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Postcards from Laythe - Cancelled indefinately


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hahahahahahah HAX
Someone who is happy with their current existence would say that, I for one am not cause I can't go to spaaaaace!

But on another note how many people know about this page of PfL?


Cause I laughed when I found it.

Edit: I could help with the links for PfL but since it was made through a site....sorry but I just finished a year of Software Engineering. So looking at PfL's code makes me cringe, that and OCD. But something you should know is the site mainly uses JavaScript not HTML5.

He forced me to!

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Which came first, the Avatars or the Restricted page?

The avatars, but at a much higher resolution. I just threw them on there because I was too lazy to paint a whole image for a simple (and temporarily) blank page

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The avatars, but at a much higher resolution. I just threw them on there because I was too lazy to paint a whole image for a simple (and temporarily) blank page[/QUidsy cheezeburger/]

why not just leave it blank?

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The avatars, but at a much higher resolution. I just threw them on there because I was too lazy to paint a whole image for a simple (and temporarily) blank page[/QUidsy cheezeburger/]

why not just leave it blank?

Because I knew someone would find a way in and ask questions about the blank page ^.^

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