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landing gear brake mods?


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Are there any mods for airplane landing brakes?  I ask because the brakes are not linear.  They default to 50% which is never good enough for me.  I can slide them up to 95% and they get stronger smoothly and predictably but never strong enough, but at 100% and above they are suddenly too strong and the planes spin out and can crash as they stop way too fast.  It would be nice if the brakes were linear at higher settings.

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@miklkit That's news to me. I might be very rusty since I haven't played in a hot minute. I tend to turn up my main gear to 75% or very near 100% and might place extra main gear for more brakes but I turn up my nose gear to no more than 75% or not touch it at all. I guarantee you will get rekt if your nose brakes are too strong. This might be why life is hard.

If you're interested you can run away with this config which simply multiplies the baseline values to compensate for the sliders.

@PART[GearFixed] // LY-01 Fixed Landing Gear
		@maxBrakeTorque *= 2
@PART[GearFree] // LY-05 Steerable Landing Gear
		@maxBrakeTorque *= 2
@PART[SmallGearBay] // LY-10 Small Landing Gear
		@maxBrakeTorque *= 2

@PART[GearSmall] // LY-35 Medium Landing Gear
		@maxBrakeTorque *= 2
@PART[GearMedium] // LY-60 Large Landing Gear
		@maxBrakeTorque *= 2
@PART[GearLarge] // LY-99 Extra Large Landing Gear
		@maxBrakeTorque *= 2


Edited by JadeOfMaar
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The front brake being too strong is a brake balancing thing and it is SOP to balance that out. 

That other stuff is all Chinese to me.  I am surprised that no one else seems to care about this.  Recently watched a Matt Lowne video where he set the brakes too high and then apologized when the spaceplane stopped almost in its own length. 

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