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KSP'ers new and old, come say hello :D


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Congratulations to all survivors! I hope that this tragic event does not occur again! :)

As to what happened, read this article: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/content.php/161-KSP-Forums-and-SpacePort-are-back-up-Important-Notice-for-Forum-Members

It has as much info as Squad has/is willing to share about recent events. Tip: look at the right side of the main forum page for articles and blog posts from the devs

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Howdi - This is a great game for me - gets my creativity stuff goin on.

I am glad things with the forum and site got sorted out.

I miss losing my post count AKA MrZeta AKA

But the game goes on...

PS: DOnt forget I am streaming live almost every nite - I cant get enough of this game !


In fact I am streaming tonite off and on...working on a rescue plane, rovers, some gorund ops...cant go to space without good safety and rescue procedures for the lil fella's - and gal Kerbals if there are any ! :cool:

Cdr Zeta

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I'd also like to ask one thing: I had a thread called "A newbie how-to, read this!" it was stickyed too. Does anyone have something like a google cache for it? Fact: As the forums crashed, I bought a new PC, so I didn't have a chance to do it myself.

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Hey, new to the forum. Just wanted to say hi (and help get my post count to five so I can get a custom avatar, mwaha..). If you ever wanna discus something KSP with a stranger for no particular reason, send me a PM! Love the game now, and excited for where it's headed. :):cool:

p.s. best. emoticons. EVER.

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I just started yesterday and so far have just dumped time into it. Really excited to delve into this further. So far I have got a couple ships into orbit and have made a crazy number of failed ships too. Sorry to hear about the wiping of accounts!

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I also lost my account in the Great Forum Purge of April 2013. No biggie though.

Having way too fun with this game. It must be illegal in some way...

~ Taranis Elsu

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Hello hello! I'm brand-spanking new around here and absolutely loving KSP. A week or so ago, an old online friend was broadcasting via twitch.tv. So while waiting for a Battlefield 3 battle to end on 21CW, I tuned in to his broadcast and saw that he was building a rocket of some sort. I messaged him asking what the heck he was doing and he informed me about KSP. After downloading the demo, I was forever hooked! I bought the full version that night and couldn't be happier!

Thanks to the dev team and all the people that support them and the game. I can't wait to virtually live out my childhood dreams and discover new ones.


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