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Firespitter propeller plane and helicopter parts v7.1 (May 5th) for KSP 1.0


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Haha! I made the leading edge drag independent of the presence of atmospheric pressure, didn't I? Ooops. That's what happens when you don't try your planes in outer space.

Note: I haven't managed to test yet, I'll try it tomorrow, but I'm on GMT+2 time, so it's late at night/early morning here.

Actually my initial point wasn't about the drag. I think drag is constant in KSP parts. I had two problems:

1. The (toggled) leading edge apparently affects the speed directly. This instead of modifying a physical property, which would make the wing behave differently in the physics simulation (affecting speed indirectly).

2. The leading edge apparently affects the speed of the vehicle instead of the velocity. The effect is completely independent upon direction, and only affected by the raw speed.

I first noticed this effect in KEO, and it slowed my vehicle down to exactly 11.7m/s. The speed at which the scalar multiplication of the "leading edge effect" and the gravitational acceleration on the vehicle balanced when my velocity was aimed straight at the centre of Kerbin.

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Soooo I'm not sure what your take on sugestions is but, How bout some "Really" big motors?

For instance...


Oh, and any cockpits shaped like the old zepplin gondalas? That would be awsome... And it would be great for hooligans airship stuff. Besides the Hindenburg seems like a fairly kerbal thing to build....

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Soooo I'm not sure what your take on sugestions is but, How bout some "Really" big motors?

For instance...


Oh, and any cockpits shaped like the old zepplin gondalas? That would be awsome... And it would be great for hooligans airship stuff. Besides the Hindenburg seems like a fairly kerbal thing to build....

All I did was change the rescale factor to 7, power to what I wanted, and mass. Took about 3 seconds to get a nice big zeppelin engine :)


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Yeah, but it doesn't have the same look to it, simple rescaling while effective, doesn't quite convey the same "Power" plus something old timey in general with wooden blades and all seems like a fairly good idea...

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Well, this sucks. I've been unable to replicate the effect as of yet. However when it occurred I could disable and enable the effect by toggling the leading edges of the wings. I'll keep an eye out on the effect, but for now I'm unable to give more test data.

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The slats do two things, they apply more lift to the wing, which is not a problem, cause they still act like normal wings, i.e. they do nothing at all in vacuum.

However they also apply drag directly to the rigidbody, instead of altering the drag coefficient. That ignores reality and space all together, and needs to be changed, cause it also creates an unfortunate parachute effect.

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Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I cannot get the VTOL steering modes box to show when I am editing the engines in action group mode... it just doesnt exist on my screen. I only get the presets window.. is there anything I can do to fix this?

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I can only think that you are using an old version of the plugin. Make sure you only have one copy of firespitter.dll, and that you use the latest one from spaceport or the pre-release.

The steering mode boxes are in the same window as the presets, at the bottom, so if you have the right dll, it should be working. If some other mod is using my dll, but in the wrong folder, that could create a conflict...

Update FS, start a new craft, throw the VTOL engines on it, and check it in the action editor. If you see any red errors in the log ( Alt+F2 ), that might be worth a look at.

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Does anyone else get crazy lag using the "Apache" style helicopter cockpit? My Duna plane flies like a slideshow even with low texture settings. The only mod on the plane is FS, but there are other mods loaded. The only one that should be active is Crew Manifest.

Pictures because yay I made a plane that flies on Duna:

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I can only think that you are using an old version of the plugin. Make sure you only have one copy of firespitter.dll, and that you use the latest one from spaceport or the pre-release.

The steering mode boxes are in the same window as the presets, at the bottom, so if you have the right dll, it should be working. If some other mod is using my dll, but in the wrong folder, that could create a conflict...

Update FS, start a new craft, throw the VTOL engines on it, and check it in the action editor. If you see any red errors in the log ( Alt+F2 ), that might be worth a look at.

Thanks, I got it working, but it seems like the VTOL control settings work only half the time(ie respond to input from keyboard or joystick, in both double and single modes) ... Maybe another mod is interfering, not sure yet. It could also be something to do with my computer(though regular control surfaces work just fine)...

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I'm having problem with the water launch system, in that it isn't launching my submarine, do i need to double up on the water launch parts or what?

Adding more water launch modules would not help at all (it would probably just add to the problem).

Try changing the time it spends trying to move you to the water. In the cfg file, edit the line timer = 4.0 to something higher. This is the time in seconds it repeats the move. On a slower machine, you might need additional time.

(This is in the MODULE { name = FSmoveCraftAtLaunch... )

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Love this mod. Heres my Cargo Quad VTOL:Le36Udy.jpg?1

It is flyable, but even with Infernal Robotics povered COM balancing, its nightmare to steer. :-)

****ing image dont show again, heres the link: http://imgur.com/Le36Udy

Edit: got the img working. :-D

It's because the rear rotors vector their thrust in the same direction as the front ones. I had the same problem building a Chinook. Turn it off on the rear rotors (or lock gimbal).

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My 0.02 kerbal monetary units:

So I liked the bomber bomb bay, but it was a bit too long for the use I wanted it for. After some mucking around with config files, I succeeded in sawing it in half.


Place into a "bomb-bay-half.cfg" file anywhere you like in GameData, KSP will sort it out.


name = FSbombBay_half
module = Part
author = Snjo

model = Firespitter/Parts/Fuselage/FS_bombBay/model
texture = Firespitter/Parts/Fuselage/FS_bombBay/model000
position = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
rotation = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
scale = 1.0, 0.5, 1.0

scale = 1
rescaleFactor = 1

node_stack_one = 0.0, 0.0, -0.62, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1

node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
node_attach = 1.25, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1

cost = 10000
category = Structural
subcategory = 0
title = FS1BB-H Bomb Bay
manufacturer = Bitesized Industries
description = There was that incident with Bill, Jebediah, a few technicans whose names won't tell you anything, and a hacksaw... But we shall not dwell on that and just give you the accidentally useful result -- a bomb bay half the size of the original, repainted to hide the saw marks.

attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0

mass = 0.6
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.2
minimum_drag = 0.3
angularDrag = 2
crashTolerance = 20
breakingForce = 1e37
breakingTorque = 1e37
maxTemp = 2900

//module documentation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iD52DfHft04Hb48TEhF5a4n5JOc8efUevdg5Y_QPICQ/edit?usp=sharing
name = FSanimateGeneric
animationName = bombBayDoors
startEventGUIName = Open Doors
endEventGUIName = Close doors
toggleActionName = Toggle doors
startDeployed = False
customAnimationSpeed = 1.0
availableInEVA = True
availableInVessel = True
EVArange = 5
layer = 1
useActionEditorPopup = True
moduleID = 0


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hey im having a problem with the most of the wings where the controls r inverted and that combined with the none inverted wing it wobbles and boom. Can u help me?

Sight unseen, I'm going to guess that you have a control module/pod which faces a direction other than the intended path of travel.

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Yes exactly

Control surfaces react dynamically to the location and orientation of your command pod and the Center or Mass. Only trick I know of to get around this is to add a probe core facing the right direction and control it from that location.

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