is incorrect, I am using ISA MapSat quite happily on Linux 64bit.

However, there is one issue, there is a case sensitivity issue with the hilo.dat file that can cause really bad pauses/hangs on the launchpad, to fix it just go into the plugin's data directory and rename hilo.dat to Hilo.dat and no issues whatsoever.

After the 'change two bits' fix, I haven't run into a mod that hasn't worked, actually. I'll edit that post.

I also ran into the hilo.dat/Hilo.dat issue. I used a symlink instead of a rename, but the same end result.

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After the 'change two bits' fix, I haven't run into a mod that hasn't worked, actually. I'll edit that post.

Can you (or someone) link where you found that 'change two bits' fix? I have no idea what you're talking about and searching the forums just points back to this thread.

Specifically I'm trying to get the Troublemaker life support and crew transfer mod to work on linux, although I would also be interested in recommendations for other life support mods.

Thanks (and thanks for the hilo/Hilo tip).

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I am running Ubuntu Studio (XFCE4) on Inspiron 660 and I have a problem with text fields.

Key-presses are passed on when entering text into a text field, thereby activating action groups.

So, entering backspace to delete a character would activate 'abort' etc. this is very annoying.

It would be nice if this could be solved, otherwise it is running fine on Ubuntu Studio.

yep, it's pretty annoying.. does it happen when renaming vessels as well? haven't checked that just yet


* use numeric keypad for entering numbers. this does not trigger numerical action groups

* kick up to 5x or higher timewarp before entering/deleting data. Can't activate anything while warping :)

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yep, it's pretty annoying.. does it happen when renaming vessels as well? haven't checked that just yet


* use numeric keypad for entering numbers. this does not trigger numerical action groups

* kick up to 5x or higher timewarp before entering/deleting data. Can't activate anything while warping :)

Yea this is pissing me off... my favorite is the backspace key on a craft with the Abort action set. I don't know how many ships I lost last night due to backspace error..... oh look there goes Jeb again... great. (using a mod that lets the pilot eject with a parachute)

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Hello, I'm running KSP in Fedora and globally it works very well, but I'm having a issue when I set a maneuver node.

I set the maneuver, and the time to reach that point appears at the bottom right of the navball, but that time doesn't decrease, it only changes if I do time warp. At normal time, it doesn't move a single second. Even if I go into map view and put the mouse over the maneuver node, the indicated time doesn't decrease

Is anyone experiencing the same issue? Am I doing something wrong?

Thank you.

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Hello, and thanks in advance for any help!

I Found nothing on the initial few pages of the linux compatibility thread, and was unable to figure out how to search anything but the entire forum site for my issue, so I did look for it but didn't have much luck.

That said, relevant info:

KSP version: v0.20.2.0 (steam)

OS: Arch Linux (64 bit)

Window Manager: Openbox

Some Hardware: NVIDIA 8700M GT, Intel Core 2 Duo T8300

Joystick: Saitek x45 with linux joystick driver

addons/plugins: none

Since this was not a crash, I wasn't sure the log file was necessary. Let me know if it is and I'll upload it.

If I plug in my joystick, DO NOT CALIBRATE, launch the game, and try to assign axis I get experiences like the following:

1. accidentally assign pitch to x axis --> works

2. clear assignment --> works

3. reassign pitch to y axis --> no response

4. try to assign roll to x axis --> no response

5. assign incremental throttle to throttle --> no response

certain axis seem to be recognized at random, while others are not. Sometimes I can assign the throttle to things, sometimes not, sometimes Rx and Rz work, sometimes they do not.

If I use jscal to calibrate the joystick before launching the game then no axis is recognized (jstest accurately reports events, though.). In either case the buttons work fine.

Disconnecting and reconnecting the joystick in game does not affect behavior, but upon game restart the behavior switches from calibrated to noncalibrated results.

Would love to be able to use my joystick! Once again thanks in advance!

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How many joysticks do you have connected? The Unity game engine has some real issues with controllers, it can't handle more then 20 fire buttons for example, and it's buggy as hell.

If more than one stick is attached, weird things happen, also many sticks just have issues with Unity.

This is OS agnostic as well, OSX and Windows have it just as bad as we do if not more so, as at least xbox pads work well in Linux ;)

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Thanks for the insight sal. I only have one joystick connected, but my Roccat Kova+ mouse uses special drivers/event handling that could be confusing unity (game engine not DE...that confused me while reading some other posts). I haven't checked but I will post if unplugging the mouse fixes the problem should I get around to it. I can live without the joystick for now, thankfully most of the fun for me is in building and testing new rockets, for which the keyboard works fine. I'm downloading FlightGear now to get my simulator fix though :)

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Ubuntu 12.04 64bit Nvidia propritary drivers - same issue like micellux, but even worse.

There is a severe difference for me, if time acceleration is on (lvl 2+) or off (lvl 1). If time is accelerated, all numbers behave as you would expect, if time is standard, they are rapidly changing.

This affects:

- maneuver node count down as described below. Accelerated it descreases as expected, if not it's just stuck

- maneuver node speed change (the yellow bar), if I accelrated immediately after creating the node, the number will be as expected, i.e., small change 7m/s. If I set time to normal however, that number will rapidly increase, up t 400m/s+ even for smallest changes, while engines are off the entire time. I can switch this on and off with the acceleration setting. while 2+, number is constant, with time normal, it's starts increasing again

- weirdest effect: image you have two objects in the same orbit with all engines off. There distance should be absolutely stable, and while time is accelerated, they are. In normal time however, you can suddenly observe the non-controlled object speeding up or slowing down rapidly. This will instantly stop when accelrating time, and instantly start again, when having normal time. I can freely reproduce this behavior. Restarting game, reloading, all doesn't change this.

