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I appear to have lost "large.crewed.lab".

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I don't know why, but the "large.crewed.lab" part appears to have disappeared. When I try to use any of my saved craft in the VAB, they don't load because of 'invalid parts'. Half my ships and bases have vanished.

I've tried verifying the game files, three times. Is there anywhere I can download the file and put it in the game like a mod? I'd hate to have to reinstall for one file.

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  On 11/10/2024 at 9:24 PM, stephensmat said:

I don't know why, but the "large.crewed.lab" part appears to have disappeared. When I try to use any of my saved craft in the VAB, they don't load because of 'invalid parts'. Half my ships and bases have vanished.

I've tried verifying the game files, three times. Is there anywhere I can download the file and put it in the game like a mod? I'd hate to have to reinstall for one file.


This is absolutely weird. Publish your KSP.log on dropbox or something, and paste the link here.

Let's see if we can detect something by looking on it.

The large.crewed.lab is a Stock part, I mean, really stock - not even DLC...

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  On 11/10/2024 at 9:36 PM, Lisias said:

This is absolutely weird. Publish your KSP.log on dropbox or something, and paste the link here.




  On 11/10/2024 at 9:36 PM, Lisias said:

The large.crewed.lab is a Stock part, I mean, really stock - not even DLC...


I know. It's bizarre. It's why I came to the forum.

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  On 11/10/2024 at 9:54 PM, stephensmat said:

I know. It's bizarre. It's why I came to the forum.


Well... Now we have two puzzled Kerbonauts scratching their heads...

This is what I found about anything with "large" on the name in your log;

> cat KSP\(2\).log | grep "PartLoader: Part" | grep "large"
[LOG 08:15:21.154] PartLoader: Part 'FarFutureTechnologies/Parts/Control/RCS/fft-rcs-arcjet-large-1/fft-rcs-arcjet-large-1' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 08:15:24.739] PartLoader: Part 'NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Nacelle/nfa-enginepod-large-1/nfa-enginepod-large-1' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 08:15:24.781] PartLoader: Part 'NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Nacelle/nfa-intake-largecircular/nfa-intake-largecircular' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 08:15:24.790] PartLoader: Part 'NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Nacelle/nfa-intake-largeramp/nfa-intake-largeramp' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 08:15:24.798] PartLoader: Part 'NearFutureAeronautics/Parts/Nacelle/nfa-intake-largeshock/nfa-intake-largeshock' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 08:15:26.128] PartLoader: Part 'NearFutureExploration/Parts/Antenna/nfex-antenna-reflector-large-1/nfex-antenna-reflector-large-1' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 08:15:32.431] PartLoader: Part 'OPT/Parts/main/j_3m_largeDock/j_large_docking_port' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 08:15:35.727] PartLoader: Part 'PlanetaryDomes/Parts/DomeLarge/dome_large/dome_large' has no database record. Creating.


And this is mine:

> cat KSP.log | grep "PartLoader: Part" | grep "large"
[LOG 15:57:07.663] PartLoader: Part 'Squad/Parts/Electrical/gigantorXlSolarArray/gigantorXlSolarArray/largeSolarPanel' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 15:57:08.094] PartLoader: Part 'Squad/Parts/Electrical/z-400Battery/z-400Battery/ksp_r_largeBatteryPack' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 15:57:15.461] PartLoader: Part 'Squad/Parts/FuelTank/Size3Tanks/large/Size3LargeTank' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 15:57:20.629] PartLoader: Part 'Squad/Parts/Science/LargeCrewedLab/largeCrewedLab/Large_Crewed_Lab' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 15:57:29.665] PartLoader: Part 'Squad/Parts/Utility/rockomaxAdapters/largeAdapter/largeAdapter' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 15:57:29.754] PartLoader: Part 'Squad/Parts/Utility/rockomaxAdapters/largeAdapterShort/largeAdapter2' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 15:57:40.262] PartLoader: Part 'SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Propellers/largeFanBlade/largeFanBlade' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 15:57:40.419] PartLoader: Part 'SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Propellers/largeHeliBlade/largeHeliBlade' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 15:57:40.549] PartLoader: Part 'SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Propellers/largePropeller/largePropeller' has no database record. Creating.


