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[SHADER] Release of prototype opaque and transparent raymarcher shader for further development and refinement

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So the time has finally come - i managed to actually make something and give back to community. :)

This is a release of raymarcher source code to be used as a generalized template for developing raymarching shader with quick-ish turnaround time. It has shadowcaster pass, it writes to depth map thus allowing raymarched SDF primitives intersect properly with normal mesh geometry in scene. Also uses unity's UNITY_BRDF_PBS() function in attempt to do proper reflections and specular coloring. I can't claim this is proper use of that, but i do hope that those struggling to make their own shader will benefit from this.


And here is the source on Github . Have fun and learning experience using this !

Edited by SabertoothMosquito
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Weeell it depends on your imagination (and some learning curve is involved too) :)
Honestly, it does require some previous knowledge of shader coding. Readme on github has some references to sites where i learned some of the shader coding, but i can't remember ALL of the sites where i picked up little tidbits needed to make this work.

There will certainly be more questions, i'll try to answer them all and help others along their development.

Edited by SabertoothMosquito
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3 hours ago, PicoSpace said:

So what you are saying is we can now make Wonder Woman's Invisible Aeroplane?

Actually, you already can with the KSP shaders. KSP/Specular (Transparent) and a texture with only 80 points opacity will make it completely see through with just a hint of shape.

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