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[0.22.X] BobCat ind. Historical spacecraft thread


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Isn't SRB in Ares I supposed to be gimballed?

The space shuttle SRBs were and to fly exclusively through the first stage without it would be tricky. I don't know for sure but the commonality of design suggests yes.

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I can't find the post of what your schedule was for the American pack was, but I was wondering if you were planning on doing a Saturn V at any point for it? The Apollo program was my favourite of any of the space programs

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I can't find the post of what your schedule was for the American pack was, but I was wondering if you were planning on doing a Saturn V at any point for it? The Apollo program was my favourite of any of the space programs

His steps are

1. Ares I and Orion

2. Ares V and Altair

3. Duna/Mars Landers?

4. Land Equipment?

I remember Orion and Altair for sure, but not 100% sure in the next two.

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Maybe that will stop it falling over in gravity turns ;)

Using MechJeb 1.9.8 fixed that for me... Kinda...

MechJeb 1.9.8 starts it's gravity turn at 10 km, the SRB has more fuel left, it starts turning WAY too fast... and then runs out of fuel, leaving the J2-X engine to correct the error.

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Not to interrupt the Orion discussion -- but I had the same "decides to do somersaults" issue with the Kliper/Soyuz combo while using MechJeb. I think the problem is actually pretty straightforward: KSP uses both gimbal and aerodynamic surfaces to control a rocket in flight. What's happening with the Kliper, I think, is that if the gravity turn takes place in the thicker atmosphere (i.e. below 25km), the Kliper wings actually overwhelm the stack's ability to gimbal-control its flight.

Solution: set MechJeb's ascent profile to have the gravity turn take place higher in the atmosphere. I haven't tested this yet... but it should work.

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Not to interrupt the Orion discussion -- but I had the same "decides to do somersaults" issue with the Kliper/Soyuz combo while using MechJeb. I think the problem is actually pretty straightforward: KSP uses both gimbal and aerodynamic surfaces to control a rocket in flight. What's happening with the Kliper, I think, is that if the gravity turn takes place in the thicker atmosphere (i.e. below 25km), the Kliper wings actually overwhelm the stack's ability to gimbal-control its flight.

Solution: set MechJeb's ascent profile to have the gravity turn take place higher in the atmosphere. I haven't tested this yet... but it should work.

Also, adding fins to the rockets lower stages (to give it more aero forces to "fight back") or see of the control surfaces on the Kliper can be locked, possibly by assigning them to a toggle key.

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I use mechjeb not a crutch but because these systems are really automated in almost every regard and I seek to mirror that. I can get Kliper to orbit just fine on me own...I'd just rather not...it steals some of the magic. I know that's the reverse mentality around here but I have no romanticised feelings for manually accomplishing anything in KSP...

Don't be that categorical.

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BobCat, could you make this...thing as part of your American Pack?

(video snip)

That concept was one of the ideas thrown around in the early stages of Constellation planning for the heavy-lift launcher option. It was rejected in favor of the in-line shuttle-derived concept that became the Ares V, which BobCat is going to make. So I think the answer is probably no; he's going with the option the Constellation program picked.

Having said that..... it would be kinda sorta awesome if we someday got a side-mounted cargo carrier for the Energia, so that it could be used without the Buran as a heavy lifter.....

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Can you include a fully assembled Mir station craft in the next update for those of us who are too lazy to send it up in its seperate modules, it be great.

There are instructions for it already.

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