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CKAN thoughts


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17 hours ago, Lisias said:

And, yet, nobody ever mentioned Vortex to you. That's the whole point.

Well, that's the thing. Nobody seems to be mentioning Vortex at all. Except for you. 

17 hours ago, Lisias said:

If the user's installment gets screwed after using CKAN and it wasn't before, the net result is a screwed up installment no matter who's in fault.

On the other hand, if the user installs something by hand, screws it up and CKAN detects and fixes it... Can you see the huge difference it would do?

Its my understanding that CKAN doesn't touch manually-installed items. But again, you're missing my point, which is that its a lot easier to correct an installation issue caused by CKAN than by manual install. And installation issues are a lot less frequent through CKAN than manual. The CKAN team are not God, they are not all-knowing or all-powerful, so it is on the user and the mod dev to report issues to them. So I'm not understanding your point.

17 hours ago, Lisias said:

Because I support my users, not CKAN, Nexus or whatever.

When an user reaches me with a problem in which anything I do is involved, I help them no matter how they installed the damned thing. Virtually all the support requests I get nowadays** is related due something else botched on the user's machine, causing collateral effects that affects something I published.

** Exception made on the following days I publish a new release, when now and then I bork something and let it pass trough into the release.

And as one of your users, I appreciate that ethic. My question wasn't "why do you support Nexus/Vortex?", it was "how are they installing your mods with it in the first place?" 

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1 hour ago, Grenartia said:

Well, that's the thing. Nobody seems to be mentioning Vortex at all. Except for you. 

It has to start somewhere, no?

And since I'm known to gladly help users no matter how they install things, it's hardly a suprise they mention it to me instead of doing it to someone that would reply "use CKAN" or "uh 100% no"  and finish the conversation?

Every time, every single time someone tells anything remotely not eulogistic about CKAN we have a flame fest.

It's a surprised that some people choose to avoid dealing with CKAN as it would be the plague?

Did you realised the length of the pain that it was endured on this thread just to have a single problem involving CKAN solved due the entitlement of some people that think they own my free time and I have an obligation to them?

And when someone else read such a series of unfortunate events and realise that if I would just kept my mouth shut, none of this pain would had happen, what is the message they are getting?


1 hour ago, Grenartia said:

My question wasn't "why do you support Nexus/Vortex?", it was "how are they installing your mods with it in the first place?" 

Don't have a clue yet. I used my scarse free time during this day dealing with CKAN - a mistake I'm not going to make again, you can be absolutely sure about.

Once I manage to get a good night of restorarative sleep (I have DayJob(C) and RealLife(tm) issues to cope with - things are hairy around here), I will fire up my Windows box and give it a peek.

Except by some CKAN zealots, I found more good references about NexusMods then bad out there. 

Granted, a few of these bad ones are a bit hairy and demand some research.

But.. this thread is not about NexusMods neither Vortex. I think We should discuss this somewhere else instead of keep derailing this thread as it's being happenning.

I just want to lock this damned thread and never touch this subject again. 

Edited by Lisias
tyops. as usulla.
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