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(0.23) Wayland Corp. Development and released download Thread (new parts)


What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...

    • Biodomes from "Silent Running" w/animated doors and delivery system
    • ALIENS Marine Dropship (fully animated]
    • ALIENS APC Transport
    • ALIENS: The Sulaco
    • Star Wars - YT-1300 Milennium Falcon, Low poly, fully animated (landing ramp, cargo bay etc)
    • Star Wars - Boba Fett SLAVE1 (fully animated)
    • Star Wars - Rebel B-Wing fighter.
    • Star Wars - Original X-Wing.

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Ok so I read this...

rescaleFactor and attachnodes

It appears rescaleFactor no longer scales the position of attachnodes,it seems that setting the scale to 1 scales the nodes 1* rescaleFactor ie correctly.

rescaleFactor = x

scale = 1

The devs are aware of this so it might be fixed soon.

So do I readjust all my nodes just for them to break again when they fix the problem? no I don't think so sorry. When they fix the problem, all the incorrect nodes will fix themselves, so as far as parts not fitting, wait until the patch which I assume will be very soon, this release has to have the most bug reports ive ever seen. I havent had many problems with it besides a few glitchy things and plugins no longer working, but thats normal for ksp updates.

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Dang it! Was looking forward to the Dropship. Oh well, I guess that's why it almost seems useless to make mods, cause along comes an update, and nothing works anymore. As for me, I save the old versions, I have 19 now, but mostly play with 18. Like the images man, looks sweet.

Best of luck to ya, I hope it all gets resolved but at what price? In time for 21? Well I dunno, maybe mods should be done after they release a final version?

Just saying.

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Dang it! Was looking forward to the Dropship. Oh well, I guess that's why it almost seems useless to make mods, cause along comes an update, and nothing works anymore. As for me, I save the old versions, I have 19 now, but mostly play with 18. Like the images man, looks sweet.

Best of luck to ya, I hope it all gets resolved but at what price? In time for 21? Well I dunno, maybe mods should be done after they release a final version?

Just saying.

Well, usually only minor things get broken. In this case it's relying on another mod that broke things. When KSP has stock robotics, this will be less of an issue.

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Well, usually only minor things get broken. In this case it's relying on another mod that broke things. When KSP has stock robotics, this will be less of an issue.

1 thing that was broken that I needed was the rotator for the VTOl engines, but I just did a work around so the dropship will come out at some point. Not as great as I hoped but it works at least. I can

update it when r4mon updates damned robotics.

For now, the VTOL engines have 2 settings, Horizontal or vertical, other than that its not so bad.

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Thanks yeah, it's an issue with the scale =1 in the part.cfg files, I am basically updating all the mods in order of popularity, so pegasus then the eagle etc.. anything that had over 10,000 downloads gets priority.


Ill keep an eye out for when the mods i use are updated then.

sucks that over 1/2 of my parts just went poof. and lost my first ever station i was trying to build hehe

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The Eagle has wings... again! Devo is right everybody, just add "scale = 1" right below the rescale factor in your configs, and the nodes all match up again! make sure it's all lower case too, as it IS case sensitive (learned the hard way :D ) SO there is a nice work around for everyone until this mess all gets sorted out! I actually think I like the idea of a two position engine Devo, I seem to remember that being suggested for the Eagle once too... can't wait to try it out! :)


Edited by UltraVires
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Thanks Ultra, I will fix the ones that are popular and re-upload, they should not break when they fix this problem so its all cool now, am loving the new command pod seats, the things that have just been opened up are great, ive already made 3 new rovers in 3 days, new rover wheels and all. I have to go rehearse in a band im in at the moment today, so will be offline for a few hours, but will be back this afternoon with some goodies.

Now that I can just put a seat in and have the cockpit as-is, what rovers would you like to see? I am keen to try all types.

Edited by Devo
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Well obviously we need the Moon Buggy from Space 1999 -


And it's just so... Kerbal looking! Imagine the oversized Kerbal-headed dudes driving this around. It's both a cool and funny/cute image. It's perfect.

Better yet - it's SIMPLE. It's a simple shape to start with, and I bet you could make it a two-piece vehicle like Bobcat's Mk 3 DEMV Motorcycle. Or at most three piece for two Kerbals/seats and the body/wheels.

