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Yes. 20 computer-guided vectoring medium torpedoes and 4 computer-guided vectoring long-range large missiles. Also it can fit a single fighter of any design.

It has about 720 parts.

Edited by Kingtj44
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I want to shoot it...

Suddenly Explosions.


You would need a huge and fast projectile to pierce that pure structural panel armor with secondary structural beams for added protection...those are the strongest materials in the game. I also strategically made many different sections of armor instead of stacking the armor all off 1 original piece, so even with a hit, damage will be minimal. Its the super man of ships.

I do want to see it blow up at least once though :P

Edited by Kingtj44
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You would need a huge and fast projectile to pierce that pure structural panel armor with secondary structural beams for added protection...those are the strongest materials in the game. I also strategically made many different sections of armor instead of stacking the armor all off 1 original piece, so even with a hit, damage will be minimal. Its the super man of ships.

Maybe you should pm me a download link to the .craft and let me test that theory? or at least a persist file with the ship in it.

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[TABLE=width: 800]


[TD]After AACT-103 Stratus completed its first successful flight to the Island Runway to help two pilots revive and retrieve HSOC-101 Spectre, the time came to start putting together the return flight to the Duna Explorer expedition.

As Venture was rendered unable to return with Journeyman due to a design defect that left her without docking capability, plans were developed to send up a new service platform to replace it.

IPEV Karavel launched without fuss, and was in orbit within minutes.


It took only a couple of orbits to rendezvous with Journeyman, which had been revived and prepped for Karavel's arrival on a previous MACT test flight.


With Karavel docked, the Journeyman section will sync to it and assume the IPEV designation for the remainder of this flight.

Karavel is a good deal smaller and more maneuverable than the other vessels in the IPEV program. Its vehicle bay carries a new transit capsule to replace the faulty module that arrived at Duna with Venture, and is similarly designed to be carried by the DV-102 Sherpa dropships.


The primary component of IPEV Karavel is completely automated, and with systems now fully charged, is now ready to receive the crew and components. Two new Sherpas will also be attached to this flight, to replace the older original model already deployed, as well as another that suffered irreparable damage to its auxiliary seat during crew assembly procedures for the rotation departing Duna.


The vessel can accommodate up to ten crew members (including two pilots), and will allow for a complete cycling of the Duna Explorer expedition members. (Jeb and Bob alone have now been on Duna for almost four years).

The ship enters standby and awaits the arrival of the next shuttle, which will bring the six expedition members. Four pilots will follow soon afterward, two of which will arrive with the new Sherpas.




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Behold, the cubic strut in all its majesty!


Scrounging around for science on the Mun, because all kerbal technology is based on rocks they found lying around the space center, or on the Mun or Minmus..

Or perhaps this is a rover herd migrating?


Nice day for a launch:


Power problems continue:


Edited by Tw1
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[TABLE=width: 800]


[TD]Today, another flight was scheduled for the upcoming crew rotation of the Duna Explorer mission, starting with the six newest members of the expedition itself.

Fredely, Kerfred, Sonke, and Nedbin posed for a photo op outside the barracks with the newest additions to the team, Newdon and Jercas.


Their transport, a long-term chartered Greenhound "bus", carried the crew to the hangar, where their shuttle up to Karavel awaited.


Jercas hesitated at the bus boarding ramp, suddenly overtaken by emotion. He had been hoping for a chance to join the expedition, but his application had only been accepted at the last minute -alongside his fellow pilot and partner in crime Newdon- after completing two critical flights in rapid succession. He and Newdon are assigned as replacement pilots for the Sherpa dropships already on-location at the research site.


Though the trip was short in terms of distance, the bus wasn't designed for rapid transit, so the crew had a few more minutes to chatter excitedly with one another about their impending journey


Fredely took one last look around the grounds. This would be the last time he and his crew mates would experience the sights and sounds of home for the next three or four years.


Newdon, in his eagerness to get started, pushed past Fredely and headed for AACT-105 Slipstream, waiting patiently on the apron for its passengers to board. Newdon and Jercas were the only members of the outbound crew to have flown aboard an AACT shuttle, so they knew where the best seats in the cabin are, (which are of course the front seats closest to the huge screen!)


Nedbin was the last to board. He had never seen the AACT shuttles before, and though he found this one quite impressive, he couldn't help the feeling of trepidation at the thought of boarding one. After all, Slipstream had only just passed its flight trials; who knew what kinks might still exist in its design?


Their ground transport departed, as most of the crew waved goodbye to Bilster, who volunteered to drive in order to see his friends off. Newdon and Jercas argued over who got to select the channel to watch when the satellite television antenna was enabled for the flight.


Chatter amongst the crew tapered off as the large forward screen flickered to life and a small click sounded in their helmet speakers. Slipstream's lights flickered on as the engines began to hum lowly in prestart spool-up.

On the screen, a flight safety video began to play for the passengers, and Slipstream eased away from the stopline with its motorized landing gear before the engines could damage the hangar doors.


"Welcome aboard the automated atmospheric crew transport model 105," the narrator's voice said to them as images of the shuttle's design faded in and slid smoothly across the screen, "your attention to the following emergency procedures is appreciated."

The video came to an end just as Slipstream took up its takeoff position on the runway, and the cabin doors began to close. The forward screen lit up with multiple angles from on-board cameras so the crew could continue to observe the outside world during their flight.


The engines roared dully, and everyone felt the craft suddenly lurch forward. In seconds, Slipstream took to the air, and the KSC fell quickly behind.


"Definitely more powerful," Newdon noted to Jercas, "but somehow I expected there to be mo- gah!"

