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The ISS Construction Kit [0.3.0 for KSP2]


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An ISS parts mod for Kerbal Space Program 2

This mod is in pre-release. It does not have all the ISS components yet.

This mod seeks to provide ISS and space modeling enthusiasts with all of the station's components (eventually) so that they can recreate its construction in the historical sequence of assembly, or simply utilize them to construct the space station of their dreams.





Zarya, the original 'grandma' of the ISS, started out as the powerhouse, the brains, and the muscle of the station. But now, after years of hard work, she's basically the space version of an attic, filled with random stuff from the early days of space exploration.

Zarya icon


Unity is the first U.S.-built component of the ISS, linking the laboratory's Russian Orbital Segment and US Orbital Segment. Unity was launched on 4 December 1998, aboard Space Shuttle Endeavour on STS-88.

Unity icon


Zvezda provides essential life support systems and offers a cozy home for two lucky kerbonauts. But don't be fooled by its laid-back exterior - Zvezda can be remotely controlled, so if it ever decides to start slacking off, the KSC can give it a virtual kick in the pants.

Zvezda icon


The Destiny module is the primary operating facility for US research payloads aboard the ISS. This is where science gets a little... spacey.


Canadarm2 (SSRMS)*

The robotic arm moves equipment and supplies around the station, supports kerbonauts working in space, and services instruments and other payloads attached to the ISS. Though capable of delicate repairs and heavy lifting, it still can't figure out how to unclog the station's toilet.


* Since KSP2 does not have robotics, this part is just for looks.


Quest is the primary airlock for the ISS. It was designed to host spacewalks with both US and Russian space suits. The airlock was launched on STS-104 on July 14, 2001.


Z1 Truss

The Z1 truss is the ISS's master of orientation, the king of control. It’s like the captain of a ship, always making sure everyone is headed in the right direction. With its gyroscopes and plasma pals, it's got the station spinning and twirling like a top, ensuring it's always facing the sun just right.


P6 Truss

The P6 truss was the second truss segment to be added (after the Z1 truss) because it contains a large Solar Array Wing (SAW) that generated essential electricity for the station. It was delivered by Space Shuttle Endeavour during STS-97. It was the last human spaceflight of the 20th century.


S0 Truss

The S0 truss forms the central backbone of the Space Station. It was attached on the top of the Destiny Module during STS-110 in April 2002. S0 is used to route power to the pressurized station modules and conduct heat away from the modules to the S1 and P1 Trusses.


Solar Array Wing

The ISS Solar Array Wings are so powerful, they could probably light up the entire galaxy if they weren't busy powering the International Space Station to keep the lights on and the coffee brewing.


APAS-95 docking port

APAS-95 is an androgynous docking system used on the American and Russian modules on the ISS and to allow the Space Shuttle to dock.

APAS-95 icon

CBM docking port

It's the ISS's secret weapon for connecting habitable modules in the US Orbital Segment. It's like the ultimate "stick-it-to-the-man" (or, in this case, the space station) solution.

CMB icon


PMA-1 is basically the space equivalent of a USB adapter, but instead of letting you connect your phone to a laptop, it lets spacecraft connect to the station. Think of it as the ultimate 'space plug-in' for cosmic commuters. Launched with the Unity module in 1998 aboard STS-88.

PMA-1 icon


This adapter is used on the ISS to convert a CBM interface to an APAS-95 docking port. PMA-2 was launched with the Unity module in 1998 aboard STS-88. It was outfitted special hardware to allow the shuttles to stay docked longer. PMA-3 was launched in 2000 aboard STS-92.

PMA-2/3 icon

Zvezda Solar Panel

Meet the solar panel that's seen more sunrises than a rooster. This retractable array is more interested in reminiscing about the glory days than tracking the sun. It's like a retired kerbonaut who's content to bask in the sunlight, occasionally muttering something about 'good old Comrade Sol'.

Zvezda Solar Panel icon

External Active Thermal Control System*

The ISS's a busy place, and what happens when all that activity heats things up? The station's radiators come in, space's biggest heat dump! They collect heat and reject it by use of pumped liquid state ammonia in closed-loop circuits to cool the station.


* Since KSP2 does not have part heating, this part is just for looks.

Module-to-Truss Structure Attach System

The MTSAS is a crucial, permanent component on the ISS that connects the S0 truss segment to the Destiny lab. This structure must withstand dynamic loads, pressure, and thermal cycles throughout the station's lifespan.


ISS Technical Docking Port

This is a hooking part to weld together two elements where kerbonauts are not intended to pass through, and thus where traditional docking ports should not be used. This component does not exist in the real ISS and have been added for gameplay. Not compatible with other docking ports.


