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The Linux compatibility thread!

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Glad it's finally showing up, no idea why the menu entry wasn't there before though.

Try "override application settings" on the anti-aliasing settings page, it'll effect more than just KSP though, so if you want to leave other games untouched you can set up an Application profile for KSP :)

As for how to do that, well I'm not so sure myself, I'll have to find some documentation.

Shouldnt be an issue as I use windows for everything else... but windows messes the sound up on KSP with a constant popping every 3 seconds, on Linux the sound is perfect.

Hey Mulbin

Have you used the xxd patch for memory issue?

goto the kerbal folder that your settings.cfg is in

right click and select open in terminal

you should now be sitting in terminal



Still really keen to try this if anyone has some info... I don't have an option to "open in terminal" when I right click the config file. Would dragging the config file into terminal have the same effect?

Edited by Mulbin
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You can try "sudo gedit " then drag the file into the terminal, it'll give you the full path without you having to type it, and I'm guessing you have gedit installed, for me on Xubuntu it'd be mousepad.

The lazy way is to "gksudo nautilus" then find your file, but be careful as it lets you open anything as root.

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You can try "sudo gedit " then drag the file into the terminal, it'll give you the full path without you having to type it, and I'm guessing you have gedit installed, for me on Xubuntu it'd be mousepad.

The lazy way is to "gksudo nautilus" then find your file, but be careful as it lets you open anything as root.

but that just opens the file in gedit... I can do that just by double clicking the file. I need to open it in terminal, then type a load of stuff in terminal...

here is the full post from meeki... I have no option to "right click and select open in terminal"

Hey Mulbin

Have you used the xxd patch for memory issue?

goto the kerbal folder that your settings.cfg is in

right click and select open in terminal

you should now be sitting in terminal


xxd -s +0x7cebc7 -l 1 KSP.x86_64

you should get

07cebc7: 01


echo "7cebc7: 00" | xxd -r - KSP.x86_64


xxd -s +0x7cebc7 -l 1 KSP.x86_64

you should get

07cebc7: 00


xxd -s +0x7cebcc -l 1 KSP.x86_64

youshould get

07cebcc: 01


echo "7cebcc: 00" | xxd -r - KSP.x86_64


xxd -s +0x7cebcc -l 1 KSP.x86_64

youshould get

07cebcc: 00

fixed my kerbal crashing with mods.

also what video card you running?

If nvidia use nvidia drivers!

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It opens the file in gedit with admin privileges, it's not what you need sorry, I didn't read it right.

You should have the option in the right click menu to "open with", you can change this to the terminal :)

No... I dont have it as an option in the "open with" menu... I have about 20 programs to choose from, none of the are terminal.

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Hmmm, okay, and testing it here failed anyway, I wonder what meeki really did?

The terminal isn't a text editor, and the settings.cfg is just text, not anything fancy like hexadecimal, I think he means you to open the KSP folder in the terminal.

If that's that case you can try this, "sudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal" or open synaptic and find it that way.

With that installed you should see an "open in terminal" option in the right click menu, just use that in the KSP folder, not on any particular file.

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Hmmm, okay, and testing it here failed anyway, I wonder what meeki really did?

The terminal isn't a text editor, and the settings.cfg is just text, not anything fancy like hexadecimal, I think he means you to open the KSP folder in the terminal.

If that's that case you can try this, "sudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal" or open synaptic and find it that way.

With that installed you should see an "open in terminal" option in the right click menu, just use that in the KSP folder, not on any particular file.

OK I tried "sudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal" and got this...

** (gedit:4109): WARNING **: Could not load Gedit repository: Typelib file for namespace 'GtkSource', version '3.0' not found

(gedit:4109): IBUS-WARNING **: The owner of /home/joe/.config/ibus/bus is not root!


But then I took a look in synaptic and it looks like nautilus-open-terminal is already installed...

But I have no option to open terminal when right clicking, all I get is...

New Folder

New Document>

Restore Missing Files



EDIT - tried again, I think I pasted the wrong thing last time as this time I got...

nautilus-open-terminal is already the newest version.

The following package was automatically installed and is no longer required:


Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove it.

0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 136 not upgraded.

So why isnt it working?

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so..... don't want to jinx it... but it seems that for the first time since I bought KSP .17 I am now able to play the game with perfect sound, perfect graphics and mods!

Memory fix has stopped the crashes and nvidia control panel has fixed the anti-aliasing!

Thanks for the help!

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Hmmm, okay, and testing it here failed anyway, I wonder what meeki really did?

Sorry had allot of work for a class im in. Finals week and all.

So I can see the confusion I created.

goto the kerbal folder that your settings.cfg is in

right click and select open in terminal

you should now be sitting in terminal

A better way of saying what i wanted

goto the kerbal folder that your settings.cfg is in

right click on the empty space in the folder and select open in terminal in the list

we are not editing the settings.cfg file we are just in the folder its located in.

you should now be sitting in terminal window with the directory path of your kerbal folder

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Hi guys.

