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[1.12.5] Kerbalism Modular Science 0.5 (Science Only Config) Initial Release

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Kerbalism Modular Science (A Science Only Config for Kerbalism)

Kerbals working to Science the OrganicSlurry out of Kerbalism.

Download from Spacedock


  1. Install KerbalismCore https://spacedock.info/mod/1774
  2. Install Harmony https://github.com/KSPModdingLibs/HarmonyKSP/releases which is required by KerbalismCore.
  3. You don't need KerbalismConfig, or Community ResourcePack
  4. Put the KerbalismModularScience folder into GameData


  • Module Manager (not included).
  • KerbalismCore (not included).
  • Harmony (not included)


License is the Unlicense http://unlicense.org/

Source is on Github  https://github.com/theJesuit/KerbalismModularScience


This is an updated Science Only Config for Kerbalism.  Background processing is still in, but you don't need to worry about radiation, life support, kerbal comforts, non stock resources.

Looking for feedback on how other mods cope with this.  Patching  will continue.


** Changed:**

  • Profile name
  • Changed NEEDS and FOR to reflect profile name
  • Changed FuelCell resources to stock LFO or MonoProp
  • Settings: Reliabilty to false, everything else to true
  • Removed all CFG instances of:
    • Reliability
    • Life Support, ECLSS
    • Volume and Surface Area
    • Emitters
    • Most Parts (keeping Radiation counter and small antenna)

** Keeping:**

  • EC changes
  • Keeping Background processing for all modules for now - for background science. This might change for ISRU and Harvesting et all as I think I found the CFG code for it somewhere
  • MonoPropellant as the EVA jetpack fuel
  • Science experiements from vanilla Kerbalism including data storage and upgrades
  • Deployment of parts needing EC. This might also change.

** Still to come:**

  • BDB update
  • Some Localization updates in support folder
  • Modular Comfort and Radiation addons
  • ModularScienceSIMPLEX
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22 minutes ago, SheepDog2142 said:

Im still getting warning when I jump in game that its not compatible with USI Tools so MKS. Need to do more testing if there are actual issues though.

I think that may be a setting that can be switched off somewhere, maybe in the settings.cfg.  testing would be great then i can correct for a release.  Are you able to givr feedback as I don’t use MKS and I'll miss something if I try.

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37 minutes ago, theJesuit said:

I think that may be a setting that can be switched off somewhere, maybe in the settings.cfg.  testing would be great then i can correct for a release.  Are you able to givr feedback as I don’t use MKS and I'll miss something if I try.

Yea im clearing a few blockers for Vulkans IVAs at the moment but I can test after. Ill have logs when I do.

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Ok did some testing in general and kerbalism keeps locking up.


[EXC 07:31:27.809] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  KERBALISM.DB.Storm (System.String name) (at <1df9ac1cfd4d4d21a02d5b85bcff518b>:0)
  KERBALISM.Storm.Update (CelestialBody body, System.Double elapsed_s) (at <1df9ac1cfd4d4d21a02d5b85bcff518b>:0)
  KERBALISM.Kerbalism.FixedUpdate () (at <1df9ac1cfd4d4d21a02d5b85bcff518b>:0)
  UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
  ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
  UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)
[EXC 07:31:27.812] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  KERBALISM.DB.Storm (System.String name) (at <1df9ac1cfd4d4d21a02d5b85bcff518b>:0)
  KERBALISM.Storm.Update (CelestialBody body, System.Double elapsed_s) (at <1df9ac1cfd4d4d21a02d5b85bcff518b>:0)
  KERBALISM.Kerbalism.FixedUpdate () (at <1df9ac1cfd4d4d21a02d5b85bcff518b>:0)
  UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
  ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
  UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)
[EXC 07:31:27.814] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  KERBALISM.DB.Storm (System.String name) (at <1df9ac1cfd4d4d21a02d5b85bcff518b>:0)
  KERBALISM.Storm.Update (CelestialBody body, System.Double elapsed_s) (at <1df9ac1cfd4d4d21a02d5b85bcff518b>:0)
  KERBALISM.Kerbalism.FixedUpdate () (at <1df9ac1cfd4d4d21a02d5b85bcff518b>:0)
  UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
  ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
  UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)
[EXC 07:31:27.816] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  KERBALISM.UI.Update (System.Boolean show_window) (at <1df9ac1cfd4d4d21a02d5b85bcff518b>:0)
  KERBALISM.Kerbalism.Update () (at <1df9ac1cfd4d4d21a02d5b85bcff518b>:0)
  UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
  ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
  UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)
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35 minutes ago, theJesuit said:

Cheers.  Any extra mods?

Yea I think its a direct issue with Luna multiplayer and the background processing of something.

Its happened off multiplayer as well but I think the whole client server thing just kicks the error off right away. If we could figure out what it is and nip it in the Bud it would be huge to get kerbalism science available for mp players.

Ill PM you my log.

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47 minutes ago, SheepDog2142 said:

Yea I think its a direct issue with Luna multiplayer and the background processing of something.

