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[0.22.X] BobCat ind. Historical spacecraft thread


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What I have noticed is that in 0.20 the Mir docking ports are more "bouncy" than before. Before the magnets would draw my Soyuz in and instantly dock it, now it draws it in and the Soyuz bounces off the port then sometimes docks and other times does not. Almost as if the collision for the port is slightly off in the 0.20 pack?

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Ive build Mir in space 4 or 5 times, but lost them in the patching process.

This time arround ive tryed a preasembled version with some test stuff attached...


Tho i gotta admit its way more fun to launch every part up and attach them manualy :)

Okay dumb question on my part, I have this pack, I have it in orbit ... Am I missing a part? That large Antenna array coming out of the Kvant 1 doesn't exist in the part I have. I have tried Right clicking, Using a Kerbal EVA. I assume that's a additional part that had to be placed on it? The only thing it seems to do (and this was the same in 0.19 as well as 0.20) is unfold a antenna from underneath.

So if that is a separate part could someone tell me which is is and why it's apparently not in the pack that I downloaded?

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Okay dumb question on my part, I have this pack, I have it in orbit ... Am I missing a part? That large Antenna array coming out of the Kvant 1 doesn't exist in the part I have. I have tried Right clicking, Using a Kerbal EVA. I assume that's a additional part that had to be placed on it? The only thing it seems to do (and this was the same in 0.19 as well as 0.20) is unfold a antenna from underneath.

So if that is a separate part could someone tell me which is is and why it's apparently not in the pack that I downloaded?

Note the "with some test stuff attached" in the text above the picture. You're not missing anything.

Frandsen's trying to create an equivalent of two experiments that were on the real Kvant-1. The bigger one is the Sofora girder. The box at the end was an additional attitude control module for Mir. In front of that girder, you can see the smaller Rapana girder, which was a construction experiment.

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Using MechJeb 1.9.8 fixed that for me... Kinda...

MechJeb 1.9.8 starts it's gravity turn at 10 km, the SRB has more fuel left, it starts turning WAY too fast... and then runs out of fuel, leaving the J2-X engine to correct the error.

Well I've tried a range of altitudes to start the turn at. Sure if you let the SRB run out when vertical it doesn't fall over. That's all great but it shouldn't do that :P

It's something to do with the Orion part itself as I slammed it on a Falcon 9 (that I know flys perfectly well with other payloads, including a couple of Bobcat's MIR parts) and it fell over on that too. I have found I can mitigate the problem using the RCS BUT that burns off Monopropellant like a mother. Is it maybe an issue relating the weak (5 IIRC) SAS torque of the docking ring ASAS to the stability of the rocket and the centre of mass being high once a decent amount of the fuel is depleted? In both the case of the Ares I and the Falcon 9 I'm using they are 2.5m parts with a larger top section where all the persitant mass is. Gravitationally this isn't so stable, and if you start tipping it to one side once it's burnt off a good amount of fuel there isn't enough torque in the ASAS module to stop the over balance and keep it upright, and once the thrust from the base moves outside the gimbal range of the engine it all starts to go wrong fast.?

I'm only theorising. I'm gonna try whacking the SAS torque up a bit and see if that affects it.

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Bobcat never answered my original question that I had that started this debate about the Mir.

If he gave us the craft file, you'd just have to load it up in the VAB anyway, so build it yourself. I'm pretty sure that's what Bobcat will say.

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Bobcat never answered my original question that I had that started this debate about the Mir.

BobCat's time would be much better spent working on the mountain of projects he's already laid out for himself rather than dropping everything to do something you're perfectly capable of doing yourself but, by your own admission, are too lazy to do.

Edited by Jack Wolfe
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If he gave us the craft file, you'd just have to load it up in the VAB anyway, so build it yourself. I'm pretty sure that's what Bobcat will say.

He'd probably be a lot more sarcastic and would even put a bear picture to his post.

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I have another related request that I know will all ready be immediately shot down and mockedbut bobcat could you include a save file with An assembled Mir with spacecraft docked to it in orbit around kerbin, like cBBp has done in his KOSMOS SSP packs "KOSMOS Inspire" save file

Edit:this thread has reached another binary numbering posts,512

Edited by DarthVader
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You could make your own MIR craft file in half an hour if you wanted to, yet you are asking someone else to spend half an hour of his precious time to do it for you because you're too lazy to do it.

If you want it so badly, why don't you do it yourself? Bobcat has better things to do than build craft files for you.

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Subassembly is broken for .20

I'm positive this wouldn't take more than 20 minutes with hyperedit, 19 to assemble the craft file using subassembly 1 to get it in orbit with hyperedit.

Plus in the version of the pack I'm running 1.8.4 doesn't have craft files for anything (I heard that it was messed up so I'm not downloading it)

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Subassembly is broken for .20

It' isn't, there's a fix for it. The icon doesn't work on mine but I think there's a file missing that's my fault. I've used it very successfully in 0.20.