Dude, almost the whole Squad is Kaput!! I double checked your log again:

> cat KSP.log | grep "PartLoader: Part" | grep "Squad/"
[LOG 08:15:38.855] PartLoader: Part 'Squad/Parts/Aero/cones/protectiveRocketNoseMk7_v3/rocketNoseCone_v3' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 08:15:40.298] PartLoader: Part 'Squad/Parts/Electrical/10CSolarPanels/SP-10C/solarPanelSP10C' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 08:15:40.343] PartLoader: Part 'Squad/Parts/Electrical/10LSolarPanels/SP-10L/solarPanelSP10L' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 08:15:40.644] PartLoader: Part 'Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineLV-T45_v2/liquidEngineLV-T45_v2/liquidEngine2_v2' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 08:15:42.053] PartLoader: Part 'Squad/Parts/Utility/Fireworks/fireworksLauncherBig/fireworksLauncherBig' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 08:15:42.077] PartLoader: Part 'Squad/Parts/Utility/Fireworks/fireworksLauncherSmall/fireworksLauncherSmall' has no database record. Creating.

And these is ALL parts from Squad in your GameData!! :0.0: There're 352 lines like that on MY KSP.log, but yours have only what I had listed above!

Well. out of desperation, I tried this on my rig:

> cat KSP.log | grep "large.crewed"
[LOG 15:56:34.168] Load(Model): Squad/Parts/Science/LargeCrewedLab/large_crewed_lab
[LOG 16:00:25.912] [DistantObject] TRACE: Adding Large_Crewed_Lab Squad/Parts/Science/LargeCrewedLab/large_crewed_lab

And then on yours:

> cat KSP.log | grep "large.crewed"
[LOG 08:14:50.801] [Restock] Removing Squad/Parts/Science/LargeCrewedLab/large_crewed_lab.mu

Humm... Completely remove ReStock, fire up your KSP and see if the missing parts are back. If yes, reinstall Restock from scratch and check it again.

If the part is still missing, someone is screwing with Restock, preventing it from completing their patching. This will demand a lot of debugging...

On the other hand, if the part is still there after reisntalling Restock, then something screwed up completely your add'ons in your GameData. It's better to reinstall everything from scratch, just in case. Are you using a SSD?

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Very strange.

Okay, let's see what uninstalling Restock will do...

(Tries it)

Nope. Looks Like I'll have to do a whole, clean reinstall; Stock and Mods.

Well, it could be worse. It's been a tradition of mine to start the new year with a new game. I experiment with Mods and loadouts fairly often. Sooner or later, I run into errors and have to 'settle' on my mod list.


I appreciate everyone's efforts. This community is pretty good to each other.

Edited by stephensmat
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Just putting it out there- modding the Steam copy of KSP is a bad idea as Steam can meddle with game files and break things just like this. If you use CKAN (and you should!), save your modpack to the desktop and then uninstall all mods, copy your saves to the desktop, turn off steam cloud sync and then completely uninstall and reinstall KSP through Steam, then copy the whole of KSP out of Steam and put it somewhere else and then put your saves and mods into that new copy.

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  On 11/11/2024 at 11:52 AM, jimmymcgoochie said:

Just putting it out there- modding the Steam copy of KSP is a bad idea as Steam can meddle with game files and break things just like this.


Yes and no.

Now that KSP¹ is 'finished', there will be no more updates and, so, no more breakages due it. And Steam is not mangling with files it doesn't knows anymore - some people are complaining about this now :D , I found a dude yelling on a Forum because he had to manually delete the game's installation folder because Steam wasn't deleting a botched configuration file that wasn't part of the game's manifest. :P

Moving KSP out of the Steam's reach will, now, make your life harder if you are using an SSD because you will lose Steam's Integrity Check, and Kraken knows SSD how desperately users need this feature nowadays - I don't know exactly what's happening, but crashes are leading to corruption on the SSD's stored data. And since the KSP.log and the Player.log are, by obvious reasons, the very first data to be lost, no one could ever sent me them so I could at least try to make a educated guess about the reason.

Until we figure out what's happening, we need a way to check the game's integrity to get this possibility out of our way.

I'm wondering if moving the logs to another partition would not help on the problem... (and this is another educated guess, but pulled out of my... hat.)

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