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Quad-Coupler Inverted Use - w/ ReStock


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Okay, so here's what I have going on. I'm trying to run a large quad-coupler part from the 3-man capsule, a few rows of large liquid fuel only fuel tanks, and then an inverted quad-coupler back into it, followed by a Cherenkov atomic engine. The engine and maybe the coupler part are from ReStock, but I don't know if that's a factor in my question here.

The issue I'm having, is when I try attaching the coupler inverted to the four points of fuel tanks, it only actually attaches to one of them. The other three are quite literally left twisting in the wind. I can try attaching it with the multipart setting on, but then you can clearly see it's actually overlapping 4 of the quad-couplers in the same spot, which is a whole different problem.

So my question for the great wisdom of you all on this forum, is how do I get that inverted quad-coupler to actually be attached to the 4 fuel tank points? Is it even possible to?

I know this involves parts from the ReStock mod, but I remember trying something similar with the stock parts and having a similar problem that caused me to just give up on it, so I'm not certain the fact that my issue involves parts from a mod is entirely a factor in the issue.

I had to abandon my attempts to find a solution and go to work, so I figured I'd make this post during a break at work and see if anyone knows a solution that I can try when I get back home. I greatly appreciate any feedback, suggestions, or solutions anyone is able to provide, and you have my thanks in advance!

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My understanding is that "it can't be done".

The issue is that you are trying to make a "loop", or a closed circle, of parts.  There are many, many things I would like to build with a closed circle of parts, but, unfortunately, the system does not work that way.

Visually, if you still want to do this (or to build anything else with a closed circle of parts), the only solution I'm aware of is to use struts (hidden struts if you can make that work) to "fake it".

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There is a mod called ReCoupler which claims to be able to attach many-to-one for this exact use case, though I've never really tried to use it. I would recommend using larger LF-only fuel tanks like the Mk3 spaceplane tanks in a stack, or a mod that allows you to choose which resources go in your tanks to make the really large LF/Ox tanks hold just LF.

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