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Hello from Laythe !






Full video series, narrated in french, of the design and testing of each part of the colony, its orbital assembly, its interplanetary travel and final landing sequence

. Edited by Jesrad
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I revisited my Arro Ghost "ion glider" concept today and found some weight-savings in the new stock parts... and in switching to just one (strutted-in) xenon canister rather than giving each engine its own. I also fixed a tendency for the rocket booster that takes it up to 2200m to break the stage separators prematurely...

The results?


I likely could have gotten farther had the sun not gone down in the 40 minutes it took to fly that far (distance is to the launch pad gantries left behind) as I still had over half the xenon left. A couple of minor savings in weight doubled the glide ratio... I think this can work.

-- Steve

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Finally found a flat spot on Laythe! Now I can start building my base.


My Airship (bottom left (pontunes from Firespitter to "land" on water))

Tylo (upper left (the dim moon))

Jool (middle (if it isn't obvious))

My interplanetary Personal Transport Rocket(PTR) and my Kerbal (lower middle)

Vall (right)

Bop (behind Jool)

For the curious, there's a medium-sized flat-ish island, near Laythe's South Pole. Bring on the high radiation!

Edited by Benie
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