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The Linux compatibility thread!

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Hi Kerbals,

After seeing some LP Videos from NickFrei on YT I've purchased KSP yesterday.

Now i have a lot of Issues. I fixed the Font problem. KSP Runs fine (starting etc.)

But i have the same Problem as FushigiZ that building a Rocket is impossible because the green snap balls are missing.

My first impression was, huh you need this decouplers for this. So i put a pod on the svreen and i managed it to get an atenna on it. GREAT Launch. But i didn't was on the landingPad i was in Space. ???

My plan was to gather the first sience points with EVA and Crewreport as i saw on the LP.


Back in the Hangar i've loaded my pod but it was not on the scene.

OK tried building the pod in the aircraft section. after launch iwas not in space, also not on the airfield. i was in a high atmosphere (trusting the instruments). clicking the EVA brings me down to the airfield. AHA! switching around the camera and then i was under the airfield. Aborting.

Reading the forum i saw there where comma,period swaps. so i used LC_ALL=C ./KSP.x86_64 in the steam start parameters hoping it could be a mismatched number for the coords. Didn't help.

Has somebody similar behaiviers under linux? or better a solution for me ?

My Specs:

Manjaro 0.8.8 (Arch based)

16GB Ram, i5 , Nvidia GT240S with 331.20 prop driver.

Thans in advance


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Hey guys, I got a very strange problem:

I run ksp with a whole bunch of mods: KW rocketry, ksp interstellar and B9 being the largest ones. I could launch this in 0.22 without problems (with the LC=ALL thing).

Now with the update of 0.23 and the same mods (also updated). KSP crashes at startup: It shows me the loading screen and after a while just disappears.

I have tried launching without mods: it worked. Also with a few mods it worked, this got me thinking it was a problem with low RAM so I tried the 64 bit version: this crashed, even with the xxd patch.

Anyone have an idea what the problem could be?

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Hi, Hello, I recently purchased ksp on steam but I've a problem with the linux version.

The game don't show the green spheres and I can't dock any part. ¿What's the problem?


Hey guys, I got a very strange problem:

I run ksp with a whole bunch of mods: KW rocketry, ksp interstellar and B9 being the largest ones. I could launch this in 0.22 without problems (with the LC=ALL thing).

Now with the update of 0.23 and the same mods (also updated). KSP crashes at startup: It shows me the loading screen and after a while just disappears.

I have tried launching without mods: it worked. Also with a few mods it worked, this got me thinking it was a problem with low RAM so I tried the 64 bit version: this crashed, even with the xxd patch.

Anyone have an idea what the problem could be?

What flavor and version of linux?

"Linux Mint 13?"

What graphics card and driver version?

"Nvidia 550 with 310.14 drivers?"

What game system manager"

"Downloaded from Steam?"

I'm supecting a LC_ALL=C issue!

Cant give you ferther advise. Need more info.

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Hi Kerbals,

Reading the forum i saw there where comma,period swaps. so i used LC_ALL=C ./KSP.x86_64 in the steam start parameters hoping it could be a mismatched number for the coords. Didn't help.

You should have this in the steam start parameters:

LC_ALL=C %command%_64


LC_ALL=C ./KSP.x86_64

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What flavor and version of linux?

Ubuntu 13.10

What graphics card and driver version?

"Nvidia 780 with 331.20 drivers?"

What game system manager"

Downloaded from Steam

I'm supecting a LC_ALL=C issue!

Cant give you ferther advise. Need more info.

I've completed the information byt it work for me:

You should have this in the steam start parameters:

LC_ALL=C %command%_64


LC_ALL=C ./KSP.x86_64


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What's everyone's FPS? My performance on linux has always been pretty poor. I never get above 30 FPS even on low settings. On windows, it's always 60+ with everything maxed. What's your FPS, performance?

Xubuntu raring

i5 2500k

GTX 580


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I'm having an unusual issue that if I save a game in the 32 bit binary and load it in the 64 bit binary I get an issue where it claims parts are missing on all the crafts, but the parts in question are there in VAB mode.

Does anyone know how to prevent this other than just using the 32 bit binary, as 64 bit mode would be very useful when I install more mods.

Another question, are there any plans to make the 32bit binary enhanced for x32 mode (x64 Long-short mode) and thus able to use the 64bit registers, and a full 4GB per an allocated page.

Also, are there plans to use multiple pages of memory in the 32bit binary? I know multiple pages are a total pain in Windows, but this isn't the case in Linux or OS X. Just moving the binary/data, the terrain models/textures/shaders, and the part models/textures/shaders to separate pages would really improve the memory capability. Splitting the parts over several pages would improve the part capability even more.

