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Planets and moons appearing as unknown objects

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So i installed some mod (forgot what it was but i think it was custom asteroids) and now a bunch of my planets/moons are appearing as unknown objects. I've tried reinstalling the game multiple times but it wont fix, the only planet i've gotten back is eeloo. Is there any way to fix this? I've also verified the integrity of the game files but that didnt work

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A few things that might help:

1. Have the mods been removed?:
So going into the KSP1 folders what is inside the GameData folder? 
My path to that is "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData"

If you have removed all the mods then the only folders in there should be Squad and Squad Expansion (if you have either of the DLCs).

2. The save file might have been changed by the mods you added breaking it and that's why the unknown objects are showing up.

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