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Where is the best place to land a Rover?

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There's an idea... RCS or even a Spider or Ant constantly pushing you down for better traction on low gravity worlds.  You could set independent throttle to only just enough to keep it grounded.

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18 hours ago, Linkageless said:

There's an idea... RCS or even a Spider or Ant constantly pushing you down for better traction on low gravity worlds.  You could set independent throttle to only just enough to keep it grounded.

Or Xenon engines, if you can spare the weight :wink:

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40 minutes ago, GluttonyReaper said:

Xenon engines, if you can spare the weight

Ingenious!  Although maybe very low TWR wouldn't be so helpful as you need that downward acceleration to compensate for lack of gravity.

It would be interesting to compare on a mid-size rover chassis big enough to host different engine types.  I reckon the really high efficiency but low TWR engines would be outshined by some of the others.  I reckon mammoths would do the job well, but you'd need a huge rover to make sense!

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