More flight testing:

I went back to the original Ares I and Orion and it's falling over in a straight up profile with MechJeb 2.0 (my turn was programmed for 20km, after the SRB sep) It just seems to make the rocket very unstable and hard to steer as the lower stage fuel starts to run out, liquid or solid. It's very similar to what happens if you put a bunch of dumb struts at the top of a rocket stack then try and steer that using SAS. It's very hard!

Has anyone tried flying it manually? I tried a *manual* flight using MechJeb's guide target in the navball and even that went wrong when I tried to turn, a tiny error that would normally be reversible and it started to pinwheel over and I couldn't pull it back with SAS alone. I had to abort the flight (easily done using the excellent LAS system :D). So, I don't think it's MechJeb's fault. Other people's rockets/payloads/stacks fly just fine with MechJeb 2.0.

I have also observed that the Ares I has a few weak/wonky joints in the second stage. The join between the J-2X and the 1st stage interface cone and also the joint between the stage 2 tanks both wobble badly even when not in flight. The staggering of these joints is also another contributing factor to the rocket tumbling over as they screw with the COM and the thrust direction.

To be honest your American Pack mod looks awesome and once in orbit the Orion steers, manoeuvres and docks fantastically. Combined with LionHead's circular solar panels (which I always loved) it is peachy. The *only* reason I am reeling off all this complaining and info about the launch issues is because I want the whole thing to be awesome, you are a great modder and have made some impressive parts (the Soyuz and MIR stuff is amazing) that I love using. I don't want to sound ungrateful, because I'm not!

I'm going to play with MIR parts while you fix Ares/Orion :)

Edited by MDBenson
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I didn't have any problems with MechJeb 2.0 and the Ares/Orion stack when I tested it two nights ago. Are you using the most recent dev update of MechJeb? I think there's a small bug in the ASAS control system in the 2.0.8 release or something. Go to the first page of the MechJeb thread and look for the "get the most recent dev build here" link, and download the v56 file. See if that helps things.

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The folder inside the folder GameData in the download goes in Ksp's Game data folder, plugins go in plugins same as plug in data, the manuals don't need to be installed you can do whatever you want with them

Thank you Darth. :)

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To everyone who has trouble flying the Orion: At the end of Ares SRB part.cfg there's this line:

gimbalRange = 0.12

Change it so it says:

gimbalRange = 1.2

Or whatever suits you. This should make the Ares I much more controllable.

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I didn't have any problems with MechJeb 2.0 and the Ares/Orion stack when I tested it two nights ago. Are you using the most recent dev update of MechJeb? I think there's a small bug in the ASAS control system in the 2.0.8 release or something. Go to the first page of the MechJeb thread and look for the "get the most recent dev build here" link, and download the v56 file. See if that helps things.
Perhaps this is the answer behind the mystey of the flipping Kliper and other stability issues I've noticed since 2.0.8/.20
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Having a odd issue relaunching my Mir ... Once I start the gravity turn The camera pops, dropping from "Center Of Mass" to the next lowest stage then eventually floats away from the ship all together. The data log says the Mir Probe Core was destroyed ... It wasn't ... If I shut the engines down, quickly switch to the space center and then back to the ship it fixes it for a short time. Then it will happen again. ... Um .. WTF is happening? Help ... Using Mj 2.0.8, Docking Cam plug in, and the plugins that come with soviet pack. Have Chatterer, KSPX, Tac Fuel Balancer, Kethane, Quantum Struts and Fuel Transfer, American pack, ISS pack (Soviet parts removed because of duplicates), Aviation Lights, Fustek station parts, and soviet pack 1.8.4, Running Windows 8, 2.4ghz I3 6gb ddr3 ram Intel Graphics (laptop can't fix that) KSP 0.20.1

Any help on this issue would be great.

Note I did try launching these on both included launchers and stock built launchers and had the exact same thing happen. Something happens and the Camera drops to the next lowest stage then a few seconds later will do it again and I lose all control.

Edited by HGGundamReviews
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Perhaps this is the answer behind the mystey of the flipping Kliper and other stability issues I've noticed since 2.0.8/.20

No, I had the flipping Kliper issue (flippklip?) too. That issue, I think, is due to the Kliper's aerodynamic surfaces being used to steer the Soyuz stack and throwing everything out of balance.

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No, I had the flipping Kliper issue (flippklip?) too. That issue, I think, is due to the Kliper's aerodynamic surfaces being used to steer the Soyuz stack and throwing everything out of balance.
It didn't use to do this though. Something changed, with either MJ2 or Kliper itself.

Pre 0.20 I had no problems. I have the exact same .craft files for my Soyuz/Kliper, all that changed inbetween was 0.20/MJ2.0.8/Soviet Pack .20 version. The answer lies in what change is causing this new problem. I'm starting to suspect Mechjeb is the issue here, I've noticed several ASAS problems since the last upgrade. Ship stability is very wonky now, especially when docking. Used to be smooth as butter for me but now ships stutter and sway.

[EDIT] Nope, the latest v56 build of 2.0.8 didn't do anything, still flipped. Interestingly when I decided to try a launch sans Kliper wings and control surfaces I got an immediate CTD with no message or log. Will investigate further...

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