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[0.22.X] BobCat ind. Historical spacecraft thread


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Sounds more like a "finish what you started before moving on to other things" request, than a "i wish" tweak...

When the Buran first came around, we did not have Tweakables. In order to open the cargo bay in the VAB, Bobcat would have had to rely upon a plugin, like firespitter, which at the time he did not want to do. However, Asmi's plugin might be slowing things down, so there goes "no mod dependencies."

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I take it would be possible to migrate the buran doors to the firespitter plugin I have no idea how to do it but guess it could be done

Yes, it would have to be done via Firespitter. Still, when the doors can just be taken off, I think it would actually be easier for the user to take them off and place them back on than using a tweakbles-like system.

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Is there some kind of texture reduction for this mod?

I have good fps values when I don't use it, but adding it just kills it, I drop at about 10 fps...

Even though I have enough memory.

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Is there some kind of texture reduction for this mod?

I have good fps values when I don't use it, but adding it just kills it, I drop at about 10 fps...

Even though I have enough memory.

That sounds weird, it's probably not a memory issue - if you run out of RAM, you crash. Being low on RAM doesn't make your computer run slower, so a texture reduction pack wouldn't help at all, even if there was one.

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Hi guys

Pretty sure I'm doing something silly in install but when in space, If I EVA the Kerbals vanish. I thought this might be a life support issue as they can EVA fine while on the pad.

I would have checked the PDF that's included with the download for install instructions but could not find it.

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remember, folks, bobcat is not contractually obligated to ever say another word ever for the rest of his life on this forum.

All mods are like Schrodinger's cat.

I didn't see anyone imply that he was, everyone is noting ECLSS is on hold. With that said, bobcat has long stretches where he doesn't post in his own threads. Other times he'll post a bunch of pics and videos of something like the tesla scarab rover that looks nearly complete but then never releases it or mentions it again.

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I didn't see anyone imply that he was, everyone is noting ECLSS is on hold. With that said, bobcat has long stretches where he doesn't post in his own threads. Other times he'll post a bunch of pics and videos of something like the tesla scarab rover that looks nearly complete but then never releases it or mentions it again.

I'm not enforcing that rule, I'm just repeating it over and over again till everyone is sick and tired of it. I know I am.

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Hey bobcat, what happened to the PDFs on in the download? The last time I downloaded the soviet pack they weren't there.

Also, what is should I enter into Mechjeb's ascent guidance to get a realistic ascent path for the Soyuz (with a regular Soyuz, not a Soyuz-U with a kliper).

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You're not enforcing what rule? I'm not following what you're trying to say

What Deltac is trying to say is we.. as a community cannot demand anything from anyone here. There is nothing stopping BobCat or anyone else from just walking away never to be heard from again. It's happened before in the past and can happen again.

Is that what's going on here? No. BobCat is respectful so I'm sure if he was going to throw in the towel he'll let us know. But he certainly doesn't HAVE to what so ever. I dout one would throw away all those hours of work so who knows... Real life is a totall *****.

Edited by Motokid600
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