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Has anybody else had this happen?


I'll be cruising around on the new rover wheels and they start to twist inward, just a little bit. But then it's as if they dig in and it quickly gets worse, as you see in the picture. Right after it gets that bad, they suddenly spring back and throw the vehicle into the air. Only seems to happen with the new wheels.

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probly a result of the seemingly infinite traction in the lateral (drifting) direction that the new wheels seem to have, your wheels appear to have positive camber which causes force pushing them inwards and then that happens. Try adjusting the camber to 0 and see if that fixes it, I haven't had that issue.

Gives me an idea though, I wonder if setting a little negative camber will let them drift or not.

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really nice rover creations, nice to see the endless designs made by only a "few" given parts. Here is my creation of a rover, capable of transporting and dropping a research probe. Equipped with numerous batteries, RTG's and RCS, it's range is almost infinite.

...landed on Tylo near the big cave (may contains SPOILER)




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Try adjusting the camber to 0 and see if that fixes it

The wheels are mounted vertically, and only begin to twist after I've been driving for a while at fairly high speeds. I'm experimenting with a kind of torsion bar suspension though,


so it's possible the wheels are getting into the situation you describe as the frame flexes. But if so, why do they only twist in, never out, and always at the same time?

Edited by Vanamonde
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Here is a Rover I'm running through the wringer before i send it off to the Mun. has provisions to flip itself back up by enabling/disabling rockets. 560m/s in vacuum, and can transport 2 kerbals. Seats are located at the COG so no major shift when 2 are boarded.

22.5m/s max speed on a flat surface. Can run indefinitely in the daytime.



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I think I might finally have some working rover designs. Here are the first two, on Mun.



The little one is pretty slow, but very stable, for short-distance trips. The bigger one is much faster, but much less stable. It can take 7 kerbals long distances in relative comfort.


I've crashed the big one many times in testing, but while it flips easily, it never seems to take any damage. :)

Both have a lot of extra room on their decks to install the equipment we will one day have.

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Has anybody else had this happen?


I'll be cruising around on the new rover wheels and they start to twist inward, just a little bit. But then it's as if they dig in and it quickly gets worse, as you see in the picture. Right after it gets that bad, they suddenly spring back and throw the vehicle into the air. Only seems to happen with the new wheels.

I've had the exact same thing happen to the rear wheels of my heavy lander/rover, the Beercan, probably because the thing weighs as much as a house




I used a 650 I-beam in between each wheel and the body to separate the wheels since the weight looked like it was pushing the wheels into the body and jamming them there, forcing physics to throw the rover around randomly until the wheel flew off. The beams fixed it, but they were really wobbly because of the extra joint. After messing around for a bit with their angles I got it to be perfect, and now my house sized rover can ramp the side of the runway at 12 m/s without taking any damage almost every time!

Also because of the flexibility of the beams, it can travel at about 15 m/s in a straight line with 1-2 of the wheels broken.

Now I just need to figure out how to build a rocket that can launch the rover and it's recovery lander to the Mun and back (the rover has enough fuel/power to land anywhere, but not take off or get into orbit, so I send a lander filled with fuel to land after it, pick up the kerbal and go back to kerbin)

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Well heres my Kerbal Transport Unit or 'Taxi' as I affectionately call it. It is a probe driven unit that can hold up to 24 kerbals, although they cant actually get in on kerbin :cool:, runs nicely at its top speed of 22.8m/s. It boasts an impressive battery life and strength to match a tank, oh and it only has 5 struts :D

The only challenge now is to get it off kerbin and onto another planet :huh:. First off the MUN!


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Well heres my Kerbal Transport Unit or 'Taxi' as I affectionately call it. It is a probe driven unit that can hold up to 24 kerbals, although they cant actually get in on kerbin :cool:, runs nicely at its top speed of 22.8m/s. It boasts an impressive battery life and strength to match a tank, oh and it only has 5 struts :D

The only challenge now is to get it off kerbin and onto another planet :huh:. First off the MUN!


I like the prow (front end) design on that. Looks like some sort of APC, view-slit and all.

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Tripod27, how are you using the strut? Could we see a pic of the underside of your rover? By the way, with mine it's always the front wheels that do the weirdness.

Here's a few images



But it's easier if you see it in action. basically the strut is attached to the body, then the wheel is attached to the strut. Then the angles and the position on the strut the wheel is attached to is adjusted until the ride height is about even and well balanced. The craft file is below, just DL that and place it in your current game's space plane hangar (works if you put it in the rocket one, but keeps trying to send you back to the SPH if you explode) It's all stock so you don't need to download any mods. "Abort" should eject the outer fuel tanks, but if it doesn't then just detach manually by clicking the port under them

http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/42951400/beercan 2_4.craft

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