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Well obviously we need the Moon Buggy from Space 1999 -


And it's just so... Kerbal looking! Imagine the oversized Kerbal-headed dudes driving this around. It's both a cool and funny/cute image. It's perfect.

Better yet - it's SIMPLE. It's a simple shape to start with, and I bet you could make it a two-piece vehicle like Bobcat's Mk 3 DEMV Motorcycle. Or at most three piece for two Kerbals/seats and the body/wheels.

Already made that buggy, and a warthog from halo, fixing up the rover wheels now. Suspension just a bit out of whack.

Also finished the new command pod.


Mediafire link until the spaceport hamster wakes up.


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There is something i have seen a lot of in ksp. Star wars themed ships but never have i seen any of those huge star destroyers . so im asking when you get time if you could make one of those huge star destroyers. It would be so sool to see all the huge guns and fly into its hangar with other starwars fighters that others have made. (and yes if you make it it should be HUGE just like the real thing just scaled down to kerbal scale.


and here you can see the hangar


i know you guys are very busy right now but when you get the chance remember this

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There is something i have seen a lot of in ksp. Star wars themed ships but never have i seen any of those huge star destroyers . so im asking when you get time if you could make one of those huge star destroyers. It would be so sool to see all the huge guns and fly into its hangar with other starwars fighters that others have made. (and yes if you make it it should be HUGE just like the real thing just scaled down to kerbal scale.

(Pic Snipped)

and here you can see the hangar

(Pic Snipped)

i know you guys are very busy right now but when you get the chance remember this

See - I get why you want that. It's iconic, it's cool and all. But I see a conceptual problem with the Star Destroyer.

Can it be built with other things? See - When you really look at it, you don't need a MOD to make the Star Destroyer because none of the shapes are unique enough to need a separate mod. I don't really see anything there that's made up of any complex shape that can't be done with another mod.

Another example of that idea I can think of is the Millenium Falcon. I bet that if you had the cockpit pod and the curved engine bank in the back of the ship to the same scale, that a dedicated fan could recreate the rest of the ship easily enough with either stock parts or existing mods.

Though keeping the part count down is a good counter-argument. Making some of the larger Star Wars ships with stock parts or existing mods might cause some people's systems to lag too much. But even so - I think there would be a lot of support for making specific pieces and letting people take on the challenge of building the rest of the ships themselves.

For the perfect example of what I'm talking about - go check out this thread here -


And this Scott Manley video here -

Edited by Logan.Darklighter
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Oh, that's very nice! :)



Freelancer FL-1 Rover

Spaceport Sucks I give up on it. Have not been able to upload anything for months, so Im just going back to mediafire and this thread.

I will be starting a dedicated Kerbal Modding website very soon (its actually started and live, just need some permission from other modders first)

At least then we will have some control over the content. I have lost a massive amount of faith in the crew behind the Spaceport.

Did Damion run the entire thing? it seems to be coincidental... Damion leaves and the Spaceport falls apart.

Download FL1-Rover


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Freelancer FL-1 Rover

Spaceport Sucks I give up on it. Have not been able to upload anything for months, so Im just going back to mediafire and this thread.

I will be starting a dedicated Kerbal Modding website very soon (its actually started and live, just need some permission from other modders first)

At least then we will have some control over the content. I have lost a massive amount of faith in the crew behind the Spaceport.

Did Damion run the entire thing? it seems to be coincidental... Damion leaves and the Spaceport falls apart.

Download FL1-Rover


Ill take 20!! I was looking forwerd to a ship/part like this as soon as some one asked for a hog:D

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Ill take 20!! I was looking forwerd to a ship/part like this as soon as some one asked for a hog:D

glad to hear, I will bring the Warthog out tonight or tomorrow, I spent some more time on that since it was trying to replicate a real or already existing vehicle.

This is just a simple shape, when I made the warthog I did not like the lack of space to put things, it really is a 2 man jeep.. so this one

is a bit more versatile, can fit more in it, more kerbals, more gear etc.

Also, I am making custom rover wheels for every single vehicle I make, they just take alot more testing than the rover bodies.

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Spaceport Sucks I give up on it. Have not been able to upload anything for months, so Im just going back to mediafire and this thread.

Try uploading your file as a private file, then editing it to be public. It was the only way my upload showed up.

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