Its happened off multiplayer as well but I think the whole client server thing just kicks the error off right away. If we could figure out what it is and nip it in the Bud it would be huge to get kerbalism science available for mp players.

Ill PM you my log.

I'm getting so many 502 errors so couldn't check back on thr errors today.

If it is Luna Multiplayer, try turning OFF the space weather in settings.cfg.  this will impact some of the radiation science you can access but nothing wlse should be affected.

Still looking into the NF Spacecraft one tomorrow.

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3 minutes ago, theJesuit said:

I'm getting so many 502 errors so couldn't check back on thr errors today.

If it is Luna Multiplayer, try turning OFF the space weather in settings.cfg.  this will impact some of the radiation science you can access but nothing wlse should be affected.

Still looking into the NF Spacecraft one tomorrow.

Sounds good. Really enjoying the bug testing got to say.

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I did some testing, and your version of Kerbalism at least allows me to hit escape when the fatal error appears. I'm still trying to figure out how to disable the warning as a temporary fix. I was able to gather science, and it worked so far, but the error remains an issue.

==New Error==
The repeating NullReferenceException errors related to KERBALISM.UI.Update and KERBALISM.Kerbalism.Update indicate that Kerbalism is attempting to update its user interface (UI) or internal logic, but something it relies on is either not initialized or missing.

  KERBALISM.UI.Update (System.Boolean show_window) (at <1df9ac1cfd4d4d21a02d5b85bcff518b>:0)
  KERBALISM.Kerbalism.Update () (at <1df9ac1cfd4d4d21a02d5b85bcff518b>:0)
  UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
  ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
  UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)
[EXC 18:48:51.681] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  KERBALISM.UI.Update (System.Boolean show_window) (at <1df9ac1cfd4d4d21a02d5b85bcff518b>:0)
  KERBALISM.Kerbalism.Update () (at <1df9ac1cfd4d4d21a02d5b85bcff518b>:0)
  UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
  ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
  UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)
Edited by SheepDog2142
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It may be the space weather stuff.  My hunch is that when kerbalism on one machinebin multiplayer  triggers a random event like a solar flare then it all goes wrong.  Background processing like for EC maybe play until it triggers an event like you run out of EC and it tries to tell you with a HUD message.

Try turning off all messages on all craft, perhaps each one individually.

Actually, with multiplayer can you see all craft in the kerbalism window in flight or in the space center?

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On 8/14/2024 at 3:28 AM, theJesuit said:

It may be the space weather stuff.  My hunch is that when kerbalism on one machinebin multiplayer  triggers a random event like a solar flare then it all goes wrong.  Background processing like for EC maybe play until it triggers an event like you run out of EC and it tries to tell you with a HUD message.

Try turning off all messages on all craft, perhaps each one individually.

Actually, with multiplayer can you see all craft in the kerbalism window in flight or in the space center?

Ill check. I believe so. The error pops as soon as I load into the KSC and then reloads every time I change scenes.

The background and EC changes also brick Warbirds IVA mods. I know how to remove the requirement for me but we need to include a config patch that fixes it (I have one you can have) or do something about the EC stuff as the change in electricity more than likely effects MKS and other mods to.


Figured it out its EC for sure that throws the kerbalism critical errors. It also breaks several IVA's and causes issues with MKS /  USI Tools. Science still works and can be collected with EC off as well.

So if we can figure out a way to not use it then we should be good.
Also a side note all the crew reports and stuff from stock are still there and usable as well. I think these need to be removed.

Edited by SheepDog2142
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  • 4 weeks later...

For what it's worth, I am not currently getting any errors when I load this together with USI-LS and MKS.

I do get a one-time message that complains about the presence of incompatible mods when I create a new save, but only then. Future loading of the savegame or jumping around in different scenes ingame does not cause the warning to reappear. I expect this is just a part of Kerbalism and will always complain, though the amount of features disabled by the Science Only profile should result in a good chance of removing any actual incompatibilities in practice. Fingers crossed, anyway.

I've not actually played yet, still setting up mods. But if/when I get around to playing for a while, I'll report back how it goes.


Edited by Streetwind
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28 minutes ago, Streetwind said:

I've not actually played yet, still setting up mods. But if/when I get around to playing for a while, I'll report back how it goes.

That'll be great thanks.

On 8/14/2024 at 11:32 PM, SheepDog2142 said:

Figured it out its EC for sure that throws the kerbalism critical errors. It also breaks several IVA's and causes issues with MKS /  USI Tools. Science still works and can be collected with EC off as well.

Is this playing still with Luna Mulitplayer?

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(Preface: my goal is to combine this with the existing Skyhawk Kerbalism config pack.)

So, from what I understand, is that Kerbalism turns on anything that's defined in the Profile module? So, that means I should strip out everything in Skyhawk Kerbalism's Profile module that does not exist in the ModularScience's Profile module? Or completely replace the contents of the Skyhawk Profile with the ModularScience profile?

Edited by bigyihsuan
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