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[AAR] The Grand Tour - Voyage To The Planets


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I don't get this reference.


How the...

Alright, in Space: 1999, there is a base on the Moon, called Moonbase Alpha, and on another part of the Moon, there are some huge nuclear waste deposits (courtesy of Earth...) that catastrophically explode, knocking the Moon out of the Solar System. Adventures ensue.

Basically, when the people of Earth next looked up, the Moon was gone, just like Laythe may or may not be, according to this conspiracy theory :confused:

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Oh, I see now. Well, in Poland "Space 1999" was broadcasted in the late 70's, so it's not like I've had a chance to see this on TV :)

The idea alone is a little over the top for the realistic-ish Grand Tour however. On the other hand though... :scribble: :P

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Oh, I see now. Well, in Poland "Space 1999" was broadcasted in the late 70's, so it's not like I've had a chance to see this on TV :)

The idea alone is a little over the top for the realistic-ish Grand Tour however. On the other hand though... :scribble: :P

Fair enough. I'll admit, I've only seen something like 3 episodes, which fortunately did include the first ever episode. My dad was the one who watched it when it was on.

And... hold on, you're scribbling? What could you possibly be doing that for? It's not like you can seriously just go and move an on-rails moon to... oh no, I see what you're doing here. I mentioned a big explosion, didn't I? Great.

I'm just going to run away now.

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I'm just going to run away now.

Haha, I assume you used to play D&D than - when your GM is scribbling some notes and smiling suspiciously, extreme caution is the only sane reaction :) I believe there was even a relevant Darth&Droids episode about this. You can always tell how experienced your players are by things like this.

Edited by czokletmuss
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Haha, I assume you've been playing D&D than - when your GM is scribbling some notes and smiling suspiciously, extreme caution is the only sane reaction :) I believe there was even a relevant Darth&Droids episode about this.

I've never played D&D, actually. I suppose I can understand being wary when the game master is looking suspicious, though...

No, I was going to run away from the angry mob of people who follow this story, because I may have accidentally pitched the idea that there could be some big explosion that kills another crew member. Or maybe even a few crew...

I don't think that would go down well after the 3 deaths we've already had in the story. I'd probably have to go into exile.

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I've never played D&D, actually. I suppose I can understand being wary when the game master is looking suspicious, though...

Oh well. I played it in high school, it was fun :)

No, I was going to run away from the angry mob of people who follow this story, because I may have accidentally pitched the idea that there could be some big explosion that kills another crew member. (...) I'd probably have to go into exile.

There won't be any official statement regarding this issue though, you'll just have to wait for the next updates [soon as always].

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*Twitch twitch* Soon... Sooon..... SOOOON! I can't take it any more! You're gonna soon me to death!

*Leaps to hypothetical death off KSC*

About that one, I think a wrote an answer to that some time ago *Rumble* *Rumble* Oh here it is:

Learn you must, that Soon is the Masters most used words, and as we, his padawans waits for the golden words of beauty to drop from his lips like flocks of golden birds, rivers of glimmering snakes and streams of shining honey. He who speaks of stars and worlds long away in the mist of story and books must not be disturbed in his art.

Patience young padawans, patience.

Although seriously this series is very addicting.

But we have to Jump off buildings be patient :D

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Er, no. Actually I was fritzing over the continued use of soon (and Soon TM) in people's replies. Just me going nuts. Don't mind me, I'll just sit in the corner and explode... quietly


I'm really sorry but there won't be any other ETA than Soonâ„¢ (thanks TheError!).

Before the next one is released you can always re-read the old ones in search of clues and foreshadowing - for every Red Herring there is always one Chekhov's Gun :P

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