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[0.22.X] BobCat ind. Historical spacecraft thread


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LOK means Lunar Orbital Spacercraft, right?

Yes Ûуýýыù Þрñøтðûьýыù Úþрðñûь

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Dragon01 you lucky son-of-a-gun!!!

(No offense intended.)

Id rather call him a poor b...

I mean balancing, or even helping to balance a rocket is so ridicoulesly difficult I'd stay as far away from it as possible

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Perfect. No more accidentally launching the SAS into interstellar space. :) We still have no idea how exactly the payload shroud worked on the real thing, but I guess that short of finding contacting someone who worked on the project back in the '60s, there might be no way of finding that you.

In other news, I started collage now, so I might have a bit less time for KSP. I'll try to ensure no delays to release, though. Also, I'm studying physics, so there soon might be quite a few Polish students admiring the Soyuz and N1 when it comes out. :) Something tells me they're gonna love KSP.

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What do you mean? Zond is a stripped-down Soyuz launched on the Proton. You can already try to jury-rig it, but the shrouds won't line up. The only thing really needed for it would be a new payload fairing and a Block D fitted for use on Proton (the N1 one has an automatic fairing). Perhaps also this sensor module in front.

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Yeah, I think the antennas where the orbital module would go is a must so it looks right. The Zond was a close as the Soviets ever got to the moon with their manned program. I think it deserves a place of honor in Bobcat's pack!

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What time need to balance N1L3 ?

I'll try to do this tomorrow. Oh, and send the new SAS over if you're happy with how it looks. I've roughly got the flight profile right, now I'm fine-tuning it. It'd be nice to have everything functional. Oh, and there's one more thing, check your mail.

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