Finally, are there plans to make the Kerbalizer launch in the NativeClient based Unity Web Plugin so that we can use it on Linux (and any other obscure platform that supports Chrome/Chromium browsers.)

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What flavor and version of linux?

"Linux Mint 13?"

What graphics card and driver version?

"Nvidia 550 with 310.14 drivers?"

What game system manager"

"Downloaded from Steam?"

I'm supecting a LC_ALL=C issue!

Cant give you ferther advise. Need more info.

Here you go :)

I'm running Ubuntu 13.10.

My video card is an AMD radeon hd 6970 lightning and I'm running the open source video drivers.

Indeed, it's downloaded from steam and I'm launching it with launch options "LC_ALL=C %command%_64"

Thank's for replying.

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I'm having an unusual issue that if I save a game in the 32 bit binary and load it in the 64 bit binary I get an issue where it claims parts are missing on all the crafts, but the parts in question are there in VAB mode.

Best to run in 64bit mode and start a new game. Then take a quicksave and move it over. This fixed my issue kinda like yours.

Another question, are there any plans to make the 32bit binary enhanced for x32 mode (x64 Long-short mode) and thus able to use the 64bit registers, and a full 4GB per an allocated page.

Also, are there plans to use multiple pages of memory in the 32bit binary? I know multiple pages are a total pain in Windows, but this isn't the case in Linux or OS X. Just moving the binary/data, the terrain models/textures/shaders, and the part models/textures/shaders to separate pages would really improve the memory capability. Splitting the parts over several pages would improve the part capability even more.

You would have to talk to Unity about this one. Having jsut started coding in unity for 2 weeks take what ever I say about unity as incorect or novice! But it may point you in the right direction.

x32 mode is a linux thing I believe. Unity has a focus on Win and mac. Right now its just a nice fact that it makes apps for linux. I've noticed in making my app that I have to compile it in 32bit or 64bit.

Unity is a game making engine. Kerbal uses it. I'm using it. We are subject to their current development standards.

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I just had a number of problems trying to get KSP to work on my laptop with an Intel GPU. What fixed it was installing libtxc_dxtn. From the Funtoo description: Helper library for S3TC texture (de)compression. Just in case someone else has problems with the game crashing righ after everything loads.

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I've found some little bugs, occuring both o a Ubuntu 13.04 and Debian testing with Gnome 3 System:

Standart keys for changing Vessel and ',' on the Numpad for toggling Navball in Mapview doesn't work; maybe a side effect of starting Game with LC=Ct

after I Alt+Tabbed through the Windows, the Game the game behaves strange

- the rightclick context menue of part don't disappear

- all of rotation controls work as i would permanent hold the Modifier key (alt) in my case

comments on this?

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Alt+tab is not good for fullscreen KSP, it's something to do with how Unity keeps a lock on the graphics adapter, playing in windowed mode if you aren't already bypasses the problem though.

Not sure about the keys, see if LC_ALL=C helps, it sets the program to use the posix standard :)

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First i think these bugs are not really a problem, I only want to report this, maybe they get fixed some day.

I start the game with LC=C, but the Operating system normally has german layout, might it be related with this?

I will test windowed mode.

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Hi, my first post here (I hope I don't mess anything).

I'm experiencing a problem with the Linux version that stops me playing: in VAB & SPH the green capture-points that allows you to assemble parts are not appearing. So no game for me in Linux (not a big deal for me, since I can rely on Win7 too).

I'm using an almost vanilla Ubuntu 12.04 64bit, with Nvidia proprietary drivers 304.108, and I've experienced that problem both in the demo version and in 0.23. No problem with Win7 64bit.

I'll post a couple of screenshots.

xs4j.jpg d887.jpg

I haven't found any topic on this (probably my fault), should I submit a bug?



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KSP can crash on startup on non-Ubuntu systems with a stacktrace in the log, member a.g. has worked out a fix here.

The link to a.g.'s fix in the first post, attached to the word "here", is broken.

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Is this in the tutorial? There was a bug in the first tutorial but I thought it was fixed.

Otherwise try deleting your settings.cfg and starting the game with LC_ALL=C


Hi, sorry for the delay!

It wasn't the tutorial, but I experienced it at first in the tutorial using the demo version.

I fixed it following your instructions (deleting the settings.cfg wasn't enough), thanks a lot!


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0.23 with a bunch of mods runs fine for me, that is archlinux 64, ati HD 6850 - radeon driver, KSP.x86_64.

Now that it it works I have a last issue with the shadows.

It's not game-breaking just frustrating when I see other peoples videos with perfect shadows.

Here is an extreme example of it

but there are less invasive occurences.

It is most annoying when I do a landing manouver and the shadow which is always helpful while landing is a fuzzy blob which little resemblence to the craft.