I have a problem with right clicking two parts. I have found a few posts saying that I have to use right shift, but when I do I can't deselect the parts anymore until I quicksave and reload, but then everytime I rightclick the part stays selected until I change to another vessel and then back. Sometimes it behaves different, but usually like this.

I'm running Ubunutu 13.10 x64 with a AMD Radeon HD 6700 graphic card.

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What exactly are you trying to do paxy97?

Right shift is the Linux modifier key but this is editable in the settings.cfg, can you post your ksp.log to pastebin.com for me to check please?

I'm trying to move resources from one part to another, but when I select two parts with right shift then I can't deselect them anymore.

Ehm, my log is 1.7mb and pastebin limit is 500kb, I'm not quite sure what you're looking for, but I could paste only the needed lines.

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First, Thanks for this game !

Can KSP using more than 1 core in a multi-core processor ?

Actualy on ubuntu 13.10

proc : Intel® Core™ i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz × 4

OS : 64 bits

graphics : GeForce GTX 560 Ti

RAM : 3,8*Gio

( I search to insert screenshoot).



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Hey sal_vager,

I know I said Dec 11th id start work but I had some free time.

So I was speaking about making a Linux Compatibility Launcher GUI to apply all these fixes you have collected here from other linux users. All this in hopes to bring a working KSP to all the laymen linux users.

All last week between work I kept pondering what to use for the GUI. No one that needs to compile it would be looking to use it because if they knew how to compile they could apply these fixes. Most of the GUI options I pondered did not work out of the box for all systems. A bash CLI came to mind but its so dang ugly and they have to enter at a prompt and worm they way around.

A light went off. If they can run KSP they can run unity. Looks like im going to have to learn C# is what came to mind.

Well got unity 4+ working in wine along with mono and 1hr later I have my first place holder.


What I have in mind so far. Hope to get suggestions! I'll be posting this to gethub as well.

1) ability to click a button to launch KSP 32 or 64bit (if 64bit OS detected)

2) sub menu for setting launch options.

3) patch buttons to apply and remove patches

4) Icon with link to this thread.

If an when I get this kinda working ill start my own thread but for now id like to flush out what it should do 'here' for a few responses if thats ok with you.

Edited by meeki
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Can KSP using more than 1 core in a multi-core processor ?


It uses more than 1 core.

The issue is it is not able to breakup the threads. Its a unity issue.

Right now the physics thread eats the life out of one cpu.

This is an issue with unity3d. Its what KSP is built on.

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Has anyone been able to do anything regarding the "Text Entry" bug? The Flight Computer in RemoteTech 2 cannot be used due to the return key not registering properly with the text entry fields, and then there's the bug where text is not properly captured by the text fields (for example in RT2 and MJ2) and triggers action groups, staging, etc (REALLY annoying). Nobody seems to care about the open bug: http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/1230

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Hi there, I installed KSP on Ubuntu and sucessfully fixed the missing connectors and the mouse sensitivity bugs. Now I hit a snag that I haven't seen in this thread yet. My vector indicator for navigation nodes gets "stuck" on the navball and doesn't update as the flight progresses. So if I create a node and use it immediately, no problem (altough that is nearly impossible). But If I create it a quarter orbit before I use it, it will be off by 90 degrees. If I create it half an orbit before I use it, it will be pointing in the exact opposite direction.

The other two bugs where fixed really easily and I would be so glad if this is also a known issue with a quick fix.

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Hi there, I installed KSP on Ubuntu and sucessfully fixed the missing connectors and the mouse sensitivity bugs. Now I hit a snag that I haven't seen in this thread yet. My vector indicator for navigation nodes gets "stuck" on the navball and doesn't update as the flight progresses. So if I create a node and use it immediately, no problem (altough that is nearly impossible). But If I create it a quarter orbit before I use it, it will be off by 90 degrees. If I create it half an orbit before I use it, it will be pointing in the exact opposite direction.

The other two bugs where fixed really easily and I would be so glad if this is also a known issue with a quick fix.

Are you sure you understand orbital mechanics and you're not simply misunderstanding how the manoeuvre node works?

I've never before heard of this error, and it seems strange to me. Could you post a screenshot showing a map view with both a manoeuvre node visible, and the navball showing the wrongly pointed vector indicator?

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I've been out of action for a while as the Nvidia driver broke my OpenSuse install. I've finally managed to update to the latest driver, 331.20, and...well, see for yourself:



Both 32 and 64 versions do this (one screenshot from each) - sound plays and the game appears to be running, but the graphics are a disaster. I've reinstalled the system multiple times now and it's at the point where I either change distro (OpenSuse) or change graphics card (GTX 660) - this is the most prolonged lack of support for this card yet, and I'm not impressed.

Edit: Just reported it to Nvidia support.

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