His lament was cut short by the sudden increase of engine noise and heavy g-forces cramming them all deeper into their seats.

Newdon watched the screen wide-eyed as the cameras showed how thoroughly Slipstream was putting his aborted gripe to rest.


The passengers spent the next fifteen minutes glued to the screen, watching in amazement as the shuttle rocketed them smoothly and efficiently into orbit. While all aboard were veterans of spaceflight, none had experienced such a luxurious and bump-free flight out of the atmosphere before.

Jercas pointed out the real-time statistics displayed near one corner of the screen to Newdon, and both silently wondered just how powerful the shuttle really was if it was capable of achieving orbit entirely at fifty percent of its thrust capability.


Soon enough, the growl from the engines died away, and everyone felt the last vestiges of gravity fall away as well.

"The shuttle has reached a stable orbit, and is now in the cruise phase of the flight," the narrator's voice helpfully provided, "Please continue to remain in your seats with your restraints securely fastened, for your safety. Estimated flight time remaining is [four] hours, and, [fifteen] minutes. Please enjoy the in-flight entertainment."

The screen flickered and switched to showing a movie, which after a moment Newdon realized was Red Planet, starring Kilmer Kerman.

"Oh hell no!" he cried, and changed the channel, setting everyone else on a mad scramble for the channel controls on their seats. Bedlam ensued in the cabin for the next hour.


Four hours later, Kaddy Shack had just finished, and the credits were cut off by the screen flicking back to the external camera views, accompanied by the now-familiar click of the audio channel, signaling the return of the announcer's voice.

"The shuttle is now on final approach to rendezvous with IPEV Karavel. Please secure your personal belongings and ensure your safety restraints are fastened securely for arrival. Estimated time to final docking is [fourteen] minutes, and [twelve] seconds."



Everyone aboard watched the video feeds, enraptured by the approach view of the ship that would be their home for the next few months. An awed silence fell over the group, broken only hushed comments. To speak in normal tones just now felt like something akin to blasphemy.

Slipstream took her purchase aboard Karavel, announced by a gentle vibration that one would have missed had one not been sitting as still as a rock when it happened. All among the six crew members definitely felt it.

A small ping sounded in their helmets, followed by a loud hiss in the cabin, and the announcer's voice in their ears.

"The shuttle has docked with its destination. The cabin is now being de-pressurized in preparation for your debarkation. Please stand by."

A moment later, the cabin doors slid silently open.


Sonke was the first to release his harness and make for the opening. Using short bursts from his MMU, he maneuvered "upward" over Slipstream's cabin to take in the sights.

"Holy krap guys, this is amazing!" he called back to his crew mates. Jercas hastily began to release his own restraints.


By the time Jercas had followed Sonke out, the other had already proceeded ahead to board Karavel's expedition crew quarters.

"Newdon", he called to his friend with a satisfied smile, "this was definitely worth the wait."


Soon, the crew had all moved to the Karavel without issue, and Slipstream sent crew records and statistics to Karavel's systems before disconnecting from its dock and maneuvering quickly away from the other ship's controlled space.


Once safely away, Slipstream aligned itself for de-orbit and fired its engines.


Within minutes, the ship was swathed in the fiery glow of re-entry, guidance systems already locked solidly on the KSC's runway beacon.


Emerging from the ballistic phase of its descent, the shuttle's engines rumbled to life once more to maintain strict control of its trajectory, though they were only needed to fire at a small fraction of the total power available.


Final approach. Engines are reigned in further, and the nose tilts upward ever so slightly to arrest the sink rate.


Moments from touchdown


Following a gentle and smooth landing, Slipstream decelerated to steering speed neatly at the turnoff ramp for the hangar, and parked back at the stopline it had left only five hours before.


This was probably the smoothest and most rock-solid landing I have ever accomplished with a plane in this game. LOVE this new design!![/TD]



Edited by Deadweasel
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Wait, what? What's this dug-into-the-ground-crash-landing stuff? Is that a mod?

I remember this whole ordeal a while ago. It was thought to be an undiscovered easter egg on Minmus, however it turned out to be a very peculiar ground scatter glitch where the plane pod was used instead of the usual rock. The dug-into-the-ground thing is also just an optical illusion made by the pod's shadow and the headlight of the rover.

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I just gave Jeb a new toy to test, an SSTO! This is my first one in quite a while! Jeb was able to fly it to LKO with over 500 Oxidizer remaining, which is a lot given that the plane had an Nuke engine. He decided to head to Minmus as full test.



This was Jeb's first time on this strange moon (in this save file). He so overexcited that he leaped out of the cabin, literally...



Before leaving, he made sure to examine the nearest rock he could find...


Being Jebidiah Kerman, he blasted the engine and took off at insane speeds... (he didn't even think twice about that huge mountain in the way)


As usual, he was to impatient for all that waiting for the right moment to burn in a parking orbit, so he just kept on going strait to a return trajectory.


The plane was coming down several hundred kilometers from KSC, so Jeb had to aerobrake and skip through the atmosphere.




And the mission ended with Jeb nicely parking in the hanger.


Edited by RocketPilot573
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Very nice story. Would you mind sharing the design? I'd love to look at it myself.
I'm totally going to steal this design, I'm in love with this beauty!


Download here!

You will need: (edited, PWings unnecessary on this model)

  • B9 Aerospace
  • <del>Procedural wings</del>
  • Aviation lights
  • Fueltastic

Hit "i" at launch to see the assigned action groups.

If it won't load because I didn't mention a needed part, please let me know and I'll correct the grievous and heinous error (or provide a version that doesn't use that part if you like)!

Edited by Deadweasel
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