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My first Mission to the Eve planetary system :D, and this result doesn't include the science I got from landing my probe on eve :) Eve PAYS as far as science is concerned, 2853.6 science form an Eve flyby and Gilly survey, with an added 680-700ish from the probe (even with the transmission losses).

<iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/JPhCc/embed"></iframe>

Links to other Shared projects I have created:

The Agamemnon (Exoplanetary Outpost Deployment System: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/51494-The-Agamemnon-%28Exoplanetary-Outpost-Deployment-System%29-D

The Farscape Launchpoint Station: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/50344-I-present-to-you-the-Farscape-Launchpoint-Space-Station-%29

The Desert Rose Planetary Base: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/50670-The-Desert-Rose-Duna-Base-D

The Minotaur X-Light Fuel Tanker: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/51994-The-Minotaur-class-X-Light-fuel-launcher-%28with-tank-tug%29

The Tiny Titan Medium Tanker: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/51117-The-Tiny-Titan-Medium-Tanker-%284-orange-tanks-to-LKO%29-%29?p=667613#post667613

The Hercules 9 MkIIa and b Heavy Takers: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/50985-The-Hercules-9-Mk-IIa!-This-puppy-will-bring-about-9-2-orange-tanks-to-a-90KM-orbit

Edited by Arendey
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Mission 1. Minmus including landing + Mun orbit 2. Mun including landing 3. Duna & Ike fly by + bonus high orbit sun eva+iva 4. Eve Fly by + Gilly landing I think that's some SCIENCE today. =))


(Vessels 1 & 2 were just experiments...)

Here is pictures ASI for Science 3,4,5,6

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(Unlocked first craft parts withouth launching)

Edited by TUFOM
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It's a little misty at KSC tonight...


Damn it! Krackenised on my first go! No wonder she wanted to go back to the ship!


A perfect crash landing. I like these.






The new space center is just awesome.


It's like they've done something to the colour, or maybe my computer likes this version better. Everything looks awesome.

Edited by Tw1
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Build a nice little probe and send it to Duna.

While it was on the way, I used the scientific experiments aboard to gather data from orbit high over the Sun, high over Duna, low over Duna, flying over Duna and finally landed on Duna. No Kerbal needed, all data transmitted back to Kerbin.

It's nice that you can slowly, but surely transmit most of the data to Kerbin and get SCIENCE! Got about 1200 points out of that mission. :D


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Aaand here comes the full story of my previous screenshot.

I went to land in one of the Mun's craters. Went without a hitch. Once again I'm using the Tikan 5 launcher, the same rocket that got the Pyro station to Eve.



After inserting into orbit, I did 2/3 of an orbit, did my trans-Mun injection, did the orbital insertion burn, and then the descent.


The landing went without a hitch, although I had to hover some 150m sideways in order to avoid the walls of a minor crater.


I did my science, and lifted off.


At last, I returned to Kerbin, with 175 Science on board.


And watered safely.



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"28 rockets... Too bad we don't have the technology to make bigger, more powerful engines. Alas, this mighty rocket must land 3 Kerbals on the Mun without those better engines. Maybe science collected on the Mun's surface will help us achieve this goal?"


"...and we have liftoff! Liftoff of the Zeus N1 Rocket! ...and it has............ NOT CLEARED THE TOWER!!!!!!":sealed:





*sigh* Looks like a launch clamp has forgotten to release... again...;.;

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