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Those orbits are absolutely beautiful. And remind me of Lissajou curves, for some reason :)

While on the subject of geometric satisfaction... finally managed to make a stock fairing detach somewhat decently:


Very nice (geometrically satisfying) stock fairings!! I'm going to steal that idea in 3..2..1, stolen.

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MEV Cassiopeia (top) and MEV Cepheus (bottom) rendezvous in low Kerbin orbit before heading to Duna. After the 3-kerbal crew of commander Macley, pilot Jenbrett and specialist Patkin boarded the Cassiopeia, their light orbiter was docked on the Cepheus' cargo hold for transport.

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Can't imagine how long it took to set up the action group though.

Not that long, it's activated by staging anyway. You basically attach a cubic octogonal strut facing outwards, then put a decoupler with 1x1 panels on it and a sepratron somewhere in the mix. Attached with double 6x symmetry. I'll share the craft file if people want it :)

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Stock parts, no mods... I decided a month ago to make a good Mun rover.

I was never able to make anything stable and safe, until I read this forum and it's rover threads. Thanks everyone on the forums for the tricks

- Docking Mode (unless it goes airborne then you need the staging to maneuver it to safety)

- Disabling front wheel's breaks

- Disabling steering on back wheels, and motor if needed

- Center of mass middle, wide suspension

- SAS active in most case makes it extremely more stable.

The one with the solar column was extremely frustrating to get off the KSC pad and onto the Mun itself... And found it unstable (I played it yesterday, and it was stable enough, beating most design I ever made bar one). Called "Lunar I" (extremely imaginative of me, I know) it can easily cruise around speeds of 25 m/s without problems. It doesn't like to fly tho, and crashes into a million pieces if I try to "drop" into a crater from the rim. In a more polished version, I would remove the 'Gigantor XL Solar Array' on the top of it's column as I never use it. For the rest it stabilizes the whole thing so it stays. It's also a better rover for manned kerballed mission because of the seat on the front.

The other is a personal challenge I issued myself. It must look like the Spirit/Opportunity Mars Rover, be stable on the Mun, and push at least 25m/s without flipping or destroying itself. After 2-3 tries, I settled for a small one and boy was I in for a treat. Since I suck at launching things, it took me a week to figure a good launcher that worked... But once on the Mun, it can be stable at speeds of 45-50m/s, has survived jump/falls from a crater's rim until touchdown below (but not at 50m/s heh) It has all the scientific stuff from 0.22 (most on it's "neck" and the material's bay underneath for center of mass with the SAS strapped on), and an antenna to transmit the lot. It's INSANELY good and will be looking on sending my first mission ever to Mars Duna

I drove the two of them together (a 5h drive from my "Lunar Spirit" Rover taking much risks) for family photos... enjoy the different angles !

( Sorry for the lot of pictures, but rather proud of my hard work after so many weeks ! :) )








Edited by Francois424
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Not that long, it's activated by staging anyway. You basically attach a cubic octogonal strut facing outwards, then put a decoupler with 1x1 panels on it and a sepratron somewhere in the mix. Attached with double 6x symmetry. I'll share the craft file if people want it :)

Thanks for the recipe, I'm probably gonna use this.

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"Kerbaboy" got himself into a bit of a predicament.


It was a lovely Mun and Minmus that night.



That's right.


A Kerbalised nativity scene.

Not quite Biblically accurate, but the traditional set up. Nice all the same.



Edited by Tw1
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transport rover just arrived to one of my three Munar bases


this base is 7Km and 15Km away from the other two bases, which are empty. So, I must populate them.


arrived at Lunox-3 after a 7km trip


posing in front of the rover with cargo doors open


the rover was initially designed to build small seismic readers all across the region using KAS

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