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[0.22.X] BobCat ind. Historical spacecraft thread


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  POTKC said:
ßрðòøûьýþ ÑÂúð÷ðýþ!!! ÃلĄÂÑ‚ÑŒ þýø (øôøþты) ÑÂýðчðûð ÑÂðüø ÿþÿрþñуют чтþ-ýøñуôь ÑÂôõûðть...
Better keep it english or the mods get annoyed.
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  m4ti140 said:

I came to this game after Orbiter 2010, and I do know how real Soyuz worked. Including SAS [i don't mean the gyro, that's how Soyuz LES was named] and landing engines (which I personally miss, though you're right, it's pointless unless you lower descend module's impact tolerance to destroy on touch). And probably I'm not the only one. If someone downloads a replica of real life rocket, than he is not a typical user which didn't even read the manual, if there is so much cool, noob-friendly, Kerbal-style stuff around. Ignore the trolls as well as people who are a textbook definition of noob [why read manual if I can complain to creator that it's too difficult? That's not the way to go guys]. Don't let them limit your possibilities. It's an Indy game, adress your high quality work to high quality players.

Agreed with that. I'd be really glad to see landing rockets, separation motors for LES, proper stage ignition sequence, all those minor things that may have no practical use, but add to realism of the game. If you're so concerned about noobs not getting it, maybe you could make an "advanced" version of the pack with such features enabled, while the "basic" configs would lack them. Also, it would be nice if you added Deadly Reentry data to your configs, it would be ignored for people without the mod, but it'd really improve the experience for those with it. I can do it for you if you want, I'm rather handy with config files and recently tackled this very subject.

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Any clue on why i cant dock with the .crafts(Soyuz,Iss ect) soviet docking ports? they do work when i put them on a new craft on SPH but when i try to dock my soyuz to ISS,they just bump and do nothing.same go's for the black port/docking part that i forgot the name of,the only docking ports that seem to work is the american.

im using 2.0.2(had the same problem in 2.0.0)

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Hey BobCat, out of curiousity I've just measured G-load during final chute deploy - it's 81+G!!! We definetly need to increase a bit the altitude of chute deployment so the craft would slow down more...

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BobCat i've made a spacestation in a 100 km orbit, but when i try to bring the kerbals in with the orion+ares module and switch to the station to put the lights on and the whole orion assembly is broken in to the seperate pieces. Plz some help.

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BobCat i've made a spacestation in a 100 km orbit, but when i try to bring the kerbals in with the orion+ares module and switch to the station to put the lights on and the whole orion assembly is broken in to the seperate pieces. Plz some help.

If you switch [ or ] button , this game specific phisics on/off effect. For switching ships use Track Station.

Oooh, its in unity and textured

And good fly, now need make Altair.

like that


Ares IV Test Fly

Edited by BobCat
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How come you don't want to make SLS after all this is labeled historical spacecraft even though the Ares I and the Ares V will not fly due to the cancellation of constellation it would make more sense to do the SLS since it will be the building blocks to Mankinds next outreach into space which will be some historical feats in the future. It would also be easy to make after Ares V all you would need to do is central core because you have the SRB's alread and you have Orion already its just the 1st and 2nd stage.

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  samcar304 said:
How come you don't want to make SLS after all this is labeled historical spacecraft even though the Ares I and the Ares V will not fly due to the cancellation of constellation it would make more sense to do the SLS since it will be the building blocks to Mankinds next outreach into space which will be some historical feats in the future. It would also be easy to make after Ares V all you would need to do is central core because you have the SRB's alread and you have Orion already its just the 1st and 2nd stage.

SLS is just as non-existent as Ares-V is :) The only difference is that SLS is not yet cancelled, but its time will come :)

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OK, as I've said I made some cfg editing to recreate OGB SAS behaviour and I succeeded. All I had to do was to add nodes to Soyuz Orbital Module and top shroud (they're now meant to connect to each other (yes, I did maths, nodes are in correct positions) - that's not exactly how it worked IRL, but it at least looks more realisticly now) and added/removed some decouplers on top and bottom shrouds. Now shrouds behave correctly both on abort and separation. The only thing I couldn't figure out yet was how to make airbrakes open via hotkey - they neither open with action group (I added all stuff that happens on OGB SAS separation and escape into "Abort" action group) nor with 'gear' button (it is present in "Gear" action group), they need to be opened with gear icon.

Now, BobCat, can I upload somewhere and/or send you in Private Message the modified part.cfg's for Soyuz TMA Orbital Module and shrouds?

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