Also self shadows are obviously ugly.

Has anyone encountered something like this before. I'm not even sure how to call it. Googling for 'shadow flicker' and stuff didn't help much.

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I'm running Linux Mint 16 "Petra", updated from LM15. The launcher version of the 64-bit executable fails to "PLAY" under the newer kernel, and neither version of the 32-bit executables launch. Only the direct executable "KSP.x86_64" runs, but it is sensitive to some mod content. It will, for example, crash during the boot if NovaPunch is included.

Under LM15, everything ran well.

Anyone else have this issue?

Kerbal Space Program - (LinuxPlayer)

OS: Linux 3.11.0-12-generic LinuxMint 16 64bit

CPU: AMD Phenom 9550 Quad-Core Processor (4)

RAM: 3952

GPU: GeForce GT 520/PCIe/SSE2 (1024MB)

SM: 30 (OpenGL 4.3 [4.3.0 NVIDIA 319.60])

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I'm running Linux Mint 16 "Petra", updated from LM15. The launcher version of the 64-bit executable fails to "PLAY" under the newer kernel, and neither version of the 32-bit executables launch. Only the direct executable "KSP.x86_64" runs, but it is sensitive to some mod content. It will, for example, crash during the boot if NovaPunch is included.

Try this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24529-The-Linux-compatibility-thread!?p=857019&viewfull=1#post857019

The more mods I added, the more likely KSP would randomly crash on load. Those two little patches seem to have fixed it for me.

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This is what I did(made a bash script out of it):



xxd -s +0x$spot1 -l 1 KSP.x86_64 | grep -q "0$spot1: 01"

if [ $? -eq 0 ]
echo "Found and patched 0x$spot1"
echo "$spot1: 00" | xxd -r - KSP.x86_64

xxd -s +0x$spot2 -l 1 KSP.x86_64 | grep -q "0$spot2: 01"

if [ $? -eq 0 ]
echo "Found and patched 0x$spot2"
echo "$spot2: 00" | xxd -r - KSP.x86_64

(No warranties, but it works here).



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If KSP aborts when switching window focus (e.g. alt-tabbing) in and out of KSP, consider this: When my window manager adjusts the width and colour of window borders based on focus, KSP almost immediately aborts. I don't know why, but the various errors hint at what's going on. Putting these here for search results:

Changing real window size to 1280 x 1024
Changing real window size to 1280 x 1024
Event Type Ignored: MapNotify
Event Type Ignored: Expose

[ 1779.007530] ptrace of pid 11006 was attempted by: gdb (pid 11285)

*** Error in `/opt/fast/KSP-debug/KSP.x86_64': corrupted double-linked list: 0x0000000016771730 ***
Program received signal SIGINT, Interrupt.
0x00007ffff62d889b in __lll_lock_wait_private () from /usr/lib/libc.so.6

sched_yield() = 0
sched_yield( <unfinished ...>
+++ killed by SIGABRT (core dumped) +++

Unfortunately, I don't have any Xorg logging enabled, but I'm sure it would be just as useless.

Anyway, KSP does not like its window resized at all. To prevent your window manager from triggering changes, set zero borders widths, no focus hooks, and no layout hooks in your window-manager configuration for the KSP window. (Or one entire virtual desktop intended for KSP.)

The odd thing is KSP only started aborting like this after updating nvidia drivers from 331.20 to 331.38. I very rarely had a problem with switching focus and my windows looking pretty in the past -- only upon updating does it now happen more than half the time. However, after removing the fancy wm hooks, I can switch between KSP windows/desktops at mach chicken with no crashing.

Edited by velusip
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Regarding the Modifier key, is there a way to remap it to the Super Key(windows key)

Ive tried a few different variables in the settings.cfg but I can't seem to find the right naming convention.

garrett@debian:~$ uname -a

Linux debian 3.12-1-686-pae #1 SMP Debian 3.12.6-2 (2013-12-29) i686 GNU/Linux

Running KDE Desktop, super key is completely unused and would be a lot easier to use instead of having to travel across the keyboard every time i need to duplicate something.

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I am running KSP on archlinux. It has been working just fine but I recently ran into a strange issue which, I think, happened when I upgraded to xorg-server 1.15.0-5. I use XFCE4 which has a built in composting which I like to use. If try to run KSP with the composting on then I see the squad logo on top of my desktop with the loading bar (I could provide a screen shot if nessisary) and in the menus and game things are transparent so that I can see through to my desktop. This issue is very anoying but easy to turn off by disabling composting so it is not a huge deal but it would be nice if it was fixed. I did not used to have this issue.

Hoj0 - I also want to change my mod key to super key. I am always throttling up when I want to transfer fuel.

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