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"Secret" features & key shortcuts.

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Originally posted by felixar90

"Secret" features & key shortcuts.

So, it took me some time to find out about Alt+(timewarp) to force physic warp.

I also recently learned about Alt+L to lock the stages.

I there any other un-explained feature or non-rebindable combination of keys I should know?

Ok, so now we have : (I'm not gonna list keys you can rebind in the input options)

*For 0.19 and onward, Alt is now <modifier> which should be Alt on Windows, Option (⌥) on Macs, and RightShift on Linux.

It should also be remappable.

From the changelog

* The Alt modifier key is now remappable, and defaults to RightShift on Linux.

* Remapped all ocurrences of the Alt key to RightShift on Linux (as Alt is OS-reserved on most distros).

To remap your modifier key, head into settings.cfg in you main ksp folder, and search for MODIFIER_KEY

Here's what it looks like on my Mac




primary = LeftAlt

secondary = RightAlt

switchState = Any


In Flight

Double Tap Brake : Parking Brake Click on the brake icon near your vertical speed indicator to set parking brake.

Alt+Time warp Keys : Force "Physics" warp ( <modifier>+Time Warp since 0.19 )

Alt+L : Toggle Staging Lock (Disable spacebar / Stage key) ( <modifier>+L since 0.19 )

Alt+Pitch/Yaw/Roll : Trim (Move the "zero position") ( <modifier>+Pitch/Yaw/Roll since 0.19 )

Alt+X : Reset Trim ( <modifier>+X since 0.19 (


Hold left mouse button to freely orient your Kerbals in ANY direction.

Hold Shift (or presumably, the key you bind running to) while letting go of a ladder to jump backward instead.


WASDQE : Rotate part. Usually in the wrong direction or along the wrong axis. Think of shaving in a mirror or a USB port

Shift+WASDQE : Fine rotation (5° increments)

Space : Reset rotation

Shift+Click on any part of the ship : Select the whole ship (Like if you clicked on the pod)

Alt+Click on a part: Clone Sub-tree (clone a part and all it's "children") ( Now <modifier>+Click since 0.19 )

Ctrl+Click on a part : Navigate to that part in the parts list

X : Cycle through symmetry modes

C : Toggle Snap to Angles

Ctrl+Z : Undo

Ctrl+Y : Redo


Ctrl+Alt+Shift+D : Toggle Debug "Cheats" Window. ( Now <modifier>+F12 since 0.19 )

Alt+F2 : Toggle Debug Console Window ( Now <modifier>+F2 since 0.19 )

More complete list available here : http://kspwiki.nexisonline.net/wiki/Controls (It doesn't say about the Alt-Timewarp for Physics timewarp tho... someone with a wiki account should fix that...)

Last edited by felixar90; 1st April 2013 at 22:00.

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  • 3 months later...

Sometimes clicking repeatedly in the apoapsis or periapsis tags keeps the values visible (doesn't disappear when you move the cursor away), this is probably a glitch and not a feature since I can't always trigger it, but when I do is useful while toying with nav nodes.

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  m4v said:
Sometimes clicking repeatedly in the apoapsis or periapsis tags keeps the values visible (doesn't disappear when you move the cursor away), this is probably a glitch and not a feature since I can't always trigger it, but when I do is useful while toying with nav nodes.

It's a feature. You enable it by only having the AP/PE marker 'pop up' (aka enlarge slightly). Bring your mouse pointer slowly to the AP/PE marker and when it gets bigger click it once. To get it to go away click it again in the same manner. Reason it pops up when you're doing nodes is that if you have a manouver node ball pop up on your orbit (hence to move in your mouse slowly) it'll pop up the navball dialog at the same time.

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  UmbralRaptor said:
Look for the MODIFIER_KEY entry in settings.cfg

Nope did not work, specically trying to RIght Click+alt to transfer fuel and Alt time warp, replaced alt with ? and / and even shift. Does nothing, this is on my linux laptop.

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  • 3 months later...

what would be the code in order to remap the modifier key to say, function? (for some reason, option+s is reserved and i can't find it is settings. (mac BTW)) or if someone could propose a fix to this that would be great to.

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  • 2 years later...

Just wanted to add, if its a console version you are playing and the vehicle constantly pitches up without any input this is the reason, you can reset the trim with the left or right bumper and A (xbox one) or i assume X on PS4

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Welcome to the forums, @Titan696!

You should be aware that this thread you've replied to is nearly 3 years old, which means the topic is more than likely completely irrelevant (At least, in most cases old discussions are). In the future, check the dates on threads and posts, which is found at the top of each reply to a thread.

As procedure dictates, I'll lock this thread for this reason. Happy forumgoing!

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