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Sun from just over 500,000,000,000 meters (!) - about 7.5 times the orbital radius of Jool. Probe is still traveling at 22,700m/s so conceivably I could go much, much further but I already wasted 450 days of mission time on this jaunt, so I think I'll leave it a while. At this distance solar panels, even when directly exposed to sunlight, can't generate any measurable amount of electrical power, so the probe is inactive, but it doesn't stop me looking around at least.

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I just learned a very valuable, very painful lesson. Moho is a royal B(*CH to get to! I give you <current mission underway, only Jeb is EVA, Bob and Bill await GO for EVA> The Moho One on approach to Moho and below that, ON the Day Side of Moho with again, Jeb on EVA.

Side thought: The ring of engines are detachable for a more firey re-entry to kerbin when I arrive home XD



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@ Galacticruler - what is NERVA? i was thinking about the other gear - but its only like 150% of that i used, right?

@ Sylandro - robot doors are planned - so i might go fly in there ;) what is RAMA? (jeez, feel like a greenhorn in here)

Edited by sveno
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Thought it was time for a new heavy lift design - more reliable that is...

This thing is a beast, can lift 4 orange tanks with what has so far been a 100% success rate across the board :) very pleased.


That has to be in the yellow. Every flight right? Awesome design! Part count? Weight? Mods if any?

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So I did a test flight of my new Mun mission launch vehicle (completely overengineered, as is the norm). Unfortunately it completely failed; fortunately I still got some amazing screenshots. :D

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My future plans involve sending up a fuel tank to provide some refueling capabilities to the station, since I still intend to go to Mun with the rocket I docked here.

I also upgraded to Imgur Pro for you guys. The 225 picture limit was, well, limiting, and with all the stuff I want to document I just couldn't resist! :D

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The new Arro Crew Exchange Vehicle (Lander), on left, docked with the KSC's nuclear-propelled probe tug and counting down to Trans-Kerbin Injection. This was the return leg of an uncrewed test flight for the new design. Currently I have a production-model CEV(L) docked with a nuclear-propelled crew shuttle on its way to make our second landing on Minmus.

-- Steve

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