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I didn't think it would go together properly but four ships docked into one with KAS ropes and Quantum Struts :)


brb downloading Quantum Struts and making a pod racer.

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Looks cool, try to get it to Duna!

Lets see a little math... 1170 U fuel left out of 1750 after a 700 m/s burn to get out of the atmosphere..... and duna is another 1200 m/s away.... perhaps we could make a quick slingshot mabye orbit... it would be close....

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So physics had a heart attack on my 3 part space station. I'm happy to say there was a reactor failure though. This is what my orbital map looked like 30 seconds later. The explosion managed to knock a few parts out of the solar system.

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Just playing around with my Kerpollo design. Hopefully, the lander's ascent stage will now be able to return to orbit on normal fuel rather than having to resort to RCS.


Edited by Felsmak
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I was able to snap a photo of the satalite I have in orbit around Kerban with Kerbol illuminating only a small part of the planet. It's no picture of some far-off planet, but it does look pretty.


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The surface of Kerbin is the shore of the cosmic ocean. On this shore, we've learned most of what we know. Recently, we've waded a little way out, maybe ankle-deep, and the water seems inviting.

-Carl Kerman


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