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Formerly space otter's KSC Upgrade (too long)

IMPORTANT UPDATE: ALL DEPENDENCIES MUST BE INSTALLED FRESH, IF YOU ALREADY HAVE THEM INSTALLED THE MOD WILL NOT WORK. This means that if you have any of the dependencies installed, delete them and install them fresh.


  • Four new runways, one 2500m and the other 4800m, along with a 2500m X-runway
  • Five new launchpads, for various launch vehicles
  • New terminals, fuel tanks, VABs, radio towers and more...
  • I know I don't have the harbour expect it soon though...



Download:https://spacedock.info/mod/3826/space_otter's KSC upgrade


  • Kerbal Konstructs and dependencies
  • Omega's Stockalike Structures
  • Ordinary Konstruction Co.
  • Tundra Space Centre
  • Kerbinside Remastered (The KerbinSideRemastered/Statics/ExampleBases/KSCUpgrades folder needs to be deleted)

License: MIT


There may be some floating buildings, if you see one let me know! There might also be invisible bumps between buildings, drive carefully. 

This is my first mod, if I've done something wrong please let me know I will try and fix it! Any suggestions, like extra facilities or something like 'add more buildings in the south west' are welcome!

Edited by space_otter
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Just now, PSA said:

will it work with 2.5X

Yes, I just updated the mod, it should now work with 2.5x (I use galileo's rescale, so it might not work with others). Make sure you install the 2.5x folder, not the stock one.

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Remade the harbour & road leading to it. This was originally quite janky, as it had been made quite roughly in 2.5x and hadn't been refined to stock. (Sorry for the 'poor visuals', this is an almost empty install prioritised for speed and fast loading times)


Also added a new tracking station/observatory, with large comm dishes, along with a facility designed to track incoming spaceplanes returning from orbit at the end of the long runway. 


As always, please give suggestions & comments so I can improve the space centre even further!

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make an array of LARGE satellite dishes between Kerbal and the mountains


i know another KSC mod does this as well, but it looks good and gives you some large objects to test fly around when testing aircraft.

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7 hours ago, PicoSpace said:

make an array of LARGE satellite dishes between Kerbal and the mountains

Yes, I was thinking about that as well. Right now I'm working on redoing the area behind the KSC, I think it could be made a little more interesting. But I do agree that something could be done further away from the KSC - perhaps a series of radio beacons, to guide spaceplanes in for landing?

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12 hours ago, space_otter said:

Yes, I was thinking about that as well. Right now I'm working on redoing the area behind the KSC, I think it could be made a little more interesting. But I do agree that something could be done further away from the KSC - perhaps a series of radio beacons, to guide spaceplanes in for landing?

yes that would be awesome

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I completed my new update! This is for stock only though, but it fills up the peninsula nicely. As suggested, I added something between the KSC and the mountains, but not antenna dishes - I went for wind turbines!. Let me know what you think and if I should add more.


I also made a little tracking station on the KSC mountains:


And this nice little arrow for spaceplanes (not included in the latest version):


3 hours ago, TallerThanUsual said:

would this work with KSRSS?

I don't think so - but feel free to try... You would need to have a homeswitch config, which I don't have. Because I have the harbour, it would be especially difficult to make it work, as the KSC peninsula is different sizes in different mods. I'll probably see if I can figure something out. If I could separate the harbour as a different folder and it could be independently installed, then maybe we could have separate homeswitch configs then?

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2 hours ago, space_otter said:

I don't think so - but feel free to try... You would need to have a homeswitch config, which I don't have. Because I have the harbour, it would be especially difficult to make it work, as the KSC peninsula is different sizes in different mods. I'll probably see if I can figure something out. If I could separate the harbour as a different folder and it could be independently installed, then maybe we could have separate homeswitch configs then?

i think that is a good idea

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3 hours ago, space_otter said:

also made a little tracking station on the KSC mountains:

Did you put it on K2?

(id check myself but i would need to do a bit of management to get it working)

Edited by FTLparachute
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1 hour ago, Kevin_kerman said:

Does this work in career?

Yes, if you installed it it would appear in a career mode save. Most of the statics work well, however the taxiways don't look good with the level 1 runways. Apart from that it's fine. Do note that none of the facilities have open costs, as they are hard to balance and are a pain in sandbox mode, so I don't know if balance will be affected...


46 minutes ago, LucalisIndustries said:

is it compatible with KSC extended?

No. This mod is designed as an alternative to KSC extended, and other KSC expansion mods. Compared to KSC extended, this mod adds a lot more statics and perhaps focuses more on the aircraft/spaceplane side of things.

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Mate ! I've just tried this for stock ksp centre and have had to just come here to say I am very impressed,  it took some fiddling to get it to show (some buttons in KK) not too sure what I did, (maybe some info on howto ? )  if I missed it?  but great mod buddy thank you so much...

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6 hours ago, Kevin_kerman said:

This doesn't work with me

What do you mean? Maybe it's the same problem this person was having?


3 hours ago, glibbo said:

took some fiddling to get it to show

I personally haven't had this issue with this specific mod, but before I had a similar problem when I was using Kerbinside+KSC extended. I think if you open the game and you go into flight mode then onto the KK menu then select one of the facilities it works? I do wonder though - was it only the Kerbinside statics that were missing or were the ones from OSS gone as well? Did you do the same as I did to get it fixed? Also, are you sure you have the latest version of Kerbinside because I once managed to download an older version which was missing some statics, so maybe check that. This information would be useful to help me troubleshoot what went wrong.

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1 hour ago, space_otter said:

What do you mean? Maybe it's the same problem this person was having?


I personally haven't had this issue with this specific mod, but before I had a similar problem when I was using Kerbinside+KSC extended. I think if you open the game and you go into flight mode then onto the KK menu then select one of the facilities it works? I do wonder though - was it only the Kerbinside statics that were missing or were the ones from OSS gone as well? Did you do the same as I did to get it fixed? Also, are you sure you have the latest version of Kerbinside because I once managed to download an older version which was missing some statics, so maybe check that. This information would be useful to help me troubleshoot what went wrong.

i'll try that

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