- all other parts of the game work as expected, no glitches, no crashes. I succesfully landed on the mün. Just 2 weeks ago when I started to use maneuver nodes and trying to dock at a station, I noticed this completely weired behavior.


Hello, I'm running KSP in Fedora and globally it works very well, but I'm having a issue when I set a maneuver node.

I set the maneuver, and the time to reach that point appears at the bottom right of the navball, but that time doesn't decrease, it only changes if I do time warp. At normal time, it doesn't move a single second. Even if I go into map view and put the mouse over the maneuver node, the indicated time doesn't decrease

Is anyone experiencing the same issue? Am I doing something wrong?

Thank you.

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Hello, about the maneuver time that doesn't decrease, I have fixed it for me deleting all the game and installing it again. I didn't have many progress, so I discarded all my saved games. I did a backup of the old installation for helping to debug the issue.

It's strange, because I had very standard settings and no mods. At the beginning, the meneuver nodes worked well, but some days later I noticed this strange behavior.

I was using Fedora 18 x86_64 with Intel SandyBridge graphics. I also set the variables LC_ALL=C and LANG=C. The problem happened both in ./KSP.x86 and ./KSP.x86_64

Also, I have opened the bug #800

Ubuntu 12.04 64bit Nvidia propritary drivers - same issue like micellux, but even worse.

There is a severe difference for me, if time acceleration is on (lvl 2+) or off (lvl 1). If time is accelerated, all numbers behave as you would expect, if time is standard, they are rapidly changing.

This affects:

- maneuver node count down as described below. Accelerated it descreases as expected, if not it's just stuck

- maneuver node speed change (the yellow bar), if I accelrated immediately after creating the node, the number will be as expected, i.e., small change 7m/s. If I set time to normal however, that number will rapidly increase, up t 400m/s+ even for smallest changes, while engines are off the entire time. I can switch this on and off with the acceleration setting. while 2+, number is constant, with time normal, it's starts increasing again

- weirdest effect: image you have two objects in the same orbit with all engines off. There distance should be absolutely stable, and while time is accelerated, they are. In normal time however, you can suddenly observe the non-controlled object speeding up or slowing down rapidly. This will instantly stop when accelrating time, and instantly start again, when having normal time. I can freely reproduce this behavior. Restarting game, reloading, all doesn't change this.

- all other parts of the game work as expected, no glitches, no crashes. I succesfully landed on the mün. Just 2 weeks ago when I started to use maneuver nodes and trying to dock at a station, I noticed this completely weired behavior.


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Hello KSP! If you don't mind sharing the information, I was wondering how you managed to fix the Unity scroll wheel issue. We've run into the same problem with our game, and I haven't been able to work around it successfully.

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Concerning the manouver nodes and other numbers going haywire as described above by micellux and me: I can confirm that starting a new save resolves the issue. It is now present in the old save, but not in the new one. Breaks my heart though, to abandon those heroic kerbals in the old save :(

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Hi all,

Having some troubles with the demo (if I can get them resolved, I'll definitely be buying!)

First few times I loaded it up all was well. Made some rockets, got into space, almost managed to get a stable orbit. Now the graphics are really screwy. The top half of the screen doesn't seem to be updating correctly - I usually can't see the altimeter or time warp panels, and other glitches too - the ground often isn't drawn, I can see through to the skybox underneath and so on.

I installed LXDE in case Gnome Shell was upsetting things. Helped, at first, but then it crashed a lot instead. Today it doesn't crash but the graphics are doing what they did under Gnome yesterday.

Bafflingly, the exact same thing happens on both my machines - one i3 latop with Intel GFX (I know, they're not great but they did work fine) and my desktop which has a fairly old (8800?) but still fairly servicable NVidia card in. Both running Ubuntu Gnome, the laptop is slightly more up to date than the desktop. 13.04 on the laptop and whatever the last LTS release was on the desktop.

I don't game much on my PCs, but the few games I do have been OK. That would be a bit of Minecraft, some FreeOrion, the occasional Humble Bundle game. Nothing too taxing, but frankly I can't see KSP being all that serious on the GPU. CPU, maybe, but it's hardly a graphical tour-de-force. I've tried turning settings down as far as they go, and using the fallback shaders - nothing makes any difference.

I've tried wiping out my settings file, setting LC_ALL=C, running both the x86 and 64bit versions, all the same problem,

Searching for issues with Unity3D is a freakin' nightmare because Ubuntu's desktop environment of the same name.

Any tips or advice would be much appreciated.

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Having some troubles with the demo (if I can get them resolved, I'll definitely be buying!)

I'd be playing with your graphics settings. Make sure you're using the nvidia binary driver on your desktop.

Also, try this:

cd Games/KSP_linux # (or wherever you put it)

xinit `which lxterminal` -- :1

This starts a completely new graphics session. press ctrl+alt+F7 to get back to your desktop and ctrl+alt+f8 to return to here

You'll have a terminal only. start openbox (or a similar minimal window manager), then start KSP from this terminal and see how you go

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