Small ISS Technical Docking Port

This docking port is intended to join together small elements of the ISS, such as the Canadarm to the surface of a module.



For those daring enough to recreate the ISS's assembly in its historical sequence, this is the suggested procedure.

In the absence of Canadarm, the use of tugs is necessary.

Element Launcher* Date Recommended parts
Zarya Proton-K 1998-11-20 Zarya, APAS-95 x3, Zvezda Solar Panel** x2, RV-105 RCS x4 (stock)
Unity / PMA-1 / PMA-2 Space Shuttle (STS-88) 1998-12-04 Unity, PMA-1, PMA-2/3, CMB x8, APAS-95 x2
Zvezda Proton-K 2000-07-12 Zvezda, APAS-95 x4, Zvezda Solar Panel x2, Place-Anywhere RCS x8 (stock)
Z1 Truss Space Shuttle (STS-92) 2000-10-11 Z1 Truss, CBM x2, ITDP x2
PMA-3 Space Shuttle (STS-92) 2000-10-11 PMA-2/3, CMB, APAS-95
P6 Truss Space Shuttle (STS-97) 2000-11-30 P6 Truss, EATCS x3, SAW x2, IDTP (x2 if you have to tug it)
Destiny/ESP-1 Space Shuttle (STS-98) 2001-02-07 Destiny, CBM x2, ITDP (for MTSAS), SITDP (for SSRMS)
Canadarm2 (SSRMS) Space Shuttle (STS-100) 2001-04-19 Destiny, SITDP x2
Quest Space Shuttle (STS-104) 2001-07-12 Destiny, CBM x2
S0 Truss/MBS Space Shuttle (STS-110) 2001-04-08 S0 Truss, ITDP x3, MTSAS

* launchers not included

** Zarya do not have its own solar panel yet




A view of the VAB with the first stages of the ISS assembled




(shuttle not included)


This mod features a semi-realistic modeling of the ISS as some liberties were taken with reality in order to allow the parts to integrate properly with the game with reasonable performance.

For example the CBM, used to connect habitable elements in the US Orbital Segment of the ISS, is a non-androgynous system in reality but has been made androgynous in the game for simplicity.

This mod's author did his best to make every space shuttle assembly mission possible by allowing the elements to be stored in the stock mk3 cargo bay. Some elements may however still prove difficult to fit in, such as the P6 truss segment (you will need to tuck the radiators in).

Known Issues

  • RCS not included.
  • Most parts are not paintable.
  • Solar Panel are not self-tracking.
  • Solar Panels deployment in the VAB are too slow.
  • Zarya does not have its own solar panel yet (you can use Zvezda's).
  • No reentry effects.
  • Kerbals located inside Zvezda do not show on the interior view windows.
  • Quest is not a functional airlock.


  1. Open the game folder by right-clicking on the game in your Steam library, selecting "Manage," and then clicking "Browse local files."
  2. Install the Space Warp + BepinEx plugin (available on CKAN).
  3. Install the Patch Manager plugin (available on CKAN).
  4. Download the latest version of The ISS Construction Kit, either on GitHub or on Spacedock.
  5. Open the zip file and drag the included BepInEx folder into the game folder (merge folders when asked).


Space Warp + BepInEx

Patch Manager


Spacedock: https://spacedock.info/mod/3709/The%20ISS%20Construction%20Kit

GitHub : https://github.com/pasalvetti/iss

Contact: KSP 2 Modding Society


For some parts of the ISS : NASA (https://github.com/nasa/NASA-3D-Resources), Zer0Frost (https://github.com/Zer0Frost/3D-ISS-for-blender) Adaptation & mod by Polo

Edited by PoloKornel
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  • 2 months later...
2 hours ago, skynet1654 said:

Bonjour, je voudrais savoir ou je peux trouver les pièces ?



“Hello, I would like to know where I can find the parts?”

Please include an English translation to any posts outside of the “international” sub forum.   Thank you. 

Merci d'inclure une traduction en anglais pour tout message publié en dehors du sous-forum « international ». Merci.

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  • 3 months later...

v0.3.0 is out

  • Adds Quest
  • Adds S0 Truss
  • Adds Canadarm2 (SSRMS)
  • Adds two loading screens
  • Adds new small docking port (SITDP)
  • Removes MTSAS from Destiny and makes it a separate part
  • Updates Unity and Destiny textures
  • Parts are available in the tech tree for the Exploration mode
  • Adds two missions for the Exploration mode
  • Makes the radiators (EATCS) compatible with Meltdown

The Spacedock update failed, but you can still find this new version on GitHub : https://github.com/pasalvetti/iss/releases/tag/v0.3.0

Edited by PoloKornel
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