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[1.12.5] UnmanagedAngerResources for Kerbalism, VABoPrunes, CCKConfigToolsPrunes

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  • Unmanaged Anger Resources for Kerbalism
  • VABoPrunes
  • CCKConfigToolsPrunes

Unmanaged Anger Resources for Kerbalism (UARfK):

RESOURCE PLACEMENT: Puts Kerbalism's eight resources (and if present, NFE's Uraninite) where they should be, using Rational Resources tagging system, without all the b l o a t of the original mod; This also fills the void left by the departure of resource placements from the Community Resource Pack (which Kerbalism depended upon, I gathered, but nobody cared). For example finally you'll have actual oxygen in Kerbin's atmosphere! Not "LqdOxygen" harvestable and processable only by RR's means. Imagine that.

PATCHES: Lots of patches for Kerbalism and anything related or relatable.

  • made all raw resources harvestable anywhere by any stock\Kerbalism drill\pump\filter, given of course it's not very low trace amounts.
  • added Liquid Fuel configuration for oceanic harvesters - you know - just in case you happen by a truck stop.
  • fixed the stock "surface" scanner to detect Kerbalism resources in air, crust and ocean (as advertised by the stock description...)
  • Cupola, greenhouse and gravity ring "catchers" cfgs to integrate anything that adds these with Kerbalism's comfort features.
  • KIS recycled mk2 parts - converted to Kerbalism's pressurized for your BIG storage necessities.
  • OPTOUT cfg for some exotic cockpits to make em count as cupolae (for Kerbalism's sake, they don't count for contracts).
  • more OPTIN stuff, you gotta explore the files and chose for yourself!


  • Ventral Drill

    • fully configurable
  • KPBS

    • drills, airfilter, greenhouses patches
  • Near Future Electrical

    • Uraninite configuration for drills.
    • Any container that could store Enriched Uranium can now also store Uraninite.
    • Zeroed default prefilled level of Enriched Uranium.

Comes bundled with:

  • Lots of handcrafted comments in the cfgs to keep you entertained as you debug my newbie stuff - I'm here all week! - Keep him off the :FINAL pass!
  • My one-way love-hate relationship with JadeOfMaar
  • VABoPrunes
  • CCKConfigToolsPrunes


  • BULK - wideswept VABorganizer rules to annihilate that gross miscellaneous category and sort anything the modders throw at you
  • BULK - some conventional direct sorting, as a last resort when modders really like to be cryptic with their names, tags, description, title, directories, modules... check "modlist.csv" in VABoPrunes for supported mods (basically my parts modlist, lots of pretty airplane stuff)
  • BULK - also did all of this for bulkhead categories
  • BULK - whole lotta Rational™ corrections to en-us localization and the subcategories priorities
  • BULK - documentation! A practical csv of all base and extended (Sheepdog and Jade and mine) vabo subcategories which probably existed somewhere else but who knows.
  • OPTOUT - vesselType vibe check - eg enforce any cockpit to auto-mark the vessel as a plane, as stock intended
  • OPTOUT - missing INTERNALs placeholder patch (VABoPrunes) - if the bottom-right Kerbal portrait disappears while that one is inside an habitat, it's a missing internal!


  • OPTIN - considerate Duplicate Killer! - will hide stuff from stock categories if they have a CCK category to go live, BUT will spare some critical multifunctional stuff (labs, greenhouses, abominations) and put stuff that maybe it shouldnt have hidden in its own neat debug subcat
  • OPTIN - CCKCOMMON Categories considerate hiders - will make sure parts that live there have a place to go before evicting them!
  • OPTIN - CCKEXTRA Category KAS remover - will just put those parts in utilities\KAS - who could have thought of that!
  • OPTIN - Much confusion about how RealChutes creates its category! (In the meantime a way to hide parachutes from utilities)
  • OPTOUT - Updated the CCK COMMON Containers Icons cause the resolution mismatch irked me!
  • OPTOUT - Habitats Category - labs, transport, gravity ring, unholy amalgamations, if it transports kerbals and it hasn't a command module, it's here.
  • OPTOUT - Resources Category - scanning, harvesting, processing...


  • OPTIN & OPTOUT various cfgs for reorganizing your construction inventory, safelly adding, removing and shuffling categories(CCK) and subcategories(VABo)


that while some functionalities and categories of these two mods are designed to be used with Kerbalism (and UARfK), they do NOT depend on it and should work "great enough" without it


If it quacks like a cockpit, if it calls itself a cockpit, why is it in the miscellaneous??

General Notes:


  • Kerbalism - dependency of UARfK
  • Community Category Kit - not hard dependency but HIGHLY recommended - not tested without
  • VAB Organizer - as above
  • VAB Organizer Sheepdog Configs - as above - also my config aims to fill its gaps (not included)
  • VAB Organizer Jade Configs - does a good enough job of sorting electrical and thermals (?) (not included)
  • Harmony - Dependency of VAB Organizer
  • ModuleManager - Dependency of the structure of reality


  • Rational Resources, I hope.


  • Filter Configs and its stuff of nightmares
  • non-stock sun systems? - not tested, should be the point of RR core system, but who knows.


  • KPBS - despite its category-shy parts


  • just en-us localization done


  • made the stock Orbital "Narrow Band" Scanner able to detect exospheric resources, which too are placed, but there's no stock or Kerbalism way of harvesting these; I think there were some exo harvester in RR, dunno if I can work with those; I tryed integrating with Space Dust, which does his own thing with resource placement and harvesting wise, and it's supposed to be space - exo stuff right? Nevertheless its harvesters don't seem to work in vacuum tho - I'm baffled.
  • betatesting for resource placements - there may be something missing or something out of place - lemme know!
  • make KKAOSS_LS_container_sabatier more interesting or at least accurate in the description\title
  • does spacedust actually work in exo?
  • greenhouse kerbalism experiment extension to mod ones?
  • greenhouses comfort feature extension to mod ones?
  • probably gonna keep it as a cfgs only mod - keep it real you know - brick and mortar - dawg - i dont really know how to mod code.
  • i dread github


  • [KKAOSS_Greenhouse_g] aka [K&K Planetary Greenhouse] aka the flat greenhouse that comes with KPBS aka Kerbal Planetary Base Systems aka PlanetaryBaseInc (i know the mod has at least four\five names its crazy dont ask me), REFUSES to pop up in the science category, so to see it - at all - in your construction inventory you need either to have a CCKExtra Planetary Bases category activated (the mod itself offers to activate it in the ingame difficulty options), or my CCKExtra Resources Category (active by default)
  • same for KKAOSS_LS_container_airfilter and I fear a bunch of other KPBS parts - may have to keep the Planetary Base category active to be safe (or you could just open the original cfgs of the afftected parts and manually change the category value to what you want)


  • JadeOfMaar for being such a credible villain in this story - they always get the best lines!
  • ...speaking of which - The ctrl, c and v keys of my keyboard
  • The find and replace function of Notepad++
  • The apparently volatile concepts of "opting in" and "dependency"
  • The :FINAL pass for its sweet sirenous song
  • The mysterios "Propulsion" category for being the bane of my existence.
  • Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. for making the best NVMEs
  • The miscellaneous subcategory for always being there for me in the end
  • The possibility that I'm just stupid and I had a bunch of messed up mods or couldn't figure out how to configure Rational Resources properly without writing a whole new mod

PS: I have no idea how to package mods, dependencies, licences. Trying to read the "documentation" on the forum is confusing at best and makes me feel like I need a lawyer - assuming the forum is up that day. Please send help.


https://spacedock.info/mod/3804/UnmanagedAngerResources for Kerbalism, VABoPrunes, CCKConfigToolsPrunes

Edited by DukeOfPrunes
formatting, typos
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On 1/13/2025 at 11:54 AM, DukeOfPrunes said:

using Rational Resources tagging system, without all the b l o a t of the original mod

On 1/13/2025 at 11:54 AM, DukeOfPrunes said:

My one-way love-hate relationship with JadeOfMaar

I have not died a hero. I have lived long enough to become the villain. :D

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  • 1 month later...

It's 2025 and I'm like.. "hmmm maybe I should give KSP another try"

Besides resources, the other thing really annoying with Kerbalism for me, is to figure which parts are preventing you from warping 1000x +..

I will definitely try out your mod soon. As a big Kerbalism fan, thanks for your contribution!

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