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Post your Rover MEGATHREAD


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Getting a few good ideas from this thread, decent rovers is one area I am trying to improve at!

I am better at the small size robot rovers at the moment, here is my standard model on the Mun;


I am very interested in the methods people use in transporting their rovers between planets, I use the Ferram mod so I find myself quite restricted in my ability to launch large rovers. How do other people get around this?

Launch vehicle for my standard Mun rover;


The transfer and landing stage is pretty basic, but it got the job done fairly well;



I have since adapted my launcher to take advantage of the parachute I fitted and a Duna capable transfer vehicle is awaiting a window to send it to Duna;



Edited by Shania_L
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Meet MEV. Mini Exploration Vehicle. It's a little rover I designed for driving on minmus and it uses rcs to travel distances and climb mountains. Its very stable and carries 2 kerbals.It has a swiveling camera to take photos and a front camera to drive.







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Two differents generations of all-in-one spaceships/rovers :

On the left, an old ship I built revision after revision, it's pretty big and has a lot of parts, but it still goes pretty well. It can hold 2 kerbals, so I used it for my Mun saving a long time ago. I've stopped using it since I built the new model on the right, but I still have some versions of it on the Mun, Eve, Duna and Laythe.

On the right, the new one I've been using for about 3-4 months now, 1 kerbal, much more compact, optimized in every way, like the solar panels deploying exactly between other parts, the ladder (on the back, visible on the last picture) deploying only a few cm above a retracted solar panels, and a complex multi-ion engines system that can generate from 100 to 1200t of thrust depending the configuration (accessible with 6-9 keys, shutted down with 0), allowing to fine tune exhaust power at landings depending the gravity (soo much usefull on Gilly...). It also has, like the old one, some top engines (accessible with 3-4 keys, shutted down with 5) so that I can do a reverse thrust without rotating the ship.

It has been slightly modified since this picture taken on June 28th, but these are just minor upgrades like some antennas and lights. You can see the latest version on the 2 last pictures, on Eve.

This ship has landed on almost every planet and moon with a solid surface on the solar system, replacing old or automatic vessels one after the other.

I would say its only problem is that you have to be careful with brutal accelerations when in rover mode, for its not really long for its width (unlike the old model which despite its height is very stable on its 8 wheels). But this can be avoided by slightly engaging the small top engines, and I don't want to add more wheels for it would then be too big and with too much part for a 'compact' rover of about 10t.




Edited by kildjan
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These things.. are tough machines.



The bottom one is the newer model, more stock then the top version, although I will admit.. I like the look of those AIES mono tanks on the bottom!

Driving on the Mun? Suddenly in an uncontrolled tumble? No Problem! You can let it tumble end-over-end or side-over-side as MUCH as you want. Suddenly ramped off a crater wall and falling fast? No worries! Use either the rocket motor to slow your descent or just -land- on the front fender, it works surprisingly well.

The most annoying problem I had with this rover? The driver getting ejected from his seat. :mad: We need seats with seat-belts!

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  axxo2 said:
what is the mod you are useing/??

The structural parts are from my mod, there is a link on the Youtube page. The wheels are from MP_Nazari's lander prototype pack.

Unfortunately, the newest version upgrade in KSP has completely screwed up SAS for rovers, so it's more difficult to drive.

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Kethane mining rovers on the Mun. Craft file for the large one with a 16,000 unit Kethane tank. http://pastebin.com/MfDqLqTr

Mods it uses

Stretchy Tanks http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/stretchytanks/

KSPX x0.2.3 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/30472-0-21-x-KSPX-Kerbal-Stock-Part-eXpansion-mod-reposted-v0-2-3

Kommit Stockalike Struts and Truss Bits http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/stockalikestruts/

Quantum Struts. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/quantum-strut/ (Has four strut guns on top for wobble free docking and for launching I use an adapter and six angled Quantum struts to brace the rover.)

Kethane mod.

I don't recall but it may have some bits from ReStock http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-21-restock-parts/

It lands on Mun fine from 15KM. Don't worry if it's low on RCS fuel when you start the landing. It only needs it for docking. Likewise, empty the small fuel tanks on top of the drills to save some landing weight. Fill everything with the converter on the surface. If you're launching from below 2,000M surface altitude you'll very likely have to convert some Kethane after getting back to orbit to ensure you have rendezvous fuel.

Also a good idea to put the four little engines into an action group or completely remove them. It can lift completely full on just the two larger engines but gets going a bit quicker with all six. Toggle the small ones as needed to economize on fuel.


Edited by Galane
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My rover happens to be a package deal:


My little rover tugging along with it's little antenna.


Preparing to return to the mothership


I still can't park it properly, but there it is. It rides right there on the way up, and when I go to leave I can carry it along for the ride. I never drive too far with it, but since it adds its 3 generators to the lander when docked, it feels like a part of the ship moreso than a stand-alone lander.

For standalone:


This huge thing (bigger around than most of my rockets) is almost impossible to flip. I drove it off the side of the landing pad and, while tilting back some, only lost two tires and kept going. It has a living compartment, plenty of power, backup driver, and all of the sciency thing I have. As Han Solo once put it, "She ain't pretty, but she has it where it counts, kid", or something like that.

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Introducing completely usless and pointless yet kinda cool looking rovers!



Completely stock! And a frame rate killer! Was origionally built to be a polar expidition vehicle but that soon went out the window on account of how terrible it is.

seats 6, though does have remote control and all all science parts

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