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NirssonKermanCameras v1.0.1 (Updated February 9th 2025 CET)


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NirssonKermanCameras is a small part mod that currently adds two cameras; one greyscale with error and noise generation, and another one that produces color images and doesn't have error and noise generation. I originally made those two cameras for making some pictures of the celestial objects I'm working on for my planet pack, VuhrantiSystem.

Here are two pictures I took; one with the greyscale camera and the other with the color camera:



I also plan to add a few more cameras later on, with some of them also being able to conduct science.


Download Links:

NirssonKermanCameras is distributed under the CC BY-NC-SA License

Special Thanks to @Beale and the other ones who made the NeptuneCamera Mod, as well as the Part Creation Tutorial used for making those parts :D

If you like my projects, a donation would be appreciated. They are by no means necessary, but help me fuel my caffeine addiction and help me justify the time I use for my projects to my girlfriend ;) Donate on PayPal

Edited by Oprissmian
Update 1.0.1 released
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Hello! Thanks for contributing this to the community :D  I grabbed this from github to have a look, and noticed that the parts didn't show up. They're both missing the TechRequired tag in the part cfg and I think that means they only show up in sandbox or something. Adding a TechRequired tag got them in game for me (I was in science mode). Anyway, thanks again for the contribution!


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On 2/4/2025 at 9:18 PM, OrbitalManeuvers said:

Hello! Thanks for contributing this to the community :D  I grabbed this from github to have a look, and noticed that the parts didn't show up. They're both missing the TechRequired tag in the part cfg and I think that means they only show up in sandbox or something. Adding a TechRequired tag got them in game for me (I was in science mode). Anyway, thanks again for the contribution!


Good to know about that, thanks for the info :D

I'll add the TechRequired to the parts' configs so that others can also use them in Career and Science modes.

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