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Postcards from Laythe - Cancelled indefinately


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Awesome, this'll finally get some story to go with these amazing pictures.

I'll take this moment to announce that there will be something related to the story posted to my dA sometime tomorrow. Chobit'll throw a link in the first post once that happens, so eyes open!

Wait, I said that already. All this writing is murder on the brainstem...

Edited by Trekkette
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I lost track of the voting but I think it's pretty clear what the people want: More beach scenes that will get the moderators and admins pissy at me again for oversexualizing their game about little green men.

That said, I have an idea for one more beach-typed scene, since Nadari and Dariya missed out on being in the one on Laythe

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It's been explained before that they just aren't necessarily okay with the beach scenes being here on the KSP forum. Several moderators did in fact vote for option #2 that would result in those scenes staying available if you noticed.

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I lost track of the voting but I think it's pretty clear what the people want: More beach scenes that will get the moderators and admins pissy at me again for oversexualizing their game about little green men.

That said, I have an idea for one more beach-typed scene, since Nadari and Dariya missed out on being in the one on Laythe

Hey, if I write some hot Kerbal guys into this thing, can they get some beach art? You know, if you ever get over your thing about male physiology? xD
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True, but thats why I'm no longer posting the images here! ^.^ Only a link to them, AVERTED!~<3


Hey, if I write some hot Kerbal guys into this thing, can they get some beach art? You know, if you ever get over your thing about male physiology? xD

*pimp slap* NO! Men are gross!

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i think you should do no sexualised images at all then you dont piss of either sex due to a imbalance of sexy women/hunky men also you dont piss of the mods like that april fools fiasco (that picture was so funn'''''y)

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One slight suggestion: Double line breaks between paragraphs are much easier on the eyes than single line breaks, at least on a computer screen.

Other than that, I'm not noting any serious grammatical or mechanical flaws, so good job!

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So, to distract from the discussion of attractive Kerbals of either sex, I present the first viewing of PfL: The Fic!

Please be kind... and ignore non-PfL stuff like crappy MS Paint art or emo poetry...

Pretty good. But it doesn't really introduce the characters at all. It just kind of puts names out there and expects us to know who they are. I understand it's a fanfic, but seeing as we know nothing about Dariya or Nadari, it would help to have some kind of intro for the characters. Just my two cents.

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One slight suggestion: Double line breaks between paragraphs are much easier on the eyes than single line breaks, at least on a computer screen.

Other than that, I'm not noting any serious grammatical or mechanical flaws, so good job!

Yeah, I'm not happy with the way dA does spacing. I'll give this a whirl, though.
Pretty good. But it doesn't really introduce the characters at all. It just kind of puts names out there and expects us to know who they are. I understand it's a fanfic, but seeing as we know nothing about Dariya or Nadari, it would help to have some kind of intro for the characters. Just my two cents.

I'm kinda trying for an in media res, where the reader just gets thrown in the world and they have to keep up. It's my favourite technique to read, anyway. Also, I think third person omnipotent narration is a cop out and with three viewpoint characters, it's had to distinguish between them...

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Have to agree with Nutt on this one. I can surmise some about the characters but not that much, leaving them just names on paper.

But other than that pretty darn good, MOAR PLS

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I'm kinda trying for an in media res, where the reader just gets thrown in the world and they have to keep up. It's my favourite technique to read, anyway. Also, I think third person omnipotent narration is a cop out and with three viewpoint characters, it's had to distinguish between them...

As someone who read way too much in pretty much every category, I have to agree. There's the initial vertigo of being thrown off a cliff of new information, followed by a wonderful period where the world feels more like reading a documentary than anything. Plus, you don't have to write awkward bits introducing things.

I'd recommend keeping a codex of stuff that no amount of context can tell us. Background stuff primarily. Also: Descriptions! I always get yelled at about not being descriptive enough in my writing. Especially character descriptions. Although the whole prosthetic things was very nicely done. Made it seem like nothing terribly special. "Yeah, she's missing a leg. So?" kinda feel.

And I'm rambling. Anyway, great job so far! Looking forward to more.

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The reason why it wouldn't make sense for kerbals to have either one or the other gender: Most flowers (plants have flowers) are both male and female.

Why it would be important: It would make the storyline of PfL more fun (I suppose.)

Too expensive! :D

[EDIT]: Wooooo, 500 posts!

Congratulations, you have won 500 Vietnamese dongs!

I would say both, now that may not sound possible but listen (a) molten/moving core= magnetic field, (B) magma = heat, © Laythe seems like a planet sized Hawaii. On a side note Laythe base Atlantis would be awesome to see!

So, in other worlds, the magma is heating the atmosphere and oceans and the core creates a magnetic field which protects it from radiaton... sounds pretty realistic.

*pimp slap* NO! Men are gross!

... t(-.-t)

So, to distract from the discussion of attractive Kerbals of either sex, I present the first viewing of PfL: The Fic!

Please be kind... and ignore non-PfL stuff like crappy MS Paint art or emo poetry...

I love the story. Can't wait for more.

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