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[1.12.x] OrbitIconsPack 1.3.0 [Updated January 9th 2025 CET]


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This mod allows anyone to give their planets their own orbital icon texture. As, at least to my knowledge, only a few planet packs use that feature so I wanted to make this little mod for planet pack creators.


As with planet packs, this mod requires Kopernicus and its dependencies to function. In order to apply the new icon textures, add either

iconTexture = OrbitIconsPack/PluginData/Icon_TypeAbbreviation.png

to your planet's/moon's config under the "Orbit" section, or create a patch config with

			iconTexture = OrbitIconsPack/PluginData/Icon_TypeAbbreviation.png

In the patch config, replace "Mod" with the name of your planet pack and "Example" with the name of the body you want the custom icon to apply to. For the "TypeAbbreviation", selcet one of these letter combinations:

T (Icon_T.png) "Terrestrial": This is for terrestrial worlds without atmosphere, like the moon.
RT (Icon_RT.png) "Ringed Terrestrial": For non-atmospheric rocky worlds that have Rings around them.
AT (Icon_AT.png) "Atmospheric Terrestrial": For rocky planets with an atmosphere, like Earth, Mars, etc.
RAT (Icon_RAT) "Ringed Atmospheric Terrestrial": Imagine Earth with Rings. Not to be confused with the animal called "rat".
GG (Icon_GG) "Gas Giant": Good Game... err... I mean this icon is for Gas Giants.
RGG (Icon_RGG) "Ringed Gas Giant": Think of Saturn.
IG (Icon_IG) "Ice Giant": For those gassy ones with Methane, Ammonia, etc. in their atmosphere.
RIG (Icon_RIG) "Ringed Ice Giant": Uranus could use that. Don't take that out of context, please.
A (Icon_A) "Asteroid": This is for asteroids/irregular moons/bodies that aren't massive/large enough to become sufficiently spheroid.
RA (Icon_RA) "Ringed Asteroid": Apparently there are some out there. This icon is for them.
C (Icon_C) "Comet": Not to be confused with the first commercial airliner. For bodies like 1P/Halley.
S (Icon_S) "Star": For any star, no matter the size or spectral class.
BnS (Icon_BnS) "Binary Star": For systems like Alpha Centauri, best used for the barycenter of such systems.

This mod can be downloaded on GitHub and Spacedock. It is licensed under the CC BY-SA 4.0 License. If you want, you can redistribute this mod together with your planet pack under the terms of the license.

Now, for version numbers:
The first number is the main version. This will probably stay the same unless I'll redo all icon textures or something like that. The second number is for updates that add icons. The third will be for smaller patches that will add the configs for existing mods without custom icons and smaller icon updates.

If you want me to make configs for mods that currently don't have custom orbital icons, let me know! If you encounter any problems with the mod, please send a description of the problem via PM or comment here.

With all that being said, have fun with this little mod!

If you like my projects, a donation would be appreciated. They are by no means necessary, but help me fuel my caffeine addiction and help me justify the time I use for my projects to my girlfriend ;) Donate on PayPal

Edited by Oprissmian
Update 1.3.0 released
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Appears to be working fine. The new icons override the questionmark icon that ResearchBodies attempts to give newly discovered bodies, but tbh I don't care :P

May I request an "A" icon, for "asteroid"? Would be applicable to Gilly, Bop, and a number of other sub-planetoid bodies from planet packs.

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5 hours ago, Streetwind said:

Appears to be working fine. The new icons override the questionmark icon that ResearchBodies attempts to give newly discovered bodies, but tbh I don't care :P

May I request an "A" icon, for "asteroid"? Would be applicable to Gilly, Bop, and a number of other sub-planetoid bodies from planet packs.

No problem :D

That's planned for the next update which should be available tomorrow or on Sunday. Also might try to get that thing with ResearchBodies done.

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On 9/27/2024 at 12:58 PM, Streetwind said:

Appears to be working fine. The new icons override the questionmark icon that ResearchBodies attempts to give newly discovered bodies, but tbh I don't care :P

May I request an "A" icon, for "asteroid"? Would be applicable to Gilly, Bop, and a number of other sub-planetoid bodies from planet packs.

It's done :D

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Helloooo this is a neat idea - thanks for sharing your work with the community.

If anyone would like KSRSS Reborn, I have done the planets and the moons all the things.  The file in the google drive folder is called ksrss-reborn-orbit-icons.cfg which you can place anywhere under GameData. Then just install this mod as distributed.


Before anyone @'s me about Triton, I picked T and not AT because the cfg says vacuum but you can do whatever :)


Small request: comet icon? KSRSS has 67P and Halley :)

Edits: I updated to add all the tracking station objects (I think!), and renamed it ksrss-reborn-orbit-icons.cfg, because KSRSS has other branches, and RSS is different still. 

Edited by OrbitalManeuvers
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2 hours ago, OrbitalManeuvers said:

Helloooo this is a neat idea - thanks for sharing your work with the community.

If anyone would like KSRSS Reborn, I have done the planets and the moons all the things.  The file in the google drive folder is called ksrss-reborn-orbit-icons.cfg which you can place anywhere under GameData. Then just install this mod as distributed.


Before anyone @'s me about Triton, I picked T and not AT because the cfg says vacuum but you can do whatever :)


Small request: comet icon? KSRSS has 67P and Halley :)

Edits: I updated to add all the tracking station objects (I think!), and renamed it ksrss-reborn-orbit-icons.cfg, because KSRSS has other branches, and RSS is different still. 

Comet Icons will be added as well :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, Professor K said:

Have you considered an icon for Ice Giants?

Hmm I might actually consider adding one, considering Gas Giants and Ice Giants are different.

Might take me a few weeks to figure out a design for the icon as I'm busy with real life and my planet pack at the moment, but I'll definitively try :D

Edited by Oprissmian
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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

If I had to suggest some additions, icons for:

 - Ocean planets (like, all ocean and no land)

 - A dedicated icon for moons

 - 'Venusian' planets, ie planets with a dense atmosphere

 - Minor planets

 - Minor moons (eg captured asteroids and non-spherical moons)

 - Binary planets

 - Brown Dwarfs

 And of course, ringed versions for each one for parity (except the binary planet icon, for obvious reasons)

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 1/21/2025 at 5:45 AM, DareMightyThingsJPL said:

If I had to suggest some additions, icons for:

 - Ocean planets (like, all ocean and no land)

 - A dedicated icon for moons

 - 'Venusian' planets, ie planets with a dense atmosphere

 - Minor planets

 - Minor moons (eg captured asteroids and non-spherical moons)

 - Binary planets

 - Brown Dwarfs

 And of course, ringed versions for each one for parity (except the binary planet icon, for obvious reasons)

Gonna look into those ideas in the near future :D

Probably won't do all of them, but certainly